
A round-up app that helps users CRUSH their auto loans!



raised from 62 investors
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Massive scalability attacking a huge underserved market. We've got the first mover advantage!
We've already proven rapid, forecastable growth. With your investment we aim for 35%+ MoM growth 📈
Built by Army Veterans to help credit consumers TRULY level up.
We're operating, growing, making money, help us reach even more users! 💰💰💰

Our Team

We are both passionate about cars and about helping people. We saw the MASSIVE problem of exploding auto debt + high interest rates, coupled with a market that the tech sector has largely ignored!

Paydownhero is putting the financial power in the hands of users!

We saw the problem of exploding car loan debt and how the American consumer is falling farther and farther behind. Unless you have excellent credit, you will be paying 7%+ in interest and spending so much more $ for the same car! It's an old industry that hasn't changed much in decades. Very little innovation and most 'new' products coming to market for consumers add debt by financing secondary purchases like winter tires, maintenance plans, cosmetic protection packages. What has all this accomplished? It has buried the consumer in terrible loans and made it near impossible to pull themselves out of.

We are here to help! Truly. We aren't a gimmick. We aren't here to sell out our users. We are here to actually help users payoff their debt by making extra payments, freeing them from the yoke of oppressive lending practices. We offer real-time updates on the impact that payments have and incentivize our users to reach their goals!

We kept the concept simple. The business fundamentals are rock solid. We provide a service for which we charge small fees and are careful about the costs to move money to service our users. We know our margin. We are generating revenue now. There is little guesswork in the revenue ramp.

What makes us special? It turned out that automating our payment process on the back-end was nearly impossible. We overcame substantial technical and industry hurdles in order to solve the automated movement of funds at a large scale across a high number of lenders. We are the first to develop this payment system and apply it to the auto loan market!

We're the first to tackle auto-loan payoffs in this was and we charge extremely reasonable fees compared to other 'competitors'. We built this platform to actually help people, not just make a buck. In a financial world where profit and growth is often the ONLY motive, we are mission driven and duty bound to help our fellow Americans get a hold of their debt. That is what happens with two Army Captains at the helm of this organization.

Since launch, we've experienced exciting growth that outpaced even our own expectations! Users are flocking to our platform which proves the demand for a helping hand! We're thrilled to take the next leap forward and grow, with your help! We've solved the technical side, now we need to reach more users!

We're embarking on the next phase with the build out of the Paydownhero marketplace. A place where lenders can offer direct re-fi products right to the hands of our user base. Better rates, better terms, the user wins. Period. Help us build phase 2 and really disrupt the market!

From Ken, Erik, and the rest of the team, thank you! Join us and help us make a difference!

