
Investment platform unlocking the $30T+ home equity market for investors & homeowners



reserved by 327 investors



Raised $250K or more from a venture firm

Fintech platform unlocking the $30T+ home equity market for Homeowners & Investors
$10M+ raised from VCs (LiveOak Ventures, Revolution, 7BC, Capital Factory) and 3k+ individuals
Released "Cityfund", a series of SEC-qualified city-specific home equity portfolios for investors
20k+ investors with investments in 150+ properties across 7 major markets

Featured Investors

Our Team

Nada Unlocks the $30T+ Home Equity Market for Everyone

Nada is backed by institutional VCs as well as over 3k individuals. We have previously raised over $10M in venture equity capital from LiveOak Venture Partners, Revolution, Capital Factory, 7BC, Visa, Sweater, and many others.

The Homeowner Liquidity Problem

Today's economy is challenging. With rising interest rates and dangerous inflation levels, homeowners face major hurdles to maintaining their financial stability and security. Yet, 68% of American family wealth is trapped in home equity - that's over $30 trillion that is inaccessible due to an antiquated financial system.

Historically, homeowners had only two options to access this equity:

  • (1) sell the home and move out of their largest asset or
  • (2) take on the burden of extra debt with a refinance or a home equity loan

A Massive Opportunity

Home Equity Investments ("HEI"s) have emerged as the next major product for Homeowners and Investors.

Better for Homeowners:

  • Provides debt-free access to cash-out home equity
  • No monthly payments or interest rates
  • No restrictions on use of funds and no credit impact
  • Ownership and majority equity upside retained

Better for Investors:

  • Provides access to the untapped home equity market
  • More efficient & diversified than rental or flip asset types
  • No property ownership or management risks
  • Present attractive and downside-protected returns: 14%+ net IRRs

Most real estate investment products provide exposure to commercial real estate and only a few focus on single-family, primarily as rentals. However, there are no real estate investment products that provide investors with access to this $30T+ home equity sector.

What is an HEI?

HEIs are lien-secured agreements where homeowners receive cash upfront in exchange for a share of their home's future value.

The Nada Platform

Nada's unique model addresses this two-sided problem with a single platform designed to unlock the home equity market for both homeowners and real estate investors:

  • Nada originates HEIs, called "Homeshares" for Homeowners
  • Nada created HEI investment products called "Cityfunds" for Investors

We bring investors and homeowners together to build and preserve wealth through home equity.


Nada's Cityfunds product has created an entirely new way to own residential real estate in the best cities across the US. Cityfunds were inspired by the transformation we saw in the equities market with thematic ETFs. We recognized the opportunity to deliver this type of thematic and targeted exposure to the largest asset class in the world -- real estate.

  • Thematic: Targeted exposure to a single city's home equity market
  • Diversified: Capital efficient assets (HEIs)
  • Accessible: SEC-Qualified for all investors, accredited or not
  • Liquid: Investors can redeem or trade shares directly on the Nada platform

*See Cityfunds I, LLC offering circular here for complete details on the Secondary Trading Platform.

Homeshares (use cases)

Today, nearly all of our homeowner customers are cashing out their home equity to invest back into their homes.

Business Model

How it works

  1. Investor capital is pooled in Cityfunds, then invested in HEI Originations for Homeowners
  2. Homeowners pay off HEIs by selling their home or buying back their equity, generating returns for Investors
  3. Invested capital is returned from HEI payoffs and then recycled to fund new HEI Originations

We Unlocked Millions in Home Equity for Homeowners & Investors

In our first year as an SEC-Qualified investment platform, we grew our home equity AUM to over $10M, helped 150 families access their trapped equity, and saw 20k+ individual investors join our platform.

We established strong homeowner affiliate channel partners that can scale with us.

We won Best Alternative Investment Platform of 2023

From the Benzinga 2023 Awards

PMF Established in 2023, Now We are Ready to Scale

In late 2022, we executed a full pivot to focus exclusively on Cityfunds and Homeshares as our core revenue. In 2023, we grew this revenue by 3X from Q1-2023 to Q4-2023.

Today, we have achieved product-market fit and are ready to scale.

*2023 unaudited non-GAAP based on management report; 2024 and 2025 are projections.

Forward-looking projections cannot be guaranteed

With Strong Unit Economics

94% Gross Margin on Recurring-like Revenue

  • Unit economics on a $60k Homeshare sold to a Cityfund, held for 5 years until a payoff event
  • Cityfunds are evergreen, enabling investor capital to be recycled, creating recurring-like revenue
  • By year 5, our LTV to CAC reaches 5x unleveraged and 9x with leverage (40%)

LTV = Lifetime Value is Gross Profit realized over a 5-year period (revenue minus cost of goods/sales)

CAC = Customer Acquisition Cost (marketing costs to acquire homeowner customers & Cityfunds investments)

Forward-looking projections cannot be guaranteed.

Built the First App for Investing in Home Equity

We built the first web & mobile app for investing in HEIs--making investing in home equity as simple as stocks.

The Cityfunds by Nada App is available now to anyone:

Built Compliant & Sustainable

Team with Years of Domain Experience

We have five new Cityfunds launching in early 2024 and more planned for the year.

Clear Path to $100M+ Annual Revenue
