Invest in Morari, Inc.
Climax Control Patch for a MOR Intimate Experience
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Corporate affairs advisor & family office health investment mgr. Helped build reputations for many bio, tech, medtech & other complex co's.
“Back in the late 1990's I was honing my early communication skills at Pfizer, with our launch of Viagra. So I'm deeply aware of both the challenges and the massive opportunities associated with true innovation in the sexual health area. Morari, Inc., CEO Jeff Bennett and his skilled team are perfectly poised to bring Morari's climax control patch, Mor, to a large market that will benefit immensely from the technology. Consider joining me in what may possibly be the last investment opportunity...”
Our Team

MOR is a drug-free wearable skin patch to help enhance or improve sexual performance.
You’re not alone!
An estimated 30% of men experience challenges with early climax, while another 40% of men would simply like to last longer to improve partner satisfaction.

At Morari, we are tackling this problem head-on with the groundbreaking MOR patch.
This is pioneering innovation in the massive male sexual wellness market, which has had no significant innovation for over 20 years.
Hear what Jimmy Kimmel had to say about MOR:

MOR requires no drugs, no numbing or desensitizing creams, no painful procedures, and no prescriptions – just intense pleasure controlled with the ease and convenience of a smartphone app.

The Science Behind MOR.
The MOR System features a wearable skin patch that includes a wireless transcutaneous electric nerve stimulator (TENS), a Bluetooth transmitter, and a small battery.

The patch is worn during intercourse on the skin in the perineum (between the scrotum and anus).
When the time is right, the patch is applied and activated via a simple smartphone app, where users can customize the settings to find their sweet spot.
Once on, a quiet and gentle sensation is temporarily felt that confuses the nerves responsible for carrying the signals from the penis to the brain, and those from the brain to the muscles that cause contraction and ejaculation.

It’s safe, it’s comfortable, and most importantly, gives you control! MOR has been reported to not only delaying a climax, but also intensifying it.
When Viagra hit the market in 1998, the little blue pill earned Pfizer $400 million within three months of its launch.
It went on to generate billions of dollars of sales over the following two decades.
Today, Morari has the unique opportunity to spice thigs up in a $37B global sexual health and wellness market.

Early ejaculation is very prevalent among men. These men – and their partners – suffer in silence. For them, this sensitive problem can be a source of major disappointment and shame which is often kept private and seldom talked about - even with medical professionals - impacting self-esteem and relationships.

Partners are also significantly impacted by early ejaculation as they can be left disappointed, frustrated, and dissatisfied with their sexual relationship. This delicate issue can lead to a breakdown of intimacy and communication as couples struggle to manage the impact on their bond.

It’s no wonder that the current annual consumption for ejaculation delay-related products, including sprays, creams, and drug therapies, is currently greater than $1 billion!
Even with all that money on the table, none of the current treatments have significantly resolved the issue and some negative side effects often outweigh their positive.
Our closest direct competitor, in2, is a single-use product and lacks an app for customized settings. MOR simply has more to offer.

Clearly, the demand is there for couples around the world in need of MOR. And it can’t come too soon.
We are ready to take things to the next level – let’s get busy.
As part of our discovery process, we conducted early feasibility and usability studies and the results were a success, validating our patch.
The toe-curling testimonials are further validating!

We expect our FDA clearance in Q1, 2025, clearing the path for getting MOR into the hands (and pants) of the public.

Even before the official product launch, MOR has created a considerable buzz around the world.
The global interest in our solution gives us continued confidence in our mission to provide an answer to an unmet need that exists for men worldwide. This also underscores the opportunity to develop and execute a comprehensive sales and marketing campaign.
Morari has been featured in:
and many others...Go here for our media page.
This coverage brought in millions of hits on our website with 4,000+ potential customers signing up to be kept informed on launch progress. The amazing feedback and support we received demonstrated the urgency in this market.
We were also featured on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live! - a show with an average of 1.8 million viewers.
The MOR patch has not yet hit the market, but our innovation has already been recognized across the industry with the following awards and honors:

And this is just the beginning!
We have engaged an experienced direct-to-consumer external marketing firm which will provide us with a detailed launch plan to reach our target market.
During the first phase of commercialization, we will sell our product via a direct-to-consumer model through a dedicated online store and established online distributors.
The second phase will target distribution through existing retailers.

For something intended to slow things down in the bedroom, MOR has the potential to generate a quick path to profit.
We expect to be net income positive less than 24 months after launch!
Our revenue and net income projections currently stand at:

Our planned exit strategy is an acquisition. Based on the results of the product launch, we will initiate discussions with potential acquirers about interest in Morari.
Your investment is in great hands. We are equipped with a team of experts, leveraging 75 years of collective experience in urology and sexual health.
Our team is led by CEO and founder Jeff Bennett, who has more than 25 years of medical device experience. He has also led the global launch of several high-profile products.

This is your opportunity to invest in a company with incredible potential to make a real impact in the growing industry. This is also the last chance to lock in an investment under pre-FDA clearance terms!

We are opening our doors to the Wefunder community for a 2nd time to launch MOR. We previously raised over $652,000 on Wefunder and we know we can do it again.
The proceeds of this community round will be used to execute the commercial launch, purchase inventory, make key hires in commercial and operations departments, develop our e-commerce site, and software maintenance.
We think MOR could become the biggest thing in the growing male sexual product industry since Viagra – and this is your chance to come along for the ride.

Invest in Morari today!
Morari has not received regulatory clearance to market MOR. The funds from this campaign will support the submission requesting regulatory clearance and preparing for commercialization when approved. An investment is not a purchase of the MOR product. No product, of any kind, will be provided in connection with an investment in this fundraising campaign.