Invest in LPPFusion

Good Bye Fossil Fuels - Hello Fusion Energy!

FIRST GOAL HIT (You can still invest)


raised from 140 investors
Priced Round
$74.30M pre-money valuation
$100, $1K, $2K, $10K
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Fares and Todd interviewed LPPFusion on March 30, 2021. Play Video
Fares Ksebati
CEO of MySwimPro
Todd Folk
Founder/CEO of AppApp 10+ years in the hospitality industry. Serial Entrepreneur, Tobacconist, & Rum aficionado.
says, "BIG Opportunity to completely replace fossil fuel in the future! The market is massive and the concept of decentralized power that is safe and efficient is very very compelling as the world becomes more complex."
says, "This is the moonshot kind of company I always find fascinating. The energy market is easily one of, if not THE largest market in the world. The team is LPP are clearly subject matter experts and specialists."
says, "Be sure to show a realistic timeline and the traction needed to achieve key milestones on the journey to sustainable fossil free energy! Best of luck!"
says, "Since this is still very heavily in the research and early/mid testing phase I think really understanding why this makes sense over the larger, major government backed projects is important. You have done a great job explaining the product and how it works, but really knowing what your research competition is, why you are better, and most importantly, why you think you can beat them to market is very good to know as an investor."

What Investors Say

Invested $5,000 this round + $30,900 previously
We are investing in LPP Fusion because they are leading the way to the inexhaustible, inexpensive, clean and safe energy source that the world urgently needs. With only millions in investment, we believe they have made more progress than projects with billions and that they are closer to the goal of producing net energy than any other private fusion company. The generators that they are developing would provide decentralized, reliable and secure energy that can reach everyone in the world, completely replacing fossil fuels and freeing up trillions of dollars in annual energy costs for other uses.

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