Invest in Lords Of Fortune

Our planned summer, 2025 recovery of the GOAT, the Greatest Of All Treasures, from the RMS Republic



reserved of a $500,000 goal
Revenue Share Loan
65% of revenue  5.0X  6.0X payback multiple The company stops sharing their revenue after you have been repaid a multiple of your original investment. An example: if you invest $1000, and the payback multiple is 3X, you have the right to be repaid $3000 over the life of the agreement - your original $1000 plus another $2000.
Early Bird Bonus:

A piece of RMS Republic. It may be anything recovered from the wreck from a piece of coal, a pottery chard, rivet, etc., the selection at at the Company's sole discretion.  Includes a Certificate of Authenticity signed by an Expedition Participant.

Investor Perks:
$500, $1K, $2.5K, $5K, $25K, $100K, $250K, $1M
Pitch Video
Investor Panel


A truly historic salvage of one of the most famous treasure ships, the Royal Mail Steamship Republic
We have solved the mystery why RMS Republic carried "riches beyond most men's wildest dreams."
The US Government had claimed "all" the gold aboard. Their claim has been dismissed with prejudice.
After 40 years of litigation, 10 years with the DoJ, we now own RMS Republic and her cargoes.

Our Team

Managing Member
Finder of the famous shipwreck RMS Republic, star of History Channel's 2016 nine-episode series Billion Dollar Wreck, author The Tsar's Treasure. He is experienced with deep-sea cargo recovery operations. B.A., B.Sc.B.Ad. (Magna Cum Laude), MBA.
It was never the money, but the mystery surrounding the RMS Republic; why would this ship be carrying "riches beyond most men's wildest dreams"? Solving the mystery was the challenge. See my book The Tsar's Treasure.
Grant BayerleGeneral Counsel
During his third year of law school, he won the West Virginia State Business Plan Competition, prevailing over more than 70 other teams. He has worked with a number of start-ups through various stages of development. He is licensed in CA, FL and WV.
Timothy D. BarrowAdmiralty Counsel
Attorney Tim Barrow's admiralty practice revolves around cargo loss, damage claims and litigation. He was instrumental in defeating the US Government who had claimed all the gold aboard RMS Republic, and in securing ownership to her and her cargoes.

"Riches beyond most men's wildest dreams reportedly lie in the hulk of the liner Republic ... "
