Legion M

The World's First Fan-Owned Entertainment Company

Last Funded April 2021


raised from 34,493 investors
Pitch Video
Investor Panel


We have financial statements ending June 30, 2020.

At a Glance

Jan 1 – Jun 30, 2020
Net Loss
Short-Term Debt
Raised in 2020
Cash on Hand
Net Margin:
Gross Margin:
Return on Assets:
Earnings per Share:
Revenue per Employee:
Cash to Assets:
Revenue to Receivables:
Debt Ratio:

The following discussion relates to Legion M’s financial condition and results of operations and includes audited financial data through December 31, 2019 and should be read in conjunction with our financial statements and the related notes included in this annual report. The discussion contains forward-looking statements that reflect our plans, estimates, and beliefs. Our actual results could differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements.

2019 Operating Results

Our revenue for the year ended December 31, 2019 (“Fiscal 2019”) was $645,565, a 259% increase over our revenue of $179,589 during the year ended December 31, 2018 (“Fiscal 2018”). Cost of net revenue in Fiscal 2019 was $529,153 a 307% increase compared to $130,131 cost of net revenue in Fiscal 2018. Accordingly, we had a gross profit of $116,412 in Fiscal 2019 a 135% increase compared to our gross profit of $49,458 in Fiscal 2018. At this stage in the company’s development, our revenue and margins are still fairly volatile. We expect this to continue as we introduce and develop new revenue streams.

Revenue in Fiscal 2019 primarily came from Legion M projects (including merchandise sales and licensing related to those projects), ticket-sales and sponsorships related to Legion M events, and sales of Legion M branded merchandise. Revenue in Fiscal 2018 came primarily from merchandise sales related to Legion M projects and Legion M branded merchandise.

In addition to the revenue recognized in this period, Legion M also had $148,390 in project-related revenue that was collected in 2019, but has not been recognized because the deliverables associated with it were not delivered during the period. This revenue will be recognized in our interim 2020 financial statements, but in 2019 it is listed as a “deferred revenue” liability on the balance sheet.

For Fiscal 2019, operating expenses were $3,761,768 compared to Fiscal 2018 expenses of $2,460,523. Our operating expenses consist of employee compensation and benefits, sales and marketing, independent contractors, professional fees (e.g. legal, accounting, etc.), travel expenses, general and administrative, depreciation, and asset impairment.

The largest component of our Fiscal 2019 operating expenses was Sales and Marketing, which was $1,989,641 in Fiscal 2019 compared to $817,995 in Fiscal 2018. These expenses vary greatly based on what we are promoting. For example, during our equity crowdfunding campaigns (we raised $4,386,442 during Fiscal 2019 compared to $1,923,629 in Fiscal 2018) we use online advertising to market the fundraising opportunity. When our projects release (in Fiscal 2019 we had releases for Girl With No Name, Tolkien, Field Guide to Evil, Excelsior! Stan Lee Tribute, Memory: The Origins of Alien, and Jay and Silent Bob Reboot , whereas in Fiscal 2018 Bad Samaritan was our only project release), we often spend money to market the projects. We also produce Legion M events and activations at comic cons and film festivals (e.g. Legion M Live Lounge at Sundance in both Fiscal 2019 and Fiscal 2018) that have costs associated with them, although whenever possible we work with sponsors to help offset these costs.

The next largest component of our operating expenses are the costs associated with compensation and benefits to employees and independent contractors. This includes not only cash expenses (e.g. the money we pay for salaries, wages, taxes and benefits) but also the value (according to GAAP accounting standards) of stock options vesting to employees and advisors. Note that where appropriate under GAAP accounting standards, costs of project-specific labor expenses are capitalized and appear as “Investments in Productions” on our balance sheet instead of the “Compensation and benefits” line of the Statement of Operations.

Our cost of Compensation and Benefits decreased to $1,124,214 in Fiscal 2019 from $1,151,820 in Fiscal 2018, and our cost of Independent Contractors decreased to $77,925 from $81,230. As of December 31, 2019, we had eight full-time employees, nine regular part-time employees/contractors (typically working between 5 and 20 hours per week) and a variety of part-time employees/contractors that we use on an as-needed basis. At the end of Fiscal 2018 we had six full-time employees, six regular part-time employees/contractors and a variety of part-time employees/contractors that we use on an as-needed basis.

Of the $1,124,214 in Compensation and Benefits in Fiscal 2019 (compared to $1,151,820 in 2018), $288,908 (compared to $357,467 in 2018) was attributable to non-cash “stock compensation expense” which can be seen on the Statement of Cash Flows. This doesn’t reflect cash we are spending, but instead reflects the value (according to GAAP standards) of stock options vesting to employees, advisors, and partners. The reduction of non-cash “stock compensation expense” from Fiscal 2018 to Fiscal 2019 is a result of vesting of stock grants having been completed.

Our General and Administrative costs increased to $158,531 in Fiscal 2019 from $74,871 in Fiscal 2018, which was primarily due to increased insurance costs. Our travel expenses increased to $162,781 in Fiscal 2019 from $118,399 in Fiscal 2018 due primarily to the cost of marketing our projects at film festivals and comic cons.

Legion M follows GAAP standards for capitalizing costs on projects where we expect a financial return over time. As such, we periodically evaluate the anticipated returns of the “Investments in Productions” that are included on our Balance Sheet. At the end of Fiscal 2019, we reduced the investment amount listed on our Balance Sheet by $122,711 which is reflected as “Asset Impairment” on our Statement of Operations. As of December 31, 2019, we had $1,055,613 of capitalized Investments in Production on our Balance Sheet, compared to $467,867 as of December 31, 2018.

These capitalized costs represent “bets we still have on the table.” It’s impossible to predict with certainty what the financial return of a project will be. For example, the return on a feature film is typically dependent upon the success of the film, while the return on a TV project is often dependent upon the series being sold. Some returns can be realized in a matter of months, while others may take decades (e.g. our distribution rights for Memory: The Origins of Alien last for 20 years, and backend rights for many of our other projects last in perpetuity). In accordance with GAAP standards, production costs are stated at the lower of unamortized cost or estimated fair value on a production basis. Therefore, the asset balances on our balance sheet are estimates that may not be realizable in the future.

The remainder of our operating expenses were relatively unchanged between Fiscal 2019 and Fiscal 2018: professional fees ($116,233 vs. $122,085 respectively); and depreciation ($9,732 vs. $9,798 respectively).

As a result of the foregoing factors, as well as other expenses, our net loss for Fiscal 2019 was $3,645,356, compared to a loss of $2,411,065 in Fiscal 2018.

Management Evaluation of Operating Results

When reviewing the financials above, one might wonder “why would I invest in a company that’s spending millions more than it makes each year?” This is a very valid question — not just for you but for Legion M’s executive staff as well. After all, we’re investing in Legion M alongside you — with our money, reputations, and our careers.

When evaluating companies at Legion M’s stage (approximately $30 million market cap/valuation), we believe it’s more important to look at potential for growth than near-term revenue. Particularly for the sort of transformative startup (e.g. Facebook, Tesla, Amazon) that Legion M aspires to become. If you had the ability to go back in time and invest in Facebook when it was run by a college drop-out from a home in Palo Alto, Tesla when it was designing a first-of-its-kind electric roadster, or Amazon when its world HQ was a garage, you wouldn’t invest because of the P&L–you’d invest in the vision for the future. The folks who took a risk when those were Legion M’s size have done quite well.

Of course for every Facebook, Tesla and Amazon there is a Pets.com, WebVan and MoviePass that flamed out spectacularly. Not to mention countless other startups that went under before you ever learned their name. Investing in startups is inherently high risk, but if you pick the right one, there is potential for very high rewards. We believe the keys to “picking the right one” boil down to (a) the company’s vision and (b) the team’s ability to execute on the vision (and evolve it as the company grows). In that regard we believe Legion M is well positioned. Our founders have a track record of success – in 1999 they founded (along with one other cofounder) a company called MobiTV, which was one of the first companies in the world to launch live streaming television on mobile phones. That company that grew from 3 founders working out of a spare room to an Emmy Award-winning worldwide leader in streaming television with hundreds of employees and offices around the world. Doing something that’s never been done is always a gamble, but we’ve been here before, and we like our odds.

Even though what we’re doing is relatively new, we’ve seen the power our community can have on our success. Legion M is a relatively small company with budgets that are nearly non-existent by Hollywood’s standards. The fact that we are owned by fans has opened doors for us to work with some of the biggest names in the business, including Dean Devlin, Stan Lee, Kevin Smith, Elijah Wood, Nicolas Cage, Anne Hathaway, Tim League, Tom Quinn, Leonard Maltin, and many more.

What Legion M is attempting was never possible before advent of the JOBS Act. When we started the company in 2016, we had little more than an idea. Since then, we’ve focused on building a foundation and proving (to ourselves, to our investors, and to Hollywood) what a fan-owned company is capable of:


We’ve demonstrated that we can build a fan-owned company. Our investor base has just about doubled each calendar year, and is continuing to grow exponentially. With over 25,000 investors (as of August 2020) Legion M is one of the most successful crowdfunding companies in JOBS Act history.


We’ve proven we can build a community. With over 125,000 members (inclusive of investors), Legion M is creating a movement of fans eager to help shape the future of Hollywood.


We’ve proven that we can activate fans, organizing hundreds of volunteer meetups all over the country to support the opening of our films and creating social media campaigns that are shared thousands and even tens of thousands of times.



We’ve proven that we can make an impact on a film’s release, and have glowing references from producers we’ve worked with including Dean Devlin (creator of Stargate and Independence Day) and actor/producer Elijah Wood of SpectreVision (producer of Mandy), as well as the team at Fox Searchlight (a division of Disney).


We’ve vetted our idea with industry veterans – many of whom, including Leonard Maltin (Entertainment Tonight), Tim League (Alamo Drafthouse, NEON), Lisa Taback (Netflix), Andrew Cosby (Hellboy, “Eureka”), Lynn Bartch (Lucasfilm), Bill Duke (Predator, Commando), and Scott Landsman (Sony) have agreed to join our advisory board. Dean Devlin—a writer/producer/director responsible for billions of dollars of ticket sales across the globe went so far to as to say, “Legion M is the Future of our Industry.”


We’ve proven that we can generate revenue from multiple streams including sponsorships, merchandise sales, marketing fees, ticket sales, comic book sales, and more.


We’ve proven that we can establish a new IP, generating over $125,000 from over 2,800 backers in Kickstarter pre-release sales for Girl with No Name, setting a record for the most backed project in the history of Kickstarter’s comic book category.


We’ve proven that we can develop tools and technology (e.g. SCOUT, M-Pulse, Meetup Maker) that allow us to harness the power of a Legion of fans.


We’ve proven that our services have value for studios, with a 2019 marketing partnership with Fox Searchlight (a division of Disney) where we received revenue, comarketing, and fan-exclusives for our members to promote the film Tolkien.


We’ve proven we can use our community to generate valuable data. In 2019 over 1,000 members cast over 40,000 votes on our FILM SCOUT platform at Sundance Film Festival, generating data that led to a partnership with Screen Media to purchase the North American distribution rights for Memory: The Origins of Alien. In 2020, over 100,000 votes were cast leading us to partner with Bleeker Street Media for the release of Save Yourselves!


We’ve proven we can “Open the Gates of Hollywood” for our shareholders, providing exclusives like premier tickets (Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, Tolkien, Colossal), set visits (Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, Archenemy), priority access to casting as extras (Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, Archenemy), lounges at Sundance Film Festival and Comic Cons, house parties with celebrities (Celebrating Stan Lee), and online livestream Q&A with creators (including Dean Devlin, Andrew Cosby).


We’ve developed a partnership with Endeavor Content, one of the premier Hollywood agencies, and have worked with them to try and package/sell our development projects.


The first step for a first-of-its-kind company is proving that it is viable. When we started the company, we had to prove that (a) we could raise money from fans and (b) we could build competitive advantages and generate revenue. We believe the steps we’ve taken in our first few years have clearly illustrated the potential power of a fan-owned company and provided a strong foundation upon which to execute our vision.

We believe the key to success for Legion M is scale. After all, a Legion of 1 is valueless, but a Legion of 1,000,000 could be invaluable. Our long-term goal, which is baked into our logo, is to unite 1 million fans as shareholders of our company. We know this is ambitious—equity crowdfunding is new, and nobody yet knows what is possible — but the whole reason we founded Legion M is because we believe a company of that magnitude could become one of the most influential companies in Hollywood.

As of August 2020, we have over 125,000 members in our community — over 25,000 of which are also investors. More importantly, our growth is accelerating:


We had approximately 3,200 shareholders at the end of 2016


We had approximately 6,600 shareholders at the end of 2017 (206% growth yoy)


We had approximately 11,000 shareholders at the end of 2018 (166% growth yoy)


We had approximately 24,000 shareholders at the end of 2019 (218% growth yoy)

As we march toward our goal of 1 million shareholders, we’ve seen first-hand that our power as a company grows along with the size of our community. The larger we are, the broader our reach, and the more interesting we become to studios, producers, distributors, and other partners. With each project we complete our reputation, network, and references grow, and the better we understand how we can effectively harness and leverage our community.

We’ve seen the power of a Legion of 25,000 investors. Now our mission is to grow it — to 50,000, to 100,000 and beyond! 

Key Performance Metrics

As a startup, our primary focus is growth. At this stage in our development we have a relatively limited amount of money for our projects, necessitating a highly strategic allocation. We consider three primary metrics when evaluating any given project.

Revenue - Like any other company, the goal of Legion M is to make more money than we spend. Financial success is the key to the long-term viability and success of our company, and the potential for financial return is an important consideration when we evaluate projects.

Growth - We believe that growth of our community is the single most important determinant of our long-term success. A Legion of one is insignificant, but a Legion of one million could be invaluable. As such, a project’s ability to help us grow the Legion is an important consideration.

Strategic Benefit - Each project Legion M completes becomes a stepping-stone to the next. We actively seek projects that allow us to “level up” by forming strategic relationships and developing new capabilities that create long-term value for our company and our partners.

Effects of Scale on Legion M Projects

In calculating the expenses of our projects, we account for both the money (i.e. cash investments and money spent on marketing, travel, etc.) and time (e.g. the proportional cost of staff salaries who are working on the project) spent on them. It’s important to note that at this stage in our development, the financial investments we make in projects are often relatively small compared to the amount of time we spend on them. However, it’s also important to note that these two expense categories scale very differently. The best way to illustrate this is to use a simplified hypothetical example:

Legion M makes a cash investment of $100,000 in a feature film, with a return based on the success of the film. As part of the deal, we agree to host opening-weekend meetups around the country, which cost us $5,000 worth of man-hours to support and $5,000 worth of travel expenses. We also have $5,000 worth of legal, business development and management expenses associated with the project. In total, considering both our time and our cash, our investment in the project is $115,000.

Based on the box-office success of the film we achieve a 15% return on our cash investment, and when the contract is concluded we receive a check for $115,000. In total, we invested $115,000 (in cash, labor and expenses) and received $115,000 in return, making the project break-even.

While the example above is both fictional and simplified, it is representative of one type of deal Legion M has engaged in. We provide it to illustrate two points that we believe are important to keep in mind when evaluating our company at this stage:


As we grow, we expect the amount of money we have to invest in projects to get larger, whereas we expect the time we spend supporting them to stay about the same (or potentially even go down due to the development of processes and infrastructure). In the example above, if we’d invested $1 million in the film (instead of $100,000), our 15% return would yield us $1,150,000 in return, and after deducting the $15,000 worth of expenses, we’d have ended up with $135,000 in net profit rather than simply breaking even. As we grow our investor base and have more access to capital, we expect to be able to take larger positions in projects, reducing the financial significance of the costs we spend supporting them, and improving our chances of profitability when a project is successful.


Legion M’s strength is proportional to (a) the amount of money we’ve got to invest, (b) the size of our community, and (c) the length of our track record. We’ve seen over the past three years that as these factors have grown, our access to projects has increased, and the terms we’ve been able to negotiate have become more favorable. We expect this trend to continue.

Just as you wouldn’t assess an automotive company on the profitability of its prototypes, we believe the best way to evaluate Legion M is with an eye to the future. The projects we have now are prototypes that allow us to better understand our business and demonstrate what a fan-owned company is capable of. We expect some of these projects will be financially successful and others will not but, in either case, the work we do helps us grow the Legion and “level up” to larger opportunities. In the short time we’ve been operating, we have already seen dramatic improvement in both our access to opportunities and our ability to execute on them. As we grow, we expect these trends to continue. If we achieve our goal of one million shareholders, there could come a day when NO project is out of reach, and it will simply be a matter of choosing which ones we want to get involved in.

Active Projects

As of August 2020, the following Legion M projects have either released, or will be releasing soon:


In 2017, we invested in the production financing of the feature film Mandy, directed by Panos Cosmatos and starring Nicolas Cage, Andrea Riseborough, Linus Roache, and Bill Duke. The film opened the midnight section of the 2018 Sundance Film Festival, and ended up being one of the best reviewed films of the fest with a 100% Rotten Tomatoes score when the festival closed. Legion M partnered with SpectreVision, Umedia, and XYZ Films to help finance both the film and the score, which was one of two-time Academy Award nominee Jóhann Jóhannsson’s final works before his death in 2018. The movie was picked up for distribution by RLJ films, and was released in theaters and on-demand in September of 2018.

As an equity stakeholder in the film, Legion M’s return on investment comes from revenue generated by both the film and the soundtrack. In addition, Legion M secured a merchandise license for Mandy, and offers a robust array merchandise.


In early 2017, we invested in production financing for the horror anthology feature film The Field Guide To Evil. The film had its world premiere at the South by Southwest 2018 Film Festival, and released in theaters and on-demand March 29, 2019.

As an equity investor in the film, our return is based on revenue generated by the film.


In January of 2019, Legion M announced that we’d joined Hideout Pictures and Mickey Gooch Jr.’s Skitbags Entertainment as equity investors in Kevin Smith’s Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, a feature film sequel to the 2001 film Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back. Legion M participated in the production of the movie in New Orleans, securing priority access for our investors to become extras in the film and a pair of set visits/walk-on roles.

The film released in October 2019 with a multi-prong release strategy that included two Fathom special events, a “Reboot Roadshow” featuring live performances by the films two stars Kevin Smith and Jay Mews, and openings in selected theaters around the country. The Reboot Roadshow proved to be extremely successful, and after a first run in late 2019 was extended to add a series of dates in 2020.

Legion M supported the film with activations at comic cons (including Silicon Valley, New York, San Diego and Los Angeles) prior to release, as well as over 150 meetups around the country for the 2 night Fathom event. We also secured tickets that allowed many of our investors to come to the Hollywood red-carpet premier.

As an equity investor in the film, our return is tied to the success of both the movie and the Reboot Roadshow. In addition, Legion M secured a “Jay and Silent Bob” merchandise license, and carries a robust line of merchandise in our store.


On April 26, 2019, Legion M announced a partnership with Screen Media (a division of Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment) to acquire the North American distribution rights for Memory: The Origins of Alien, a documentary that premiered at Sundance Film Festival earlier in the year. Under this partnership, we’re sharing the costs and revenues from the North American distribution of the film across all outlets (e.g. theatrical, DVD, video on demand, streaming, etc). The film released in select theaters and On-Demand October 4th, and became available for purchase on VOD, DVD, and Blu-Ray November 19th.

This project was unique in that it was selected using data from Legion M’s FILM SCOUT platform, where thousands of fans from around the world cast over 40,000 votes to help us evaluate potential acquisition targets. When the film launched October 4th, it became the first time that fans have united to find and help fund the distribution of a film from Sundance.

As the distributor of the film (in partnership with Screen Media), Legion M earns a portion of almost every dollar earned from theatrical ticket sales, DVD sales, VOD sales/rentals, licensing/advertising fees paid by streamers, merchandise sales, etc. It’s worth noting that the film was released in 2019, which was the 40-year anniversary of Alien. We (in partnership with Screen Media) own distribution rights for the next 20 years, which means we will still own the rights to this film when the 50th and 60th anniversaries of the film roll around in 2029 and 2039.

In addition, Legion M secured licenses from the Dan O’Bannon and H.R. Giger estates that allow us to sell a limited line of merchandise tied to the film.


On November 14, 2019, Legion M announced that it had joined SpectreVision as executive producer and financier of the upcoming feature Archenemy, a gritty, hard-edged epic that turns the superhero genre on its head. The film stars Joe Manganiello (Magic Mike, True Blood, Rampage) and was written/directed by Adam Egypt Mortimer (Daniel Isn’t Real) from a story by Mortimer and Lucas Passmore.

When the film went into production in late 2019, Legion M secured a number of perks for investors, including set visits, the ability to be an extra in the film, and the ability to be a part of the film by donating goods or services. One Legion M investor’s car was cast in the film, giving them the opportunity to be on set for much of the shooting.

As of August 2020, the film is currently in post-production with release expected in 2021.

As an equity investor in the film, Legion M’s return will be based on the revenue generated by the film. We’ve also secured a merchandising license for the film, and plan to produce a robust line of merchandise.


In May of 2020, Legion M announced a partnership with QCODE Media for the limited audio podcast series “The Left Right Game” co-produced by and starring Tessa Thompson. Structured similar to some of our Film P&A Investments, Legion M is investing money and “in-kind value” for a potential cash return based on the success of the podcast. We also secured merchandising rights for the podcast as part of the deal, and have a line of products for “The Left Right Game” in the Legion M store.

In the case of “The Left Right Game,” Legion M got involved with the podcast after the series had already begun releasing and the rights to a television series (which are not included in our deal) had already been secured by Amazon Studios. Because of this, our investment in the project is fairly small (compared to all the other projects on our slate). We see it primarily as a way to “dip a toe” into this business model and build a relationship with QCODE and Amazon.


In June 2020, Legion M announced a partnership with Bleecker Street Media for the release of Save Yourselves!, a sci-fi comedy written and directed by Eleanor Wilson and Alex Huston Fischer, and starring Sunita Mani (“Mr. Robot,” “Glow”) and John Reynolds (“Stranger Things,” “Search Party,” Horse Girl). As of this writing, the film is expected to release in 2020. This project selected using data from Legion M’s FILM SCOUT platform, where thousands of fans from around the world cast over 100,000 votes to help us evaluate potential acquisition targets at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival.

Legion M’s return on this project will be based on success of the film in the first 2 years of release. In addition, we’ve secured a merchandise license for the film, and plan to produce a robust line of merchandise.

Development Projects

In addition to the projects above that either have released or will be releasing in 2020, Legion M also has many development projects. Development generally refers to the earliest stages of the content production cycle, when production companies invest time, money, and “sweat equity” to develop, package, and sell movies, TV series and other entertainment projects. The goal of development is to package a project and then sell it to a studio, network, distributor, sponsor, or other buyer so the project can be produced. For more information, please see the “How We Make Money” section above.

While many of Legion M’s development projects have not been announced, some of those that have been publicly announced are listed below:


On December 16, 2019, Legion M announced it had acquired rights to develop Brian Staveley’s epic fantasy trilogy The Chronicle of the Unhewn Throne as a television series titled after its first novel, The Emperor’s Blades. The Lord of the Rings trilogy co-producer and second unit director Rick Porras (Forrest Gump, Contact) and writer/producer Robbie Silverman (Hero) join as executive producers. Legion M attached two unannounced showrunners and engaged with world-famous Weta Workshop (Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Blade Runner 2049, Mad Max: Fury Road, etc.) to develop concept artwork.

As of August 2020, we are working with our partners at Endeavor Content to find a financing partner for the series.



In October of 2018, Legion M announced a partnership with Co-Op Entertainment’s Laura Ivey (Walking Out, Ithaca) and Tanya Wexler (Hysteria, Buffaloed) to develop Girl With No Name, a feature film and comic book based on Alex Ranarivelo’s Slamdance award-winning screenplay.

In March of 2019, Legion M launched a Kickstarter for presale packages of a one-shot comic book that used select scenes from the screenplay to tell the origin story of the protagonist. In April 2019, the Kickstarter ended with over $125,000 in presales from 2,827 backers, making it the most-backed Kickstarter project of all time for the comic book category. The success of the Kickstarter campaign has generated not just revenue but also traction for the IP that we believe will be of use in the further development, packaging, and selling of the project.

As of this writing (August 2020), we’re working with the producers and our partners at Endeavor Content to package and finance the film.


“ICONS: Face to Face” is a virtual reality interview series that allows fans to stand face to face with the luminaries, titans and leaders of our time. Created using state-of-the-art virtual reality recording technology, these "virtual time capsules" allow fans to get as close as technologically possible to the people who shape our world. 

Imagine if you could go back in time and spend an hour with William Shakespeare, Joan of Arc or Martin Luther King, Jr.? Today's technology gives us an unprecedented opportunity to capture and preserve the legacy of today's icons - told in their own voice and defined on their own terms. By building a library of interviews, Legion M aims to preserve these stories in a way that can inspire people all around the globe; now and for generations to come,

In January 2017, Legion M filmed a pilot episode of the “ICONS” series featuring the legendary Stan Lee. Considered by many to be one of the greatest storytellers of our time, Stan is the co-creator of the Marvel Universe including Spiderman, The X Men, The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Dr. Strange, and many, many more. In addition to Stan, we also had the opportunity to interview Joan Lee, his wife of nearly 70 years. The host and interviewer for the pilot was director, actor, author and comedian Kevin Smith — a pop culture Icon in his own right. The experience was shot in Stan Lee’s Los Angeles home.

In capturing these once-in-a-lifetime interviews, we used state of the art (for its time) technology designed to maximize the fidelity of the footage. The resolution of the camera/lens combination captured footage at the threshold of human perception, putting the viewer at the center of an intimate conversation with a 360-degree view of the room in Stan’s home where the interview took place. 

While VR capture technology is continuing to rapidly advance, Stan and Joannie are sadly no longer around (Joannie passed away in 2017, and Stan followed in 2018). We believe our footage is one of the last comprehensive interviews with Stan, captured in excruciatingly high fidelity with one of his closest friends and the love of his life. We believe this footage has potential to provide value for generations to come.

“ICONS: Face to Face” and the rights to the Stan Lee footage is wholly owned by Legion M. As of this writing (August 2020) the project is on hold pending resolution of matters outside of Legion M’s control.


In March of 2018, Legion M announced the development of a one-hour sci-fi fantasy Steampunk series named "Evermor," created by Legion M members Perry Covington and Erik Figi. In February of 2019, Legion M announced that Andrew Cosby (writer of the 2019 Hellboy movie and co-creater of SyFy’s hit series “Eureka”) has attached to the series as showrunner. As of this writing (August 2020), we’re working with our partners at Endeavor Content to try and sell the series.



Anybody can have a great idea for a movie or TV show but very few people have the connections necessary to get those ideas made. Legion M aims to change that with “Pitch Elevator”.

In October of 2016, we built a full-size elevator set on the show floor of Stan Lee’s Los Angeles Comic Con. Inside were a cameraman and a countdown timer. Guests were invited to step inside and give a two-minute pitch for their movie, television show or virtual reality idea.

Between the Elevator at Comic Con and an online submissions period, we captured over 400 pitches. We then built an online game that allowed members of the Legion to evaluate the pitches and narrow them down to the top 33. Once that was complete, we created a treatment for a digital series that would allow us to narrow the field to one champion that will win a development deal with Legion M.

The “Pitch Elevator” activation and digital series is wholly owned by Legion M. We feel this is a great project for Legion M as it provides both in-venue activation opportunities and compelling content that help promote Legion M. As of August 2020, we are actively using the first season’s content to build a prototype of the series on our LegionM.TV Twitch channel.


In March of 2018, Legion M announced “Airship Cowboys,” a half-hour adult animated comedy created by Legion M members Adam Beason and Jed Rigney. This project is currently in development.


In March of 2018, Legion M announced “Malice,” a one-hour drama series created by Legion M member Evan Wasserstrom. This project is currently in development.


In December 2018, Legion M and Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment, Inc. (“CSS Entertainment”) announced a strategic partnership to jointly source, develop and produce community driven original content.

Completed Projects

Once a project has reached a point where we don’t expect it to earn significant additional revenue, we consider it completed. As of August 2020, Legion M has the following completed projects.


In early 2017, we participated in the theatrical release and marketing of the feature film Colossal starring Anne Hathaway and Jason Sudeikis. We partnered with distribution company Neon Rated, LLC on the P&A for the platform release which began on April 7, 2017. As part of the release of Colossal in April 2017, we hosted meetups all over the country with hundreds of Legion M members and investors attending and creating buzz to help the film’s box office performance. We also produced and sold Colossal merchandise in the Legion M store. This project was completed in 2017.


On July 18, 2017, Legion M united fans around the world to give comic book icon Stan Lee a once-in-a-lifetime gift—an imprint ceremony at the TCL Chinese Theatre IMAX. This was the first time in history that fans united to present such an honor, and industry luminaries such as Marvel president Kevin Feige, comedian/director Kevin Smith, SPAWN creator Todd McFarlane, S.H.I.E.L.D. star Clark Gregg and BLACK PANTHER star Chadwick Boseman presented speeches during the ceremony, followed by press interviews and meet and greets with Stan for fans and sponsors. 

After the hand and footprint ceremony, Legion M hosted a “Tony Stark House Party” at a 9,000 square foot mansion in the Hollywood Hills for Stan and his 500 biggest fans, which was captured by a professional livestream production crew and broadcast to over 100,000 people watching live on Twitch. We monetized both the ceremony and after party with sponsorships, tickets and merchandise sales.

We had exceptional media coverage of the event, with dozens of outlets covering the ceremony (including a feature story in Variety Magazine), generating an estimated 11+ million media impressions, and creating a terrific PR moment for Legion M and our investors.

As the producer of this event, Legion M covered all the costs associated with the handprint ceremony and party, and monetized the events with sales of sponsorships, tickets, and merchandise. This project was completed in 2017.


In 2018, we partnered with Dean Devlin’s production and distribution company Electric Entertainment, Inc., forging an innovative P&A investment for the release of their feature film Bad Samaritan starring David Tennant and Robert Sheehan. The film released on May 4, 2018 on over 2,000 screens in North America. In support, Legion M volunteers organized over 130 opening weekend meetups around the country. This project was completed in 2018.


On January 30, 2019, Legion M partnered with Stan Lee’s POW! Entertainment, Kevin Smith’s Smodco, and Agents of Mayhem to produce the official public memorial service for Stan Lee, who passed away in late 2018.  Held in the TCL Chinese Theatre IMAX in Hollywood, California, the event brought fans and talent together to celebrate the life of a man who inspired so many. In addition to courtyard ceremonies with a veteran color guard and press interviews, there were eulogies, poetry readings and panels with such luminaries as Mark Hammill, Lawrence Fishburne and Seth Green. The entire evening was hosted by Kevin Smith, and the event was used to raise awareness and funds for Stan Lee’s charity of choice, The Hero Initiative.  Legion M underwrote a significant cost of the production, which was partially reimbursed through sponsorships and tickets sales. As a memorial and tribute benefiting a non-profit foundation, this project was not intended to make money for the company, but to “give back” the Stan and the community of fans who loved him (see “How We Make Money – Live Events” for more information).


In March of 2019, Legion M announced a partnership with Fox Searchlight (now owned by Disney) for the feature film Tolkien, which opened on May 10th in the US and May 3rd in the UK. Legion M supported the movie with meetups and online promotions in the US and UK in exchange for revenue, co-marketing, and other exclusives related to the film.

Burn/Runway Analysis

Managing burn rate (the rate at which we’re spending money) and runway (the amount of money we have available to us) is one of the most critical aspects of running a startup. If you spend too fast, the company can run out of money. If you spend too slow, you may never get off the ground. Both of these can be fatal for the company.

In conjunction with the information above, we thought it might be useful to explain how we think about our spending. In general, we consider our expenses to fall in one of four categories:

Management and Overhead

These are the “costs of doing business”—things like office space, accounting, management, human resources, IT, etc. Our goal as we grow is to keep these expenses as low as reasonably possible. For example, having a small, tight-knit team minimizes the need for management overhead and infrastructure. We don’t have administrative assistants, fancy office space, or the layer of management and infrastructure required for a larger organization. We travel coach class on discount airlines, and double up in hotel rooms or even crash on friend’s couches whenever possible to save on travel costs. Our founders have taken big pay cuts to work at Legion M, and are working for salaries well below their previous jobs or what they could make elsewhere. We do this because our upside with Legion M is the same as our investor’s – the value of the stock – and we want to every dollar we spend to grow that value.

 Growing the Legion

As described above (see “Management Evaluation of Operating Results”), we believe that growing the size of our community is the single best way for us to increase the value of our company. Everything we do – from our projects to our activations at comic cons and film festivals – is done with an eye towards how it can help us grow our Legion of members and investors.


The money we spend on growth varies greatly from month to month. As a data driven company (both our founders have deep Silicon Valley roots), our focus is finding cost-effective ways to promote and grow the Legion. For example, we’ve found that online advertising is a good way for us to find new investors. The great thing about this sort of marketing is we can measure the conversion rate of each campaign, and scale it accordingly. If a campaign is converting at a reasonable cost, we turn it up. If it’s not we turn it off. We’re willing to spend quite a lot of money on marketing like this, but only if we know it’s being spent efficiently.

Another example of a technique we use to grow the Legion is strategically partnering on projects. We’ve found that marketing Legion M in the context of our projects (e.g. “Join the fan-owned company that helped bring Jay and Silent Bob back to the big screen!”) is one of the most efficient ways for us to grow the Legion. Most of the activations we use to promote our projects involve things like marketing on social media, hosting panels at comic-cons, and organizing volunteer meetups – all of which are all effective ways for us to grow our community.

External Project Expenses

The financing, development, and monetization of entertainment projects is the engine that will eventually drive our business. To date, this includes external projects (Colossal, Mandy, Field Guide to Evil, Bad Samaritan, Memory: The Origins of Alien, Jay and Silent Bob Reboot, Archenemy, Save Yourselves!, The Left Right Game) that we invest in, as well as internal projects (e.g. The Emperor’s Blades, “ICONS: Face To Face,” “Pitch Elevator,” Girl with No Name, “Evermor,” “Malice,” “Airship Cowboys”) that we develop ourselves.


At this point in the company’s development, each project is a stepping stone to help us grow our community and establish Legion M in the industry. As you can see in the section “How We Make Money”, we’re actively experimenting in many different realms with many different models. While every investment we’ve made so far has been done with an intent to make a profit (with the exception of the Celebrating Stan Lee Event and Excelsior! Stan Lee Tribute benefiting the Hero Initiative), we believe there is also significant value in these early projects’ ability to grow our community, strategically “level up” within the industry, and serve as prototypes that allow us to better understand the opportunities and challenges of activating our first-of-its kind community.

Internal Project and Business Development

This is the equivalent of “R&D”—the resources we spend cultivating and developing new projects and opportunities. Some examples include:

Creating and cultivating relationships with partners (studios, agents, talent, distributors, production companies, sponsors, etc.) who may have projects we’re interested in, or might be interested in our projects.

Negotiating partnerships and acquiring rights associated with films, books, scripts and other entertainment content.

Reading and evaluating scripts and project proposals.

Developing internal ideas (e.g. brainstorming, writing treatments, packaging projects, etc.) and external ideas (e.g. spec scripts, TV pitches, etc.) with our partners.

Pitching projects to potential buyers and/or financiers.

Developing new lines of business (e.g. merchandise, event sponsorships) for Legion M and our projects.

Developing technology (e.g. SCOUT, M-Pulse, Meetup Maker) that allow Legion M to harness the power of our community).

Most of the activities for this category are undertaken by our existing team, which means the costs are largely reflected in the cost of compensation for our employees and contractors.

Other Considerations

As described above, our goal is to keep overhead expenses as low as possible so we can maximize the amount of money spent on growing the Legion and developing entertainment projects. That said, over time we expect some increases in our operating expenses in the following areas: 


Having successfully proven many of the key tenants of our proposition, we now consider Legion M in a growth phase. As such, we plan to continue spending on marketing that will help grow the Legion M community.


As we grow, we may add additional staff and/or part-time employees/contractors to execute our business plan. As of August 2020 we do not currently have any additional open positions, but that may change in the future. As a rule, we are very careful and slow to hire, as we want to ensure we’re closely managing our burn rate.


Compensation for Legion M’s top executives is significantly below market rates for their experience/position and well below the compensation they earned at previous companies. This is common for executives during the startup phase, but as the company matures we expect to increase executive pay closer to market levels.


Currently our team primarily works remotely, and while we pay a monthly fee for conference room space in Century City, CA, we don’t have costs associated with dedicated office space (e.g. rent, utilities, furniture, reception staff, etc.). As we continue to grow, our needs may change, which could increase our monthly fixed costs.


Liquidity and Capital Resources

As of August 1, 2020, Legion M had approximately $596,934 in cash on hand.


In May 2020 we received a loan made available under the Paycheck Protection implemented under the CARES Act in response to the COVID-19 crisis. This loan allowed us to borrow $139,867 from the SBA to fund payroll. If we're able to meet certain conditions, most or all of the loan will be forgiven. As of this writing (August 2020), we expect to meet the conditions that will allow the entire loan to be forgiven.

We do not currently have any other loans. We have not committed to make any capital expenditures. We have no bank line of credit or other financings arranged aside from a corporate American Express credit card.


Over time, we expect to launch many more additional rounds of funding. Our long-term goal is to have one million shareholders as owners of the company. We believe that could make us one of the most influential companies in Hollywood. That said, we cannot guarantee that we will have sufficient capital to finance our growth and planned business operations in the future or that such capital will be available to us on terms that are favorable to us. We are currently incurring operating deficits that are expected to continue for the foreseeable future. We’ve had six successful rounds of equity crowdfunding so far, and are planning more in the future. If we fail to raise adequate funds from future rounds, our plan would be to reduce operating expenses and conserve cash while seeking additional funding and finance partners.


Like every other company on the planet right now (August 2020), Legion M faces a great deal of uncertainty regarding potential impacts of the unprecedented societal and economic shifts precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. We wanted to take a moment to share our current view of the situation, and talk about some of the steps we've taken to face it.

What We're Seeing

From an industry perspective, we're as bullish as ever on the long-term potential of Legion M (though as always, please read our “Risk Factors”). The entertainment industry isn't going anywhere, and if history is any guide it will likely flourish as humankind deals with COVID-19. Some areas of the industry (e.g. theatrical releases) will likely suffer while other areas (e.g. online streaming) will likely grow, but on the whole, we firmly believe that the need to "escape reality" and bring light into dark times is universal. And as a small, nimble startup we believe Legion M is well positioned to adapt and navigate a rapidly changing marketplace. 


To date (August 2020), we haven't seen a substantial impact to our 2020 merchandising revenues, although we expect that could change. Sales of merchandise from the Legion M online store are up compared to 2019 as we've expanded our offerings, but sales from brick and mortar retailers (e.g. Hot Topic) and in-venue sales at events (e.g. Comic-Cons) have been severely impacted, and face an uncertain future. Neither of these were significant revenue streams in 2019, but we were expecting them to be a growing part of our revenues in 2020. 

Existing Projects/Investments

 As of this writing (August 2020), it doesn't appear that any of our existing film projects have been severely impacted, although we were very fortunate timing-wise when it comes to the Jay and Silent Bob Reboot Roadshow (which finished in January) and the shooting of the film Archenemy (which also wrapped in January). Had the virus hit a couple months earlier, we could have seen substantial impacts to both of those investments. Impact on the release of Archenemy, which is expected to release in 2021, remains to be seen.

The release of Save Yourselves (see ”Active Projects”) was originally planned for this summer, and has been dramatically affected by COVID-19 and uncertainty around the dates of movie theater re-openings. This has led to a minor reduction in revenue Legion M expects to report in 2020, but also a reduction in expenses required to support it. Overall, it’s still unclear whether shifting release patterns will have a positive or negative impact on Legion M for this film.

Future Projects/Investments

The impact on potential future film projects remains to be seen. Some of the tactics we've used in the past to promote movies (e.g. Comic-Con activations and opening weekend meet-ups) may not be possible for some time, and even then it's possible that more distributors will dramatically change their release strategies (e.g. opting to release films directly to digital rather than into theaters). That said, the need to market films is just as important for online distribution as it is for theatrical distribution, and many of the tactics Legion M uses (e.g. grassroots social sharing, viewing kits, merchandise bundling, online Q&A's, etc.) will likely become even more important than ever. As you can see in the "What We’re Doing" section below, we're doubling down on the areas we believe will be most effective moving forward.  

Development Projects

As for the development side of our business (i.e. projects like The Emperor's Blades that we're trying to package and/or sell), we have not seen a substantial impact to our business prospects. We were working with Endeavor Content to set pitch meetings for one of our TV projects just about the time widespread lockdown measures went into effect, and while this resulted in a delay of a few weeks those materials still went out – the pitches were simply done over videoconference rather than face to face. All signals we’ve seen are that buyers are still buying, and it stands to reason that streamers are as hungry for new content as they've ever been. One step that we've taken is increasing our focus and resources for projects that can be done with social distancing restrictions in place (e.g. diverting focus from projects with a near-term need for large crews, sets, or face to face interaction and refocusing on projects that can move forward while respecting social distancing guidelines).


We believe that the biggest potential threat of COVID-19 for Legion M is on our fundraising. While we're as bullish as ever on the long-term potential for what we're doing, we're also a startup company, which means our ongoing operations are reliant upon raising funds from investors. Further, as a company whose competitive advantage is measured by the size of its community, we believe it's important for us to continue growing the Legion.

We've seen mixed signals on the fundraising front since the beginning of this crisis. Many public reports indicate that equity-crowdfunding is growing -- potentially as a reaction to short-term volatility in the stock market and/or the fact that people have more time to spend at home surfing the internet. That said, in a time where many people are looking at significant reduction in wages and other economic hardships, spending $100 to make a long-term investment in a high risk startup may be a luxury that some can no longer afford.

Our 6th round of fundraising closed on April 29th – since then we haven’t been open for new investments. This is an area we'll be monitoring very closely, and actively taking steps (including some of those listed below) to learn and adapt to the new environment. 

What We're Doing

In mid March 2020, Legion M developed a plan for adapting to potential disruptions caused by COVID-19. As of this writing (August 2020), the following steps have been implemented:


We've cut back wherever possible to extend our cash runway. We've eliminated and/or dramatically reduced non-essential contractors, slashed spending on travel, and furloughed two part-time employees.


We've implemented voluntary staff pay cuts. As a team we decided we were all willing to take voluntary pay cuts to give Legion M the best chance of surviving this difficult time. Our CEO Paul Scanlan voluntarily reduced his pay 50% until the PPP loan (see below) was secured and then moved to a 20% reduction. Most employees (including executive and board members Jeff Annison and Terri Lubaroff) also agreed to a 20% reduction.


We received a loan made available under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) implemented under the CARES Act. This loan allowed us to borrow $139,867 from the SBA to fund payroll. If we're able to meet certain conditions, most or all of the loan will be forgiven. As of this writing (August 2020), we expect to meet the conditions that will allow the entire loan to be forgiven.


We launched a Twitch channel. In early April, we soft launched the LegionM.TV channel on Twitch.com in an effort to engage our community online and potentially develop a new revenue stream through subscriptions and advertising. 


We're exploring a number of new "COVID-resistant" marketing channels (e.g. strategic partnerships, affiliate sales, etc.) that we believe will help grow our community and market our projects and initiatives. 


We developed a Rewards program in this Round 7, which allows investors to receive rewards from COVID-affected businesses we love (e.g. movie theaters, comic-con vendors, etc). The goal of this program is to band together with our allies for joint marketing/sales that will benefit our partners with revenue, Legion M with a new avenue of marketing, and our investors with free perks!


We've shifted our development focus away from projects that have near-term requirements for large crews, sets, etc., and redirected towards projects that can be developed and produced under social distancing guidelines.


We've refocused merchandising efforts away from in-person events (e.g. Comic-Cons) and towards online growth, including launching an affiliate program.


We've been working with Endeavor Content to identify and connect with partners that could be a good fit for strategic funding.


We partnered with San Diego Comic Con, Wondercon, and "Virtual Pop Expo" to participate in online versions of Comic Cons.


General Industry Trends

Film, television and digital entertainment is a global industry that generates trillions of dollars in revenue each year. Home to some of the largest and best known corporations in the world (from Disney, Sony, and Warner Brothers to Netflix, Amazon and Apple), it is an extremely complex and competitive industry with stakeholders ranging from content creators and studios to networks, distributors, and technology companies.

As the industry grows, it’s constantly evolving. In recent years, changes in technology and consumer habits have ushered dramatic shifts in the industry, including the proliferation and success of global OTT (“over the top”) services such as, Netflix, Amazon and Hulu, the advent of new steaming services such as Disney+, Quibi, HBO Max, Peacock and AppleTV, the rise of new technologies like interactive TV and Virtual Reality, and the growth of non-traditional models such as PPV (pay per view), VOD (video on demand), SVOD (subscription video on demand) and AVOD (advertising supported video on demand).

We believe that disruption of the entertainment market has created (and will continue to create) an unprecedented opportunity for a fan-owned company like Legion M. That’s because no matter how the technology or industry landscape changes, the one thing that remains constant is the importance of the audience. It’s the collective eyeballs and wallets of viewers around the world that fuel the industry, and we believe that by building a company owned by fans we’re creating a strategic advantage resilient to changes in technology and consumer behavior and building a business that can stand the test of time.


Company Trends and Activities

The following sections contain a discussion of some, but not all, of our planned activities in the coming months. There’s no guarantee that we’ll follow this plan, or be able to execute it successfully, especially in light of the COVID-19 issues discussed above. As a startup, we’re constantly changing and evolving as we react to current opportunities and market conditions. That said, the information below may be useful in understanding the way we look at the business.


At this point in the company’s development, we believe that growing the size of our community is the single best way for us to increase the value of our company. That’s because the strength, power, and value of our company depends on the size and strength of our community. As our Legion of fans grows, so will our access to high quality entertainment projects and our ability to market and support these projects.

Growing the number of investors in the company is also critical in that it provides the capital necessary for our growth. While we are open to the prospect of bringing in strategic investors to increase our capital reserves, we are first and foremost a company designed to be owned by FANS. While it may be harder to bring in a large amount of capital $100 at a time, we believe the company is stronger because of it.

Marketing is extremely important for us to grow the Legion. In general, we plan to spend up to 50% of the money we raise from our crowdfunding offering marketing and promoting the Legion. The money we spend on marketing builds our brand, enhances our public visibility, and grows our community. This in turn drives growth of the Legion, and increases our competitive advantage. Some of the primary marketing channels we expect to use include:

·       Online advertising;

·       Attending and/or exhibiting at conventions and film festivals;

·       Community events (i.e. Meetups);

·       Creating and encouraging viral sharing opportunities for our members;

·       Public relations, including speaking on panels and creating bylines for publication;

·       Sponsoring of events/activities;

·       Referral programs;

·       Developing, printing, and distributing promotional materials (i.e. promo cards, buttons, stickers, etc.) that enable members of our Legion of fans to help spread the word; and

·       Developing strategic partnerships with 3rd party companies.

Our marketing costs fluctuate heavily based on business conditions. If a method of marketing is successful (meaning that it is effective at growing the Legion) we increase our spending. If it’s not effective, we can turn it down or even shut it off completely. For more information, please read the “Burn/Runway Analysis” section of this document.


Aside from growing the Legion, we expect to continue developing entertainment projects. The amount of money we invest in projects will depend heavily on the results of our future fundraising rounds. In general, we’ve seen an upward trend in our budgets as the company and our capital resources have grown. As described in the “Effects of Scale on Legion M Projects” section of this document, in many cases increased capital investment can result in increased ROI and can also improve our negotiating position. As such, we hope to continue making larger investments in larger projects as the company scales.

Our goal as a company is to maintain a slate of projects that is diversified across genre (i.e. comedy vs. horror), medium (i.e. feature film vs. TV vs. virtual reality) and risk profile (i.e. high risk, early stage projects vs. lower risk, late stage projects). As described in the “How We Make Money” section of this document, the range of projects on our slate is quite large, and we expect it to continue to grow as we experiment and evolve.


Since inception, Legion M has seen steady growth in our access to partners and deals. We plan to continue investing in business development to generate business and marketing opportunities for Legion M. This activity consists of sourcing entertainment projects, sourcing distribution channels, producing events and marketing opportunities, networking with potential advisory board members and/or board of directors’ members and potential marketing partners.


One of Legion M’s foremost assets is our community of investors and members. We’ve seen firsthand how the talents and efforts of our most enthusiastic investors can be used to contribute to the success of their company. As such, we are constantly seeking ways to engage our community and expect to continue devoting time and resources to developing tools, infrastructure, and processes that allow us to harness its power. Some examples include:


Meetup Maker: an online tool that allows Legion M volunteers to organize local meetups in their area for movie premieres, and other Legion M meetups.


SCOUT: a mobile phone app that allows Legion members/investors to become Legion M scouts and help evaluate potential projects at film festivals.


Mogul: an online system that enabled Legion M members/investors to rate and evaluate over 400 pitches as part of the Pitch Elevator project.


M-Pulse: an online system that allows Legion M investors to rate and evaluate Legion M’s past, present, and future slate of projects.


Legion M Members-Only Facebook Group: a Facebook group that gives members and investors of Legion M the opportunity to communicate directly with the Legion M executives and staff.


LegionM.TV, a channel on Twitch.com that allows us to host interviews, AMAs, and other content that allows us to engage and interact with our community.

Relaxed Ongoing Reporting Requirements

If we become a public reporting company in the future, we will be required to publicly report on an ongoing basis as an “emerging growth company” (as defined in the JOBS Act) under the reporting rules set forth under the Exchange Act. For so long as we remain an “emerging growth company”, we may take advantage of certain exemptions from various reporting requirements that are applicable to other Exchange Act reporting companies that are not “emerging growth companies”, including but not limited to:


not being required to comply with the auditor attestation requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act;


taking advantage of extensions of time to comply with certain new or revised financial accounting standards;


being permitted to comply with reduced disclosure obligations regarding executive compensation in our periodic reports and proxy statements; and


being exempt from the requirement to hold a non-binding advisory vote on executive compensation and shareholder approval of any golden parachute payments not previously approved.

If we become a public reporting company in the future, we expect to take advantage of these reporting exemptions until we are no longer an emerging growth company. We would remain an “emerging growth company” for up to five years, although if the market value of our Common Stock that is held by non-affiliates exceeds $700 million as of any June 30 before that time, we would cease to be an “emerging growth company” as of the following December 31.

If we do not become a public reporting company under the Exchange Act for any reason, we will be required to publicly report on an ongoing basis under the reporting rules set forth in Regulation A for Tier 2 issuers and Regulation CF. The ongoing reporting requirements under Regulation A are more relaxed than for “emerging growth companies” under the Exchange Act. The differences include, but are not limited to, being required to file only annual and semiannual reports, rather than annual and quarterly reports. Annual reports are due within 120 calendar days after the end of the issuer’s fiscal year, and semiannual reports are due within 90 calendar days after the end of the first six months of the issuer’s fiscal year.  Regulation CF requires only annual report, which are due at the same time as the annual reports under Regulation A.

In either case, we will be subject to ongoing public reporting requirements that are less rigorous than Exchange Act rules for companies that are not “emerging growth companies”, and our shareholders could receive less information than they might expect to receive from more mature public companies.


Since it began its operations in 2016, the company has engaged in the following offerings of securities:

·       In April and May of 2016, the company sold $418,324 in convertible notes pursuant to Rule 506(b) of Regulation D. The company used the proceeds from that offering for general operations.

·       In August 2016, the company sold 142,857 shares of Class A Common Stock under Regulation CF for a total of $999,999. The company used the proceeds from that offering for project investments, general and administrative, compensation and benefits, sales and marketing, independent contractors, professional fees, cost of goods sold, and travel.

·       In August 2016, the company sold 27,646 shares of Class A Common Stock pursuant to Rule 506(c) of Regulation D for a total of $193,522. The company used the proceeds from that offering for project investments, general and administrative, compensation and benefits, sales and marketing, independent contractors, professional fees, cost of goods sold, and travel.

·       From March 2017 through September 2017 the company sold 251,049 shares of Class A Common Stock under Regulation A for a total of $1,875,336.03. This includes shares that were issued in 2018. The company used the proceeds from that offering for project investments, general and administrative, compensation and benefits, sales and marketing, independent contractors, professional fees, cost of goods sold, and travel.

·       From July 2017 through September 2017, the company sold 22,482 shares of Class A Common Stock under Regulation CF for a total of $167,940.54.  This includes shares that were issued in 2018. The company used the proceeds from that offering for project investments, general and administrative, compensation and benefits, sales and marketing, independent contractors, professional fees, cost of goods sold, and travel.

·       From May 2018 through July 2018, the company sold 108,400 shares of Class A Common Stock under Regulation CF for a total of $901,888. The company used the proceeds from that offering for project investments, general and administrative, compensation and benefits, sales and marketing, independent contractors, professional fees, cost of goods sold, and travel.

·       In April 2018, the company sold 11,261 shares of Class A Common Stock under Regulation D for a total of $99,998. The company used the proceeds from that offering for project investments, general and administrative, compensation and benefits, sales and marketing, independent contractors, professional fees, cost of goods sold, and travel.

·       From October 2018 through March 2020, the company sold shares of Class A Common Stock under Regulation A. The company raised $5,647,168 from sales of 601,789 shares at $8.32, $8.88, $10.00 and $10.65. The company used the proceeds from that offering for project investments, general and administrative, compensation and benefits, sales and marketing, independent contractors, professional fees, cost of goods sold, and travel.

·       From October 2019 through April 2020 the company sold 27,176 shares of Class A Common Stock under Regulation CF for a total of $287,474. The company used the proceeds from that offering for project investments, general and administrative, compensation and benefits, sales and marketing, independent contractors, professional fees, cost of goods sold, and travel.



Natural disasters and other events beyond our control could materially adversely affect us.

Natural disasters or other catastrophic events may cause damage or disruption to our operations, international commerce and the global economy, and thus could have a strong negative effect on us. Our business operations are subject to interruption by natural disasters, fire, power shortages, pandemics and other events beyond our control and could make it difficult or impossible for us to deliver our services to our customers and could decrease demand for our services. Our business model involves the marketing of entertainment, including movies and other content. To the extent, the entertainment industry is impacted by either the ability to create new content (e.g., the halting of productions) or the ability to monetize the content (e.g., theater sales), our business prospects could be severely hampered.

In addition, as an early stage startup, we rely on investments to fund our operations. To the extent our investment flow is interrupted by disasters and/or the effect the have on the economy, our ability to maintain operations could be severely hampered.

In December 2019, a novel strain of coronavirus, COVID-19, was reported in Wuhan, China. The World Health Organization has since declared the outbreak to constitute a pandemic. The extent of the impact of COVID-19 on our operational and financial performance will depend on certain developments, including the duration and spread of the outbreak, its impact on the global economy as well as the impact on our current and potential investors, customers, employees, vendors, and industry events, all of which are uncertain and cannot be predicted. At this point, the extent to which COVID-19 may impact our financial condition or results of operations is uncertain. If the COVID-19 outbreak continues to spread, we may need to further limit operations and/or substantially modify our business practices. Please see the subsection “COVID-19” in the section “Management’s Discussion and Analysis.”

There is a risk that other countries or regions may be less effective at containing COVID-19, or it may be more difficult to contain if the outbreak reaches a larger population or broader geography, in which case the risks described herein could be elevated significantly. 


This is an early stage company.

Legion M was incorporated in March 2016. It is a startup company, and while our revenues have increased over the past several years, we are not profitable nor are we focused on near term profitability. There is very little history upon which an evaluation of its past performance and future prospects in the entertainment industry can be made. Statistically, most startup companies fail.


What we’re doing has never been done before.

We are (to our knowledge) the first company to attempt our business model. Legion M is built on the thesis that having a legion of fans invested in our products will give us a competitive advantage. However, our thesis could be wrong. There is no assurance that we will be able to derive benefits from being fan-owned. Even if our concept is proven to give us a competitive advantage, other companies with more resources than we do may copy our idea causing us to lose this competitive edge.

Other Disclosures

The Board of Directors

Director Occupation Joined
Paul Scanlan CEO @ Legion M 2016
Jeff Annison President @ Legion M 2016
Terri Lubaroff Chief Operating Officer @ Legion M 2017


Officer Title Joined
Paul Scanlan Co-Founder 2016
Jeff Annison Co-Founder and President 2016
Terri Lubaroff COO, Secretary 2017

Voting Power

Holder Securities Held Power
Paul Scanlan 733,331 shares of Class B Common Stock, 136 shares of Class A Common Stock 44.9%
Jeff Annison 598,251 shares of Class B Common Stock, 12 shares of Class A Common Stock 36.6%

Past Fundraises

Date Security Amount
4/2021 Custom $1,794,067
1/2021 Loan $48,200
5/2020 Loan $10,000
5/2020 Loan $139,868
4/2020 Priced Round $287,378
3/2020 Priced Round $451,517
11/2019 Priced Round $2,414,690
2/2019 Priced Round $2,600,000
8/2018 Priced Round $901,888
9/2017 Priced Round $167,940
9/2017 Priced Round $1,875,806
8/2016 Priced Round $168,525
8/2016 Priced Round $999,999
5/2016 Convertible Note $418,324

Outstanding Debts

Issued Lender Outstanding
5/1/20 PPP Loan
5/1/20 EIDL Loan
1/1/21 EIDL Loan

Related Party Transactions


Use of Funds

$10,000 9% Offering Related Expenses 91% Operating Expenses (for further details please refer to the filed Form C Offering)

$780,000 5% Offering Related Expenses 49% Operating Expenses  11% Marketing Expenses  35% Entertainment Projects  (for further details please refer to the filed Form C Offering)

$2,500,000 11% Offering Related Expenses & Rewards, 29% Development & Operating Expenses, 10% Project Fund, 50% Marketing Fund (for further details please refer to the filed Form C Offering).

$4,742,526 11% Offering Related Expenses & Rewards, 28% Development & Operating Expenses, 11% Project Fund, 50% Marketing Fund (for further details please refer to the filed Form C Offering).

Capital Structure

Class of Security Securities (or Amount) Authorized Securities (or Amount) Outstanding
Class A Common Stock 17,000,000 1,232,005
Class B 3,000,000 1,637,243

Form C Filing on EDGAR

The Securities and Exchange Commission hosts the official Form C on their EDGAR web site.
