Invest in Legend Studios

Unlocking the Anime industry to a whole new world of content creators and fans



reserved of a $115,000 goal
Convertible Note
 $10M  $7.5M valuation cap
Early Bird Bonus: The first $780K of investments will be in a convertible note with a $7.5M valuation cap
$250, $500, $1K, $10K


Anime is a $26 billion global market that is projected to be worth $50 billion by 2030.
Purchasing by customers outside of Japan is the biggest driver of market growth.
Proprietary Project Automation software, Continuum, allows for the rapid scaling of publishing.
Conservative revenue projections show Legend Studios exceeding $40M in revenue by 2026.

Our Founder

Anime was and still is a big part of my life. I've been in the culture for almost 20 years, and it has made a tremendous impact on the lives of so many people around the world. I want to build something that allows the global anime fanbase to participate in the entertianment they love in ways that represent them and their culture.


01. Let's start off with who we are!

Legend Studios is an Anime content production, publishing, and streaming company that will unite fans and creators by building an online community within our platforms. What makes us unique is our content! All of our content will be produced and published in-house and written by authors from all around the world. Each Legendary title is hand-selected through a rigorous review process of Editors and Product Managers. 

That means an author in Thailand can write their own Manga script about a Legendary Thai fighter or Thai folklore! Or, that anime fan in the US with an amazing story to tell can finally have it told through anime. All the authors have to do is write; our teams of artists, editors, and business associates take care of the rest.

We have 3 titles going through the publishing process for their first 4 chapters. These titles will be used as a showcase for our Kickstarter campaign, and with the funding from Kickstarter, we want to launch our streaming service with over 200 titles!

Read Chapter 1 of "Best Friends Forever"

Forward-looking financials are projections and not guaranteed.

02. Now that you know who we are, let's talk about why we're doing an equity round of funding!

We have a clear go-to-market strategy but need investor capital to accelerate our growth. There are over 56 million anime fans in North America alone who are passionate about content and community. That's why our path to launch is best funded through Kickstarter. We'll be using the funding from WeFunder for marketing and product development to ensure we reach our goals for our Kickstarter campaign!

We've secured relationships with some incredible vendors for various parts of our production process.

We've been raising money since 2018 to get where we are today. Check out our existing investments and all of the people who are already rooting for Legend Studios!

Different types of WeFunder investors will have different reasons why they want to fund this campaign. So while all investors will share the perks and profit, we want to spell out exactly what would be in it for you as an Institutional Investor, Author, or Anime Fan.

03. Let's get down to Business!

In this section, we'll break down the details of the proprietary processes and technologies that give Legend Studios the edge over our competition. We'll also examine our competitors and the anime market at large.

See the comparison table below to see what aspects of the industry we're competing in directly.

04. Looking into the Future

While launching the company is our first big milestone, our Founder plans for bigger and better far into the future. In this section, we'll look at the heart and soul of Legend Studios - its vision. We'll also share a roadmap that displays all of the amazing products and services we plan to expand to over the years.

For detailed information on the execution of all our plans, please follow this link for our Business Documents Repository for Investors.
