Invest in Gravitec Inc

A Revolutionary All Electric Propellant-less Propulsion System for spacecrafts



reserved of a $100,000 goal
Future Equity
 $29M  $25M valuation cap
Early Bird Bonus: The first $1K of investments will be in a SAFE with a $25M valuation cap
$250, $500, $1.5K


Fast to market by using Low Cost, Off-the-Shelf CubeSat to Space Qualify our Propulsion Technology
Quick revenue by licensing the technology for use by others, except for Very Low Orbit Use.
Very high potential payoff investment.
‍Solid proven development team to execute our goals.

Our Team

Space is an emerging commercial and military market and with our proprietary propulsion technology, we can keep the competitive advantage in the US Space and Defense Market.

The first All Electric Propellant-less propulsion system for spacecraft applications.

Our Team,

Your chance to own a part of the New Space Revolution!

We are in a Golden Age of Space Commercialization. The “New Space” Revolution has made space a viable commercial market for not only nations but also for private investors. Space as a market is growing at an exponential rate. Gravitec will tap this market by licensing the use of its space-qualified all electric propellant-less propulsion system to satellite and space vehicle operators, so they can enjoy its superior performance and indefinite vehicle lifespan. As the saying goes, time is money and the longer you can keep your satellite in orbit, the more revenue it can produce for the operator. Companies like SpaceX and others have increasing access to orbit while lowering the price point. These two factors have led to an explosion in the number of satellites and satellite operators in orbit.

If we just look at the cargo bay of a SpaceX Transport Mission-8, we can see dozens of small satellites, all representing new space-based companies that are putting their first or additional products in space. All these satellites represent potential clients of Gravitec Inc.

Space is a new investment market and like in the past, those that are on the ground floor of a new market investment will fare the best.

The Problem is propulsion

Spacecraft are built around their propulsion systems. They are what define the spacecraft’s performance and limitations. Currently, all satellite propulsion requires fuel. When the fuel runs out, the satellite becomes space junk and falls back to Earth uncontrollably.

The Solution is SFE Propulsion

Gravitec Inc has been developing SFE propellant-less propulsion for over 20 years. We have proven that it works in the laboratory countless of times, but to date, none of the government agencies we have shown this technology to have been willing to fund additional testing to bring this technology to market. This is the next step in propulsion technology. With this form of propulsion, Satellites can remain operational until they become technologically obsolete. Instead of becoming space junk, they can be safely de-orbited at the end of their life to make room for new satellites. This is your chance to get on the ground floor of the New Space Revolution. With your support, we can bring this technology to market and change the space economy forever.

Getting to market quickly

Our first step into the market is what we call our Demo-1 mission. This mission will take the fast track to space by using an off-the-shelf 2U CubeSat. Gravitec Inc already has one 2U CubeSat from Gran Systems, courtesies of Dr. Kuang the co-mission manager for the Demo-1 mission. Grand Systems will be providing almost all components for the Demo-1 Space qualification mission. This means that we will have Demo-1 fully assembled and ready for testing in months.

Our Business Model

Our first step into the market will be to license our SFE propellant-less propulsion technology on a non-exclusive basis to generate revenue and become profitable quickly. Our downstream plan is to reserve the use of SFE for Very Low Orbit (VLO) operations for Gravitec Inc planned fleet of constellations of 6U and larger CubeSats for optical imaging, signal intercept, and direct from orbit 5G communication. Clients for this kind of high-quality sensor data include both civil and government.

Very Low Orbit (VLO) is an area where no satellite can operate for very long without falling out of orbit. With our SFE propulsion technology, we will be able to maintain these very low orbital altitudes and take advantage of the superior signal strength, reduced signal power, lower signal latency, and higher resolution using smaller less expensive sensor packages.

Space Junk

Space junk is a real problem that needs a solution fast. Our propulsion technology is not only green by the absence of any harmful fuels but will also allow our customers to extend the life of their satellites and provide them with the ability to decide when it’s time to retire and deorbit their satellites.

Our next step

To get into the market fast we plan on launching a 2U CubeSat into orbit to Space Qualify, our first commercially available thruster package. This mission is referred to as Demo-1 and will transition our SFE technology from Technology Readiness Level 4 (TRL-4) to TRL-9 in one mission.


With the successful completion of this round of funding, we will be relocating to new facilities to allow full research development and testing of our Planned thruster. Gravitec already possesses much of the equipment needed to prepare the thruster for launch into space. One key component we already have in our inventory is a high vacuum system that has been used in the past to test SFE under space vacuum conditions. The chamber is large enough to accommodate from a 1U to a 12U CubeSat for testing.

The Next Step

To get Demo-1 in orbit and space-qualified, we have a need for new testing facilities to continue the work at a faster pace. There is lots of work ahead. Every milestone we cross will add value to Gravitec Inc and make the company more attractive for investment or acquisition. As Demo-1 evolves into a flight-ready system, we will be approaching investment funds and government agencies to get commitments for funding and lease or purchase agreements. We are a proven entity when it comes to making the most out of our limited resources. The first stop in this effort is going to be our attendance and participation at the Small Satellite Conference in Salt Lake City Utah in August. Gravitec Inc will be hosted by Dr. Kuang at the Gran Systems booth, where we will be able to talk to potential clients all about Gravitec Inc and our propulsion solution. Beyond that, we are planning an aggressive fundraising campaign with VCs and other potential investors and partners.
