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Wefunder means Wefunder Inc and its wholly owned subsidiaries: Wefunder Advisors LLC, Wefunder Portal LLC, and Wefunder EU B.V.. This page is hosted by Wefunder Inc.
Wefunder Portal LLC is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). Wefunder EU B.V. is registered with the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets. Investing on Wefunder is risky. Don’t invest more than you can afford to lose. is a website owned by Wefunder Inc., the parent company of Wefunder Advisors LLC, Wefunder Portal LLC, and Wefunder EU BV. Wefunder Inc. operates sections of where certain Regulation D and Regulation A+ offerings are available. Wefunder Inc. is not regulated in any capacity, is not registered as either a broker-dealer or funding portal, and is not a member of FINRA or any other self-regulatory organization.
Wefunder Advisors is an exempt reporting adviser that makes filings with the SEC and certain states. Wefunder Advisors advises special purpose vehicles (SPVs) used in certain Regulation D offerings that are available on
Wefunder Portal is a funding portal (CRD #283503) that is registered with the SEC and is a member of FINRA. Wefunder Portal operates sections of where certain Regulation Crowdfunding offerings are available. For Reg CF investments, Wefunder Portal may charge issuers up to a 7.9% fee. Anyone with a financial stake in a company fundraising on Wefunder, such as a promoter, employee, or founder, must disclose their relationship when communicating with other investors. Investors should read our educational materials on startup investing. Educational materials are continually updated at
Wefunder EU is crowdfunding service provider that is registered with the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets. Wefunder EU operates sections of where certain European Crowdfunding Service Provider Regulation offerings are available.
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