min $200
If you invest, you're betting Carter Country Meats, Inc. will be worth more than $10M in the future.
Click link to watch: The Future of Food is Now
This is a quick snapshot of WHO we are...
60 - years later...
A Functional Medicine approach...
The Science...
Behind the curtain...
The process has a direct effect on the nutrient-density of your food source...
It all starts with the soil...
Standards matter for long-term land management and health...
From 1964...
Scaling growth is positive...
*Forward-looking projections can't be guaranteed.
An investment that matters when food scarcity is a reality...
What most people didn't know...
Dr.Zach Bush is among thousands of others amplifying awareness on this topic, again it all comes back to the soil...
The Science behind the nutrient-density of our beef speaks for itself...