Call Emmy

On-demand marketplace connecting parents with trusted family-care providers

Last Funded November 2023


raised from 37 investors


Market size: $258B TAM and growing.
Traction: Launched in 2021 and tripled top-line in a year with minimal marketing.
Credibility: Accepted into AWS Accelerator program amongst thousands and supported by AWS Startups.
Founder:Second-time founder and recognized as a top 25 most powerful women in business in Colorado.

Our Team

The Problem

Good Help Isn't Just Hard to Find...It Is Nearly Impossible!

Who knows this problem better than working parents who, especially after the pandemic, are even more stretched thin than before. When you finally find the right help, it feels like you just won the lottery!

Parents spend thousands of dollars on background checks and subscription fees, hundreds of hours that they don't have, going through candidate profiles and setting up interviews. Specialized apps and websites are unreliable and who knows who shows up; are they safe? Are they reliable? Will they take good care of your home and your child?

For working parents, finding help just creates more headaches, and they simply can't afford to unravel.

The Solution

Hang on, Call Emmy and watch the headache disappear!

From child care to house cleaning, laundry to home organization, get it all on demand, in one place. We connect you to fully screened, background-checked, and skill verified Mom Fairies who do the one thing you need the most:

Get the job done, no drama, no fuss.

The Approach

Use our mobile app or book on our website. It is as easy as 1, 2, 3...

Best of all, you know that whoever comes to your home is safe and reliable because they have been fully vetted and qualified.

I wanted to share how easy you make the process of the app and the thoroughness even on my side of things... The confirmation of my identity and then the text message alerts while searching for care...The technology was great to use! Kelly V.

Our Unique Value Propositions


100% background checked, skill verified and psychometrically evaluated providers.

One-Stop Shop

No need to download 4+ apps on your phone. One destination and all the support for the busy parent.

Ease of Use

Customizable platform for bookers and providers.

Customer Love đź’–

The best! Stephanie is our regular Thursday babysitter and we have such a special relationship. Stephanie has a background as a homeschool mom, is fun and always has fun activities whether it is cooking, gymnastics or baking. Today Stephanie came to a special event that we were invited to at the Denver Zoo. Stephanie is also dependable and reliable, we call her Mary Poppins because she is so amazing. We love her!! Melissa H.
I don't know who Emmy is... but when I called her... she has been most helpful and accommodating. I just love her! In fact she has made my life so much better always taking care of finding me fairies and keeping them going. Reminding me and looking out for me! Thank you ladies! If changing lives was your goal when you dreamed up Call Emmy you have succeeded . I can't thank you enough for creating this service! Joan M.
Ally was amazing. we did a move out cleaning and Ally completely transformed our house. the new owners were very pleased. if we didn't just move to FL we would have Ally come see us on a regular basis. thank you Call Emmy! Michelle B.

From Our Fairies and Customers

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