Bright Neighbor, LLC.

Shared Stuff, All In One Search

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The first functional Sharing Economy aggregator
First sharing economy technology licensed by a city
4 modes of exchange (rent/sell/lend/barter)
Extensive dev/mgmt experience with large

Our Team


Bright Neighbor was founded in Portland, Oregon in 2007 by Randy White, a Sharing Economy pioneer. The first platform to offer a Swap & Share market based on inventories and wish lists, Bright Neighbor was invited to present at about the Sharing Economy at TEDx SoMa. As the first sharing platform to be licensed by a municipality (City of Portland) and corporation (PGE), Bright Neighbor has learned about multiple sharing behaviors and trends between people at the city, organizational, and citizen level. White recruited Peter Newell of Second Life and Wayfair fame as Bright Neighbor's Chief Technology Officer in 2012. Not content to contain themselves to Portland, Bright Neighbor 2.0 was launched nation-wide in 2013 as the first Sharing Economy aggregator, including the ability for users to add their own inventories of items and services to rent, sell, trade, and lend with people within proximity of one another. Our mission is to organize the Sharing Economy to help it grow faster. By reducing new customer acquisition costs for Sharing Economy companies, we wake up every day to keep building the most convenient way for people to make and save money through sharing. With the Internet's first functional aggregated sharing system on mobile, tablet, laptop, and desktop systems, Bright Neighbor aims to grow our team and partners to become the most trusted one-stop-shop for shared stuff, all in one search.
