Invest in breathROX

Our goal: #1 breath mint with $375M in sales of 125M bottles at 400K stores


reserved of a $50,000 goal
Priced Round
$112M pre-money valuation


Our popping breath mints are the best breath mints ever. They're fun, flavorful, and functional.
Zinc helps NEUTRALIZE gas. Popping helps ACTIVATE saliva. Pieces help SCRUB mouth.
Previously, breathROX sold $3M on HSN/QVC/Facebook. We have the Facebook database of 30K customers.
We acquired breathROX to update the brand and launch to 500K+ retail locations.

Our Team


BREATHROX ARE FUN“Wow, they’re like sugar-free  Pop Rocks® with zinc!” 
breathROX are an awesome, nostalgic
experience that are fun share with friends!
You’ll love our
delicious flavors: 
Mint, Cinnamon, & Watermelon.

Flavors coming soon: Blue Raspberry, Sour Citrus, Pumpkin Spice, Mango Tajín, Ginger, Piña Colada, Coffee, Dirty Soda, Wintergreen, Bubble Gum, Cherry Limeade, Strawberry Lemonade, and more!
Zinc helps NEUTRALIZE gas.
Popping helps ACTIVATE saliva.
Pieces help SCRUB mouth.
breathROX are the best breath mint ever. Other breath mints are just perfumed candy. breathROX are fun and functional. Customers fall in love and then keep coming back for the flavor, the experience, and the benefits. Beautiful packaging adds credibility to share with friends.

We launched with independent, mom-&-pop retailers to avoid the challenges and costs of launching through national chains. There are 250K+ independent retailers. We’re already in thousands of them. We’ll eventually expand into the 250K+ national chain locations.

People love to share breathROX because it’s so fun to experience the popping! Crowdfunding gathers our fans and gives them another reason to share. Influencers love to mention our product because it’s so unique. Our fun and educational social media posts are memorable and compelling to pass along. In time, we will launch strategic advertising campaigns that entertain and inform to help breathROX become a household name.
The breath mint industry is hard to break into. You need to sell millions of units at a low price. You need distribution at thousands of locations with placement at the checkout counter (the most valuable location). 
We’re starting to have success that can 
generate dividends for decades.


Rebranded breathROX
Manufactured Batch 1 of 100K bottles and Batch 2 of 500K bottles
Currently manufacturing Batch 3 of 600K bottlesincluding 4th flavor (Blue Raspberry)
Launched at national trade shows for pharmaciesand convenience stores
Sold hundreds of thousands of bottles in thousandsof stores (pharmacies, convenience stores, gift shops)
Created distribution network of over 100K stores
Established our own label application manufacturing
Currently manufacturing custom bottle
Launched social media
Raised $1.3M Seed Loan from strategic investors
Raise $5M from crowdfunding campaign
Launch online shopping
Launch more flavors
Launch naturally-sweetened breathROX
Launch complementary products
Expand distribution to more than 500K stores
Manufacture millions of bottles 
Launch international markets
Run strategic advertising campaigns
Become the #1 breath mint in the US 
Generate $375M+ in sales of 125M+ bottles at 400K+ stores
It’s typical in Silicon Valley for angel investors and venture capitalists to receive preferred shares in startups. This structure rewards investors first and then founders second. 

Invest in breathROX and you’ll receive preferred shares with 300% liquidity preference. This means that if we get acquired, go public, or pay out a dividend, you’ll triple your investment before the common shareholders (founders and management) receive anything. After you receive your 300%, we’ll divide the rest according to everyone’s ownership percentage. 

This is especially important because we’re not planning to sell the company. We’re planning to stay private and pay out dividends for decades. This is just like the long-time family owners of Altoids (Mars/Wrigley) and Tic Tac (Ferrero). This is just like the long-time family owners of our independent pharmacies. Like all the other national breath mints, we can last for decades and so can your dividends.
We’d love as many people to own a piece of breathROX as possible. So, $1,000 is the maximum investment available. This gives up to 5,000 people the opportunity to own the best breath mint ever.

EXAMPLE:Invest $100 in 2024 and we plan to pay you a $300 dividend in 2026. Then in 2027 and every year thereafter, we plan to keep paying you an annual dividend based on your ownership percentage.
Join us, it’s simple:
1. Buy shares in breathROX
2. Share breathROX with your friends
3. Share in our profits

For as little as $100, you can become a breathROX shareholder and share in our success.

You'll also receive a 6-pack of breathROX so you can enjoy the experience of all 3 fantastic flavors. 1 bottle of each flavor for you. 1 bottle of each to share.

Of course, we'll update you frequently on our progress toward building a national brand. It will be educational 
and entertaining.
With many crowdfunding projects, there's not much a shareholder can do to really help grow the business. But with breathROX, every person is a potential customer. Nearly every retail location is a potential partner. Just share and let the popping do the pitching. It’s fun!

Please email us at 
if you know the owner/manager of a retail location that loves breathROX.
There are thousands of manufacturers that can make candy, cosmetics, beverages, snacks, and supplements. We’re 1 of only 5 companies in the world that can make popping products. It requires specialized equipment and expertise to safely make and package it in volume. This creates a huge barrier for competitors. Plus, very few are willing to launch a product that will only sell for a few dollars since it requires such high volume and nationwide distribution to be successful.

Our inventor and partner, Lynn Hesson, was the second one in the world (after Pop Rocks) to manufacture popping candy. Lynn was the first person to utilize popping candy as an ingredient in other products and the first one to use it as a drug delivery system. You’re investing in a brilliant pioneer.


Isomalt (900mg+) Primary sweetener of breathROX. Made from sugar beets, it’s 100% sugar-free and helps to prevent tooth decay. Used in many food applications, it’s the #1 sugar replacer in hard candies. 

Zinc (1.5mg) Essential mineral. Helps immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses. Used to make DNA and proteins. Second most common mineral in the body and found in every cell. Zinc is also in some of the best oral care products on the market: SmartMouth, TheraBreath, and breathROX. Pharmaceutical-grade zinc in breathROX helps neutralize the hydrogen sulfide gas that causes bad breath.

Sucralose (1mg) Secondary sweetener of breathROX to help counteract the zinc taste.

Carbon Dioxide Like soda, 
it makes breathROX pop!

Boil ingredients into hot syrup

Pressurize in reactor and 
inject with carbon dioxide

Pipe carbonated hot syrupinto 7 ft tall cylinder

Cool cylinder to create giant 
icicle and then drop into  
container, causing it to 
explode into pieces

Shake pieces until they break 
down to the right size, then coat with active ingredients & flavor

Package in airtight container
Currently in production
Launching early 2025
Better consumer experience
Small opening to shake outa single serving
Safety seal to eliminate the need for a shrink-wrap seal
Reduces our costs and increases our profits

Sugar free breathROX is made with artificial sweeteners as are Breath Savers and Ice Breakers. Tic Tac and Altoids are made with sugar. 

In 2025, we’re launching a naturally-sweetened version of breathROX made with cane sugar and organic rice syrup. This gives consumers more choice and also allows us to have distribution with some retailers that don’t allow artificial sweeteners. Plus, this version is 20% cheaper to produce and also reduces supply chain risk that comes with artificial sweeteners.

Gummies used to be just candy. Then Vitamin C was added to this chewy treat and the first gummy vitamin was created. The rest is billion-dollar history. Popping crystals used to be just candy. Then Lynn added zinc to this popping treat and the first popping mineral was created. It could also become billion-dollar history.
breathROX creates a unique distribution and technology foundation we can build on. 
First, after breathROX is in thousands of stores, we’ll launch other terrific products into our network.  
Second, our carbonated crystals are an effective drug delivery technology platform. We started with zinc. Other helpful ingredients are coming. Our development pipeline includes:
energyROXCaffeine, B vitamins, etc. Alternative to energy drinks, energy shots, coffee, & soda.
sleepROXMelatonin and more. Alternative to gummies, pills, and prescriptions.
Popping ChocolateRich chocolate + healthy ingredients. Alternative to chocolate bars and candies.
Shhh…we’ve also created 2 popping products in multi-billion dollar markets that could revolutionize those industries. Both of them will require a significant investment to meet regulatory requirements.
Come profit on this “candyceutical” empire!
Our strategic investors are a Dream Team of experts. They invested $1.3M in our seed loan to fund our launch and the production of our first 3 batches of 1.1M bottles.
Over 100 prominent pharmacy owners, pharmacy executives, convenience store owners, grocery store owners, medical supply distributors, and dentists invested in breathROX. 

Our pharmacy owners include 4 board members of the National Community Pharmacist Association which represent 20K pharmacies, 4 board members of the 2 largest pharmacy group purchasing associations which represent 10K pharmacies, current/former state pharmacy association presidents, and 4 of "The 50 Most Influential Leaders in Pharmacy". They know our industry and invested because they believe in breathROX and can help us sell more products. Having 100+ small business retailers invest their own money in a retail product is probably the greatest credibility possible.
We have a national distribution agreement with a convenience store trade association that’s owned by hundreds of convenience stores. They have a national network of 100K retailers, including 60K convenience stores. They’re proactively selling breathROX. They’ve already launched breathROX into a network that covers the majority of convenience stores in Texas, a cash & carry warehouse serving 1,200 companies in Austin, & a chain of 300 convenience stores in the Mid-Atlantic.
Our founder previously owned an independent pharmacy over 20 years ago and has been helping independent pharmacies grow their business for over 16 years. Through his relationships with our strategic investors, we have multiple points of access to 20K independent pharmacies. This includes the leaders of the largest independent pharmacy cooperatives with 7K member pharmacies and the second largest with 3K member pharmacies.

The names of these organizations are confidential trade secrets. Other consumer product startups who want access to our distribution network can partner with us.
Our bottles are packed in boxes by Lakeside Packaging Plus in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. They also ship out all our orders to customers. The team at Lakeside is made up of over 100 special needs adults and recent immigrants. They’re thrilled to be a part of every bottle of breathROX.

Your support of breathROX helps a wonderful organization that aids hard working people expand their skills.
In 1956, William “Bill” Mitchell, a New Jersey food chemist at General Foods, created an ice cube that would carbonate any liquid it melted in. His coworkers bet him he couldn’t create a carbonated cube of sugar. So he took up the challenge and carbonated candy was born!

Unfortunately, General Foods wasn’t in the candy market, so they weren’t interested in commercializing his invention. But, he eventually invented Cool Whip, Jell-O instant pudding, quick set Jell-O, and Tang. He’s the real Willy Wonka!

For the next 20 years, Bill kept Pop Rocks alive by making small batches for the birthday parties for his family and friends. 
In 1976, one of those coworkers convinced General Foods to finally launch Pop Rocks. The rest is a crazy, billion-dollar rise and fall. The story deserves to be made into a movie!

In 1992, Lynn Hesson, a Wisconsin ice cream manufacturer, was trying to create a special treat for his  kids. He ended up inventing a chocolate coating for Pop Rocks and mixing them into ice cream bars. What a cool dad! He’s been known as “The Pop Father” ever since.

Lynn had turned popping candy into an ingredient. He took his concept to Pop Rocks, which by this time was based in Spain. They hired him to sell his popping candy ingredient technology to food manufacturers worldwide. He successfully did this for 7 years in 60 countries.

In 1999, Lynn founded his own popping candy manufacturer. This became the only one in the Americas. Over the years, he made popping products with Applebee’s, Dairy Queen, Dippin’ Dots, Kellogg’s, Kraft, Nestle, Post, Taco Bell, etc. In fact, look for his popping candy in HERSHEY’S white chocolate bar across the nation every spring and summer. 

In the early 2000s, he invented the popping breath mint. He kept it a secret, waiting for a partner who could help make it a huge success. For the next 20 years, his invention would go on a wild ride of several brands and owners.
In 2012, Dr Tom, celebrity dentist in Hollywood had an idea for a popping oral care product. He asked Lynn to make it for him. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t work, but Lynn shared his popping breath mint invention. Dr. Tom suggested adding zinc to make it even more effective.

breathROX was born! Well, not exactly. Dr. Tom licensed Lynn’s invention and called it “ev 32” as in effervescent cleaning of the 32 teeth in your mouth. Since 
he was a charismatic dentist to celebrities, he figured he should star in infomercials pitching the product on Home Shopping Network and QVC. Despite the unusual brand name and expensive price of $30 for 50 pouches, it sold well.

In 2017, Dr Tom sold his company to a couple of marketing experts, Ron & Bing, so he could focus on being the celebrity spokesperson. 
They renamed it “ BREATH ROX” and brought it to the infomercial giant, Guthy-Renker, owners of the billion-dollar skin care brand, Proactive. Guthy-Renker loved breathROX so much that they invested. These funds helped BREATH ROX upgrade their packaging from pouches to bottles and launch on Facebook. BREATH ROX was still quite expensive selling for $30 for 9 tubes but they continued to sell quite well.

Unfortunately after selling over $3M on HSN, QVC, and Facebook, Guthy-Renker decided to stop investing in other companies. Ron & Bing knew that in order for BREATH ROX to become a national brand, it would need to be sold in small, inexpensive bottles in thousands of stores across the country. But they didn’t have retail experience or the funding to accomplish this. 

In 2020 they sold BREATH ROX back to the inventor, Lynn, and his business development partners Joe & John. They were eventually introduced to Jonathan, who had experience with pharmacies, e-commerce, and launching products. Lynn felt he finally found the right partner for his invention.

In 2023, they formed “breathROX Inc”, with Jonathan becoming CEO. To resurrect the product, he created a strategy to update the branding, launch through independent pharmacies, and raise crowdfunding from customers. He then raised seed round funding from 100+ strategic investors to accomplish this. Jonathan also recruited Gheen to join as Chief Marketing Officer to redesign the brand and lead the marketing strategy.

In 2024, we launched the crowdfunding campaign to turn breathROX fans into breathROX owners. The rest is history in the making that you can  help create!
Jump on this "Shark Tank" opportunity

Own a piece of breathROX for as little as $100 and share in our success!

Just click the "RESERVE" button on this page.
