Invest in Benaborly, Inc

A new social app for meaningful check-ins. Transforming the mental health of a generation.

Friends Invest First
Public Launch on Sep 30 @ 9:00 AM ET
Future Equity
$50M valuation cap
Early Bird Bonus: The first $1M of investments will be in a SAFE with a discount
$250, $500, $1K, $10K


Get exclusive early access! Download the naborly app and enter invite code 'nabors2024'
The world's first social network for wellbeing; built on 50 years of mental health research.
Successful trials at 3 college campuses to validate and achieve product market fit.
App already available on App and Google Play stores. 20,000 beta downloads.

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Naborly - the new social app for meaningful check-ins

We all know what Social Media promised to be, so where did it go wrong?

What if we could do something good with Social Media? What if it could enhance our own wellbeing and deepen our relationships with others.

Small, repetitive actions, produce significant, lasting impact! Research shows that the greatest defense we have in maintaining healthy mental and emotional wellbeing, is our close friendships. Imagine if there was a simple, fun way of checking in with those friends in a truly meaningful way, on a regular basis. Imagine if we made that available to everyone in a digitally familiar environment. Imagine if we could positively impact the mental health of an entire generation!

BeReal (acquired in June for €500m) offers the closest comparison for us, as they made a step in the same direction of authenticity within the Social Media landscape. Naborly is taking that many steps further down the road, with a platform that is designed entirely to enhance the user’s wellbeing.

We have erred on the side of caution with our growth and revenue targets. Our modeling is built on one third of BeReal’s user growth and less than 5% of Instagram’s current revenue per user. (Source: Statista 2023).

Our paid ad philosophy is - ‘to serve, not sell’. Any advertising within the Naborly ecosystem, will always seek to serve the best interests of the individuals using the platform. This is directly reflected in our financial modeling, with ad revenue predicted at a significantly lower amount than that of other social media platforms.

Social networks inherently carry high risk, but those that achieve viral growth can generate extraordinary cash flow and value. While returns on investment are never guaranteed, our vision is to create both game-changing financial value for investors - through dividends or a future sale - and profound positive social impact by promoting wellbeing. As with any investment, please carefully consider the risks and only invest what you can afford to lose.
