Invest in AI Smart Homes

Invest Smart with AI Smart Homes for Passive Income



reserved of a $60,000 goal
Revenue Share Loan
30% of revenue  1.5X  2.0X payback multiple
$350, $500, $1K, $2K, $10K, $15K, $25K, $50K, $100K, $250K
Pitch Video
Investor Panel


Company was last valued at $3 Million
We have already Raised $200k
100s of Guests/Renters are already on our Waiting List!
Successfully Built 1 Concept AI Smart Home (December 2023) on Airbnb Cash flowing!

Featured Investor

Our Team

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, building a Home can take around Seven Months. We have developed a Strategy to build Fully Equipped Smart Homes in 90 days or less. Our construction techniques that can build houses as fast as possible with the highest quality material as possible at a Attainable cost that benefits Developers, Investors, and Future Homeowners.

Own a Piece in Building 24 AI Smart Homes!

Building the AI Living Experience!

robot assistant
AI Smart Homes come with Robots

What is an AI Smart Home?

A Smart Home that uses AI, Smart Technology, Robots, & Advanced Electronics.

This Investment will focus on developing 24 AI Smart homes as Rental Properties.


The Virtual Mirror AI Smart Home is Quickly built in a factory by the Manufacturers & then Delivered to our Land.

Once we have the Mirror Home we will then Furnish the Home with Solar, AI, Robotics, and Advanced Smart Tech!

Virtual Reality AI Smart Home

virtual reality ai smart home

The Virtual Mirror AI Smart Home is a Tiny Home Infused with AI Technology, a Pet Robot, Interactive Interior/Exterior Glass, Smart Appliances, & other Smart Home Features.

Explore More Features below:

  • Exterior & Interior Interactive Video Wall Panels
  • Mirror House
  • Remote Control Outlets, AI Appliances, and much more…
Mirror House Manufacturer OODHouse

We are taking Mirror Homes and adding Never before seen Smart Home Tech to them.


3d printed ai smart home

3D Printed AI Smart Homes are 2 Unit Duplexes that are 3D Printed furnished with Solar Power, Physical Robot Assistant, Smart Technology, & AI Features.

We are using a Robot 3d Printer to print Duplex Style Residential Units.

Explore Some Features below:

  • 3d Printed Multi-Family Duplex: 2 (1 Bed/ 1 Bath) Separate Living Units with Luxury AI Features, Physical Robot Assistant, & Underground Shelter.

The 3D Printed AI Smart Homes are built using a 3D Printer that can be built in 30 days or less.

Understanding the Investment:

ai smart home 3d printer
  • Immediate Dividends: We look to Launch and Start Cash Flowing by end January 2025. to provide Investors with Immediate income from the finished homes.
  • Passive Income in 2024: After Zoning/Permits our Homes can be Built Fast because of 3d Printing and Modular Construction Technology.
  • We have a 2x Payback multiple: This means the first investors receives 2 times their initial investment. If they invest $1,000, their return is $2,000 in total. This is a built in Return!
  • Investor Receives 30% Revenue share: Investor will get paid 30% of the Income generated by Ai Smart Homes until they reach their 2x Payback multiple Amount.
  • Early Investors: The First $124,000 raised the investors receive a 2x Payback Multiple. This means if they invest $10,000 they will receive $20,000.
ai smart home

We Target $6 Million in Annual Revenue:

We are Building 24 AI Smart Homes (A Total of 36 Rentals)

  • 12 Virtual Mirror AI Smart Homes (Tiny House Rentals)
  • 12 3D Printed AI Smart Homes (Duplex 24 Rentals)
  • We Target $500k Per Monthly Revenue in Upscale Rental Sales


Robots: Equipped with Physical Robot Assistant, Cleaning robot, and/or Pet Robot.
Cleaning Robot
Smart Surfaces (Think Ironman): Use Surfaces as a Touch Screen with Touch Foil Technology.
Smart Mirrors: Interact with your mirror similar to a computer or phone.
smart refrigerators
AI Refrigerator: Interact with your refrigerator when you are at the grocery store! Let your refrigerator help you when things expire!
Smart TrashCan
Smart Trashcan: Never touch a dirty trashcan or bag with Smart Trashcans that automatically open & close using sensors.

smart toilet
Smart Toilet: Never Touch a dirty toilet again!
touchless faucet
Touchless Kitchen Faucet: Wash your dirty hands quickly without having to touch faucet!
Smart Oven/Stove: Enjoy a Stove that automatically turns off, that can be controlled remotely!


  • Traveling Professionals
  • Celebrities
  • Executives
  • Social Media Influencers
  • Specialized Medical Professionals


We Have over 100 Years of Combined Experience, 300+ Real Estate Projects, & $50M+ Project Value Experience in Real Estate/Construction Industry.

ai smart home
ai smart home
anade davis


We have 4 targeted Income Streams:

  • Rental Income from Tenants/Travelers
  • Mortgage Note Income (Purchase Land & Sell as a Mortgage for Monthly Income)
  • Solar Leasing (Buy Land & Lease to Solar Companies for Monthly Income)
  • 3D Printer Rentals (Buy 3d Printer & Rent to Builders & Developers)

