On a mission to wipe out economic inequality

Last Funded July 2024


raised from 2,977 investors


“Robinhood of real estate” — Yahoo Finance
Invest and trade in 12 months
2.5M+ followers on social media
FIRST Reg. CF real estate exit (105% returns)

Our Team

Philip is CEO of NYCE and a financial influencer with 2M+ followers.
Sheryl ChapmanDirector, Community
Sheryl is a financial expert with 30-years experience in portfolio management for the US government.
Shari ElcockDirector, Operations
Shari is an FHA specialist, real estate investor and NYCE+ instructor.

We want to create 100,000 millionaires from underserved communities by 2030.

NYCE : $100B Wealth Transfer

  • 🦄 MISSION: 100,000 millionaires by 2030
  • ⚡️ DONE: 3x crowdfunding records
  • 🚀 TARGET: 100,000 affordable housing units
  • 📊 TERMS: 50% returns, 10% royalties
  • 🤩 SEEN: Forbes, TechCrunch, etc
  • 🔥 GROWTH: 2.5M community (and growing)

“The number one driver behind the wealth gap is absence of real estate ownership.”

Home ownership in low-income communities is less today than it was 50 years ago when discrimination was legal. 🤯

This has led to a generational wealth gap that will take 220+ years to close.

Plus, institutional investors are buying up homes en masse, BLOCKING OUT the average person from the one trusted source of wealth building: home ownership.

Solution: Real estate ownership for ALL. 💯

In 2020, we made real estate ownership accessible to ALL—not just so-called “accredited” investors.

With $100 or less.

Ownership Promised, Ownership Delivered. 🤝

TRACTION: We’ve set three records, helped 10,000+ people of color become first-time owners, and facilitated the first successful Reg. CF investor exit for real estate.

More importantly…

We’ve provided access to the tools to build and KEEP generational wealth…🗝

Our NYCE+/TRIBE community gives access to the assets and tools the wealthy use daily.

NYCE 2.0: ”The Great Wealth Transfer” 🔥🤝

NYCE 2.0: We’ve proven the model. We’ve proven the concept. Now we want to accelerate the mission to its next level: bringing home ownership to our TRIBE.

100,000 investors —> 100,000 HOME OWNERS 🚀

Backed by local Senators and councilmen, NYCE Communities is DESIGNED to revitalize neighborhoods—one metro at a time—and bring home ownership to first-time buyers:

  • 🏗 Build affordable starter homes
  • 💰 Down payment funding (via NYCE’s app)
  • 🚔 Neighborhood cleaning and patrol
  • 👇 Financial literacy and education

“Alright, that sounds great, but what’s in it for me?!” 👀

We’ve created a bond instrument that gives access to the mission, awesome perks and benefits, plus awesome, investor-friendly terms.

Investor-Friendly Terms 👇

  • 📊1.5x total returns
  • 💰 10% royalty (we succeed TOGETHER)
  • ✔️ 4-year term w/ 12-month resale option
  • 🤝 NYCE Early Bird/Investment discounts

“Alright, that sounds great, but what’s in it for me?!” 👀

We’ve created a bond instrument that gives access to the mission, awesome perks and benefits, plus awesome, investor-friendly terms.

Investor-Friendly Terms 👇

  • 📊1.5x total returns
  • 💰 10% royalty (we succeed TOGETHER)
  • ✔️ 4-year term w/ 12-month resale option
  • 🤝 NYCE Early Bird/Investment discounts

Plus! Investors qualify for down payment funding. 🤩

Meaning you will automatically pre-qualify for down payment funding on the NYCE app to finance a house hack, rehab or new home purchase.

“Wealth is a function of the conversations around the dinner table…” ****— Philip Michael

In truth, ASSET redlining is a socio-intellectual challenge; it’s not taught in schools and institutions make too much to fix it. 🗝🗝🗝🗝

In other words, those who have the access, keep the wealth.

Those who don’t…don’t.

Which is why we’re here today.

Let’s make a difference. 🙏
