
One more week… The Final Countdown has begun!

Published on Apr 23, 2018

[2018-04] Final Countdown - SPLASH SCREEN - Wefunder.jpeg

Hello everyone - only 8 days remain before our Regulation Crowdfunding campaign closes.

At 12 am EDT on Tuesday May 1st we’ll reach the finish line. If you’ve been waiting until the last minute to invest or want to increase your investment, then now is the time.

As we come around the final turn into the last stretch, we want to take a moment to thank everyone who believes in our mission - making the macOS tablets that Apple won’t.  Just last week, in an interview with The Sydney Morning Herald, Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, reiterated again on the topic of merging macOS and iOS: “I don’t think that’s what users want…” explaining further that Apple does not “... believe in sort of watering down one for the other. Both [the Mac and iPad] are incredible…”. 

We have been, we are, and we will remain for the foreseeable future the only maker of tablet computers for Mac users.

With almost 300 investors, more than $230,000 raised, and over 250 followers, we are in the final stages of a campaign that has exceeded our expectations.

But, let’s not rest on our shared laurels (yet). Help us end the campaign with a bang and let’s see if we can reach that magic quarter million dollar benchmark!

It’s unlikely that we’ll be offering shares to the “crowd” again, so if you don’t get yourself a slice of our company now, chances are you won’t get the opportunity again.

And let’s not forget about the fully transferable vouchers you get at the $250, $500, and $750 investment amounts (getting you shares plus $300, $600, and $900 gift vouchers respectively).

Let’s get the word out and sharing is so easy - just copy and paste this link into your social networks, along with a short message on why you invested in Modbook.

