Simplicity almost always wins. And in our case..... the same holds true.

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Published on Aug 25, 2017

I've met tens of dozens of startup founders in my career. I was one of the founders driven by the excitement of delivering something literally no one had yet figured out. My early ideas, including VLG, were complex systems that were equally difficult to present to buyers. Once we figured out how to deliver the tech, winning new business and communicating who we were and what problem we solved ALWAYS came down to the simplicity of the presentation. 

So, why am I so excited about stickers? I mean, what could possibly be compelling enough about stickers to entice an investor such as yourself to invest?

Stickers are a gateway for brands and their $400 billion in marketing spend. Stickers - particularly ours - present an opportunity for a brand to make a lasting connection with its customers. People collect stickers because they've become a part of their identity. And now, a brand has the opportunity to communicate and establish a lasting relationship with that customer. Its stickiness is quite literally part of what makes it special - "stickiness" is a term thrown around in marketing circles but it's an important one.

Here's a blog post we wrote today about the strategic rationale for Frunes - 


But back to simplicity for a second. Stickers are known to literally everyone. In the month or so since we launched Frunes, we've presented to, say, 30 brand marketers. In every single case, the response was essentially the same. "OMG". No one cares about the technical aspects (beyond getting a quick background on NFC). It's a sticker that does something really cool. It's branded and connects to a brand's digital assets. It collects data. It solves all the problems every marketer has, but at the end of the day, it's a sticker. Stand on a street corner and hand it out. Duh. Easy.

So now, if I told you I thought Frunes could very realistically sell 1 million stickers in its first year would you be excited? What if I said we had vision on 5 or even 10 million stickers? Is 100 million stickers a realistic goal? I think it is. Think to yourself: "If I owned a business, I could see using Frunes as a promotional tool to connect with my customers." And if your answer is "yes", think about how many more business owners would think the same thing. To give you an example, there are more than 11,000 Shopify stores. Every one of them ships products via a mail service. And every one of them can extend their brand and create the opportunity to drive more business by dropping a branded sticker in every box.

My wife just came back from Erehwon and found these stickers on the counter. She asked the clerk about them and he said "every brand gives us stickers to hand out to our customers." She said, "Do any of them stream music or connect to your online store?". "OMG".


A 5% conversion rate on 11,000 Shopify stores at an average of 5,000 stickers is 2,750,000 stickers. That's about 1.5% of our addressable market.

Last week we began the vetting process with one of the largest cereal brands in the world. In our first month in business, we have taken 7 orders and quoted more than 240,000 stickers. The cereal brand is worth more than 5 million stickers and this is just the beginning.

Many times in life, it's the simplest ideas that win. Please tell your investor friends about this incredible sticker company and help us tell our story to more people. Frunes is a prime example of how VLG makes it easy to bring music enabled ideas to life.
