
Wrapping up the fundraise on Nov 15th

Published on Nov 13, 2022

Hello there,

A quick update on the fundraise, we are closing out our crowd-funding round on November 15th (this coming Tuesday).

I'm really happy with how it has gone. We have $800k committed via Wefunder, and an additional $450k committed on a separate roll-up-vehicle (for bigger cheques), bringing our total to just over $1.2m from 315 investors.

I think this not only demonstrates the passion our customers feel for what we've built so far, but also speaks to our potential. There is so much to be done in the tools-for-thought space. I'm giddy thinking about it. And I believe small dedicated teams like ours, iterating over the long-term, will be the ones to do it.

I'm also really excited about what this fundraise means for the industry as a whole. I want Reflect to be a shining example of a different approach to company building. An alternative to the A-B-C-round venture train. Let's inspire a cottage-industry of sustainable tech businesses!

As investors you will be getting regular updates from me on the financial state of the company, our goals, and immediate roadmap. Some of you are seasoned investors, but many of this is your first foray. These updates will be aimed at the latter group. I'm going to take you through how the sausage is made - the ups and downs of startup life. They will be raw, honest, and fun.

There are some strong network effects that come with having so many investors and we intend to maximize them. Look out for an email in the next few weeks inviting you to our private investor community. Participating is entirely optional of course, but I suspect you will get just as much out of it as we do.

Thank you for coming on this journey with me.


Liked by David K. Williams, Ricardo Sousa, Adam Wood, and 8 others