Joule Case

What an Amazing Day for Joule Case

Published on Sep 24, 2022


What an amazing few weeks we've had! Among all of the other news, the team and I had an opportunity to participate in the GCEAF event this week.

Jigar Shah from the Loan Program Office invited Joule Case to the Inaugural Global Clean Energy Action Forum (GCEAF). This is an international conference sponsored by the Department of Energy, The White House, and over 60 countries in shaping the clean energy future. Attendees included Bill Gates, Cabinet Secretary Jennifer Granholm, PA Governor Tom Wolf, John Kerry, Hitachi CEO Claudio Facchin, Siemens CEO Barbara Humpton, National Grid CEO John Pettigrew, International Energy Agency Executive Director Faith Birol, and GM Chief Economist Elaine Buckberg. 

The future of energy and the economy is clean energy and it was obvious at this conference. Some of the recent funding and clean energy legislation that Joule Case discussed at the conference:

  • Loan Program Office has $60B in financing to fund clean tech projects
  • Inflation Reduction Act has $370B
  • Infrastructure Bipartisan Bill has $62B
  • During the conference, 15 countries committed over $94B for Clean Energy Demonstration Projects

We are honored to be invited by Jigar Shah and very excited about the commitment the United States, dozens of other countries, and large multinational corporations made to clean energy in the past 12 months and at this conference. We are excited to continue to work with the DOE, Jigar Shah at the Loan Program Office and all the government entities we are currently in discussion with. The mantra of the DOE is DEPLOY! DEPLOY! DEPLOY! They have the funding and are financing clean tech companies like Joule Case to tackle Global Warming. We are very excited to continue to shape our clean energy future.

Also, if you haven't voted yet for Joule Case as CleanTech Deal of the Year - time is running out. Let's win this award and the additional bragging rights we'll receive!

You can vote for Joule Case by clicking here.

Thanks again for all your support!

James Wagoner

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