
Welcome Dr. Najberg DO, FACEP

Published on Oct 24, 2020

UrgentEMS, Inc would like to welcome Dr. Tiffany Najberg DO, FACEP, to our company. Dr. Tiffany Najberg has over 14 years of Clinic Experience in Practicing Emergency Medicine in high acuity high volume Emergency Departments, Paramedicine, and Medical Education environments. Dr. Najberg was trained at Charity Hospital New Orleans, did an EMS fellowship with New Orleans EMS, and is Board Certified by The American College of Emergency Physicians.

Dr. Tiffany Najberg DO brings a multitude of talents and experiences to our hybrid telehealth startup. Dr. Najberg will be UrgentEMS, Inc’s Director of Emergency Medicine Products and Services.

Dr. Tiffany Najberg DO is the first openly transitioning transwoman emergency physician in Louisiana history. This journey brings a unique perspective and capability of empathy to her clinical practice to care for patients from all walks of life.

We are honored to have Dr. Najberg DO join our team as a business partner and medical director. Stay tuned for more on this development.

Dr. Najberg's Resume