Armbrust American

How an Armbrust American Investment works

Lloyd Armbrust

Published on Oct 16, 2020

We've made investing so simple that anyone can do it. 

If you invest $100 today, we use that money to buy revenue-generating machines. As those machine make money, we pay you. 

This means that unlike most investments where you have to wait until the company sells before seeing any cash, we are paying you quarterly. 

See the video below for more:

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Hi I received an email reading that I have a return, I could find the form mentioned to fill out. What is my next step?
got a question... I invested 2 different times. What is the schedule for the payback amount for the investment and how are the funds distributed. I  apologize this is my 1st wefunder investment so I'm curious on how the timetable works for the payback and the royalties work. Thank you for what you are doing.
I invested a little but Im not worried about my return, at least it will buy 1 of those converter things, tanks for making n95 masks
I am one of first group of purchaser of Armbrust American products. I wait for about one month to receive my order. When I thought maybe I would not receive my order foreverly, I receive all my orders. They're four packages. Each package has 50 masks and a letter written by Mr. Armbrust. I am really surprised at that time. And the quality of these products are pretty good. I continue to follow this company's status. I saw their improve, efforts and growth. I totally agree with Mr. Armbrust's opinion. United States need bring manufacturing back and develop new technology and new product. After about 1970s, US gradually lose many important manufacturing. Many manufacturing Industries nearly disappear in US now. Many US manufacturing companies outsource the process of manufacturing to foreign country. Many legendary US manufacturing filed for bankruptcy and totally disappear in the history. Bethlehem Steel was one of the most important steel and shipbuilding company. It played a really important role for US to win the world war II. But it has already been defunct at the beginning of 21st Century. Now US is not a leader in steel and shipbuilding industry and cmmercial shipping nearly disappear in US. US is the place where first modern industrial robot was invented. The first company to produce a industrial robot was Unimation, a US company. There were also some other important Industrial robot manufacturers in US such as Cincinnati Milacron and Adept. But now all of these three industrial robot companies has already been sold to foreign companies. There is nearly no US companies still in this field and most of Industrial robots are not produced in US. With the lose of manufacturing, US lost employment, technologies, skilled workers, managing experience of manufacturing and a lot of opportunities of innovation in industry. I know establishing a manufacturing business in US is usually very difficult and risky, especially for a start-up. But there are still some people try to do this things. I am not a rich guy. I do not want to waste any money of myself. But when I received my first order from Armbrust American, I told myself if there is a chance, I should invest this company and I want to invest this company. Now, there is a chance to invest this company. It is my first investment. I know maybe I could never get my investment back, but I will never regret my choice. I am also a person who also want to start my own business. I know it is very hard to start a company. You have already tried your best but you even cannot move close to start it. I want to give Armbrust American a chance although I cannot invest too much money in it. Hope your guys can do a great job!
I can't find a link to some of the companies that I want to invest in like armburst .