
The first multiplayer internet browser built for collaborations

Last Funded January 2024


raised from 105 investors


Notable Angel

Raised $25k or more from a notable angel investor

Disrupting a $213B global market of internet browsers and collaboration software.
Rethinking product that is used by 4 Billion people.
Raised a total of $2.5M in previous rounds from 9 VCs and 2 angels.
45% of total users use Stack as their main browser every workday.

Featured Investors

Our Team

Internet was created to make us more connected and efficient at exchanging information. However, today's web has turned into a massive attention-black-hole - full of unwanted distractions. The existing internet browsers designed for the last-century internet are not helping. We're here to create better environment to connect billions of people.

Meet the world's first multiplayer browser!

Stack is a web browser that helps creative people escape the chaos of the internet and collaborate in a pleasant and mindful environment.

This community round is our opportunity to scale and expand Stack, bringing multiplayer browsing experience to more people around the world. We are excited to invite you to join us in rethinking the way people use the internet!

What’s wrong with browsers?

Internet browsers are the most widely used software category with 4B users across the globe. This is no surprise considering that the only way to access the internet on a computer is through a browser. But what IS surprising - this tool has barely evolved since the invention of tabs 25 years ago.

On the flipside, the internet has changed drastically in the last few decades. From being a network primarily used for academic research and communication, it has transformed into a ubiquitous platform for work, entertainment, commerce, and social interactions. People spend on average 6.5 hours a day online! In a sense, we no longer just browse - we live on the internet…

And yet, the major tool we all use to access, organise, and run things in our new “virtual home” was never intended, nor optimized for the way we use it today! Limited tab-management and almost no personalization capabilities in browsers end up in fragmented user experience and decreased productivity.

To make things worse, the internet itself is becoming quite chaotic. As we spend more and more time online, many companies and services have found ways to monetize our time and attention, often distracting us from what is truly important, with continuous ads and notifications.

So just how much longer will browsers stay inert while the internet, as well as our online behaviour continues to evolve?

How does the internet of tomorrow look?

At Stack, we have always believed in the limitless power of human collaboration. And though for the most part of our history, collaboration was largely location bounded, today we have the technology that helps us create value together from all over the planet (and beyond).

So we believe in the future where remote collaboration is as easy yet efficient as in real life today. And this is the vision at the core of everything we do.

How does Stack resonate?

Bye tabs - Hello cards!

Whether doing research, shopping online, working from home, many of our online activities involve switching back and forth between several tabs. At Stack, instead of tabs, we have concurrently available cards that are grouped based on context and allow switching between tasks rather than cards.

Spatial structure and navigation.

To make the internet experience more natural and intuitive, we built the browser based on principles of spatial design - resembling interactions between real-life objects. This means that instead of a linear tab-bar, Stack allows arranging your online workspace into all three dimensions just like you would organize your desk.

Mindful and in charge of online surroundings.

Almost everything we stumble upon online, is taking something from us: either information, or attention. We believe that being aware and in control of our time, our distractions, and our data, is the first step towards the healthier and more sustainable online living.

Clean and conductive.

With its spatial and easily configurable workspaces, Stack promotes being focused on what is most important at the time, ultimately resulting in increased productivity.

Inherently multiplayer.

Collaboration is not a feature at Stack, but rather its nature - offering multiplayer experience at even non-collaborative apps and websites.

Our pricing philosophy

We see the internet as a commodity that should be accessible to everyone for free. We also believe that it is only fair to put a price tag on a product if it has a direct impact on creating value, helps individuals or businesses to generate profits or enhance their operations.

This is why browsing at Stack is and always will be free. And by free we mean 100% free - zero cash, zero data, zero ad placement!

What we sell is productivity and collaboration, as a premium subscription intended for teams and individual professionals.

Market & Strategy

The global productivity management software market size was valued at USD 47.33 billion in 2021 growing at an incredible 13.8% CAGR. And notably, half of the market is attributed to SMEs. We are initially targeting a content management and collaboration segment of this market, specifically in English-speaking countries, representing 6% of the total.

At start however, we plan to onboard and empower knowledge workers who spend most part of their day working online, have a somewhat messy workspace due to their multitasking habits, and are aware of the negative impact this experience has on their productivity. Luckily for us, the opinion of these digital-natives has a strong influence in the tech space.

By delivering substantial value to these Stackers and allowing them to share their wins with peers and audiences, we aim to see network effect in action driving our product-led growth strategy.

The road behind and ahead

Stack got started as a weekend project. Soon after its launch on Product hunt, the feedback of the first couple of hundred users who tried it, helped turn Stack into a life-long passion that united all founders.

Since then, Stack received product updates every two weeks, got 150K+ organic downloads, validated the revenue model, got accelerated and funded several times, was rebuilt from scratch using a better technology, and here we are now - opening the doors for our community to join us on this exciting journey.

Our next immediate step is to incorporate all remaining browsing essentials to Stack such as extensions, bookmarks, etc. After we are officially ready to move on to the next chapter - the multiplayer layer on top of spatial browser.

Here's the concept of the multiplayer internet experience in this demo video.

Our partners

Over the course of our exciting journey, we have found some of the most incredible people and organizations who shared our vision of the future of the internet, and trusted us to build the technology that fits this future.

Stack now has 11 investors - 9 institutionals and 2 angels.

Why now?

We live in the era of a natural transition from the old, traditional way of browsing the web to the new internet experience shaped around the needs of modern internet people.

Whether with or without Stack, this shift is inevitable and it is just a matter of time. The question is: which one of the next-gen internet browsers, or internet OS’s (as we like to call ourselves) is going to win the game and why? And our edge is in the ability to grow rapidly thanks to the network effect driven by multiplayer experience across the internet.

If you believe that browsers can be more than just gateways, and want to take part in their evolution - now is the perfect time to invest in Stack shape the internet with us!

