Kerri Lynn Miller
Drawing attention to female body dysmorphia and patriarchal foes through film.
location: North Caldwell, NJ
Company: Awaken Her
Role: Writer, director
On Awaken Her.
As a recovering perfectionist, the desire to cut away any part of myself that was weak or vulnerable was a real thing to me. I often felt like I was two people, my mask, and the defective, angry part hiding underneath. AWAKEN HER is the underlying thirst, we all have, to overcome our "masks" and re-claim authenticity.
On being a founder.
Being a woman founder means that I get to pave the way for the generation of women that will come after me – that I can be a beacon for possibilities for them.
AWAKEN HER is a personal story to me; I've had to overcome and heal parts of myself before I felt ready to share this story. It's been a cathartic process for the past 7 years, but my hope is that women will be able to relate to our feature film AWAKEN HER and ultimately feel empowered by it. AWAKEN HER dives into the themes of shame, self-worth, revenge, forgiveness, and plastic surgery. I am passionate about sharing an entertaining story while making a social impact and helping change the narrative for women everywhere. My role model, Brene Brown, inspired me to write AWAKEN HER after watching her TedTalk on shame.
Succeeding as a woman founder has meant I've had to unlearn doubt and believe in myself when no one else did. One thing that surprised me was the continued support I am receiving from men. When we walk side by side with each other we are the strongest. I am grateful to the strong men and women who are supporting this social impact film.