Invest in Rum & Sargassum Inc

Drive Any Car on Sargassum-based Fuel


reserved of a $50,000 goal
Future Equity


On September 6th 2024, we will invite the world to witness the first vehicle to drive on Sargassum
In June 2024 we upgraded 3 regular gasoline-only cars to renewable energy vehicles
In April 2024 we launched our first prototype: a gas stove that runs on our proprietary formula
Our innovative formula is patent protected

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Transforming the Discarded into Power

Rum and Sargassum Inc, transforms local waste products into powerful renewable fuel!

Our flagship product uses a patented formula to turn rum distillery wastewater, Sargassum seaweed, and sheep manure, into a sustainable energy fuel (RNG) that can power regular gasoline cars after a one-time, same-day, affordable CNG kit installation.

A Beach in Barbados filled with Sargassum

One day, in what at then seemed liked just another lecture in renewable energy systems at UWI Cave Hill, one student pointed out that the average household in Barbados cannot currently afford to join the renewable energy era by either discarding their existing car and buying an electric vehicle. That took us on a memorable journey that resulted in the birth of an alternative fuel option that turns what is now an invasive species threatening our way of life into a technology that can power the electric grid, our transportation networks and cooking gas stoves all over the island.

We're also partnering with the University of San Diego to prove that local waste in other markets can produce similar results.

Challenge Accepted: The Caribbean pays the highest fuel costs on the planet, keeping us one stride slower than an increasingly industrialized world. In Barbados specifically, it costs USD 103 to fill up a regular 13 gallon tank of gas! That affects the cost of everything. At the same time, Sargassum seaweed invades beaches, disrupting our most abundant natural resource and the region's economic, social, and environmental stability. 

"No Brainer" Market Opportunity: Barbados aims to be 100% fossil fuel free by 2030-2035, making it all but mandatory for the 120K+ internal combustion vehicles to be either somehow discarded or upgraded to an sustainable option.

Help us complete the journey.

Experimental Digestor

This is an exciting time as we're out of the lab and now in the field! In May we released our first prototype which is powering a gas stove in a local high school, and on July 6th we will invite the world to see the first ever vehicle to drive on Sargassum.

We are offering you an opportunity to contribute to our USD 1.9M seed round that will fund our pilot, build our customer base of early adopters, and enable researching, planning and building capacity for our commercial scale biogas plant.