Climate Smart bamboo building supply company building the cities of the future

Last Funded August 2021


raised from 964 investors


🎋 Global leader in bamboo-engineered lumber
♻️ Planting bamboo in USA for regenerative raw material supply sources
đź‘Ł Every $1,000 invested offsets your carbon footprint for a year
🌱 Impact investing: Support mission to sequester 10 gigatons of CO2 by 2050

Our Team

Fred MurrellChairman
Accomplished entrepreneur and lawyer with 30 years of international, executive leadership. VP posts with two Fortune 500 companies, in charge of $1B budgets and experience raising $250M+ in equity.
Our team is committed to ecological, climate, and community health. We have dedicated our lives to creating circular economies that work for everyone. Bamboo is amazing: it grows 10x faster than trees, regrows after harvest, and is 2.5x the strength/weight ratio as steel.
Construction machinery innovator and international business development specialist with 2 prior breakthrough product launches including one of the first cloud-based SAAS platforms in transportation.
David SandsChief Design Officer
Serial entrepreneur, innovator behind structural bamboo, and co-founder of Rizome and Bamboo Living. Licensed architect in Hawaii focusing on sustainable building materials.


The global construction industry is an ecological disaster…

Buildings are the single largest source of global carbon emissions. Steel and cement constitute 15% of emissions, and wood requires massive, unsustainable deforestation. Lumber prices have soared  and global demand is growing rapidly due to population expansion, rural flight, and climate migration.

At RIZOME, we’re leading an unprecedented revolution in construction. We’re planting one of the largest carbon sequestration projects on the planet, scaling engineered bamboo lumber into a primary global construction material, and building the first climate smart buildings and cities.

Bamboo is twice as strong as wood, with 2.5x the tensile strength of steel. This means that bamboo can be used to build tall, green & clean buildings. At RIZOME, we’ve developed the some of first scalable engineered bamboo lumber based on two decades of materials science, sourcing, regulatory compliance, and innovation at RIZOME and our sister company Bamboo Living

Bamboo is an exceptional building material that’s great for the planet. The more we harvest, the faster it grows, sequestering carbon at the highest drawdown rate of any known land based plant or technology, restoring watersheds, providing wildlife habitat, and supporting small farmers and indigenous communities.

RIZOME's goal as we plant bamboo for our supply chain

Our goal is to draw 10 gigatons of CO2 from the atmosphere by 2050—that’s ~1% of the total man-made greenhouse gas emissions. How? Bamboo sequesters 10x more carbon than trees based on biomass studies conducted for RIZOME by university experts.

RiZOME's goal as bamboo becomes a mainstream building material

Anything wood can build, bamboo can build better, stronger, and more sustainably— and as we scale production we will be able to sell bamboo products for the same price as wood products. This $1 trillion building materials market is in a stage of hyper growth, pushed to unprecedented levels of demand through a combination of soaring lumber prices and growing eco-consciousness.

Based on RIZOME's expected reduction in COGS as production increases

Our investors agree that modern development doesn’t have to be a compromise between ecological health and human wellbeing and creativity. RIZOME gives investors a winning combination of team, vision, traction, and competitive edge, along with the opportunity to be part of building a more sustainable future.

500 residences designed through our sister company, Bamboo Living

Our stellar team includes serial entrepreneurs, eco-specialists, engineering experts, and many more. Through our sister company, Bamboo Living, hundreds of  bamboo residential developments have been designed using structural bamboo which has perfected our approach-- and we’re just getting started...

We harvest the best giant bamboo in the world from a vast network of small farmers and indigenous groups throughout SE Asia. After splitting, treating, and bonding, our final product is long-lasting, fire-resistant, and earthquake-proof plywood and thick timbers—at a lower cost than other suppliers.

Cost advantage based on comparable US retail prices of comparable products

Your investment is helping us rise-up to commercially scaled production levels at a leased factory in the port city of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines.  This factory begins production in October and will allow us to laminate bamboo into 4'x8' veneers and panels.

In 2019 we helped fund a prototype factory in the province with a local contracted manufacturing company with our team embedded for day-to-day quality & inventory related operations. This contracted manufacturing company produced small batch production of bamboo slats exclusively for RIZOME which we sold to customers as part of our market development program.  

The company's next manufacturing center provides sufficient space for us to expand production through 2024—by then we will have one of the largest bamboo manufacturing facilities in the world. We will continue to work with contracted manufacturing companies in the provinces to source bamboo raw materials and semi-processed manufacturing inputs to our company operated manufacturing center in Cagayan de Oro.  In addition, in the 4th quarter of 2021, we plan to raise additional capital to develop manufacturing centers in other countries in S.E. Asia and the USA.*

*These projections cannot be guaranteed.

We believe world is on the brink of a bamboo revolution, and RIZOME is at the core of this revolution. By investing now, you get the opportunity to grow your investment in this exciting, rapidly growing market, while contributing to a more sustainable, regenerative, and equitable future.

An investment in RIZOME could offset your carbon footprint for an entire lifetime. For every investment of $250 or more, we donate hyper-efficient carbon sequestering bamboo clumps to our indigenous partners, creating a win-win-win for you, them, and the only planet we have. Join us!

