Invest in Pure-Light Technologies

5 Revolutionary New Technologies/Inventions...Just got their 4th patent with more coming.


reserved of a $50,000 goal


We invented & patented several Breakthrough Technologies that can literally change the world!
#1-We did a previous very successful Wefunder campaign just before Covid happened. We raised $260k+
The funds were used to fund patent filings, develop manufacturing equipment, and buy inventory.
We now have 4 patents, equipment that can do 3 million LED bulbs a month. and 100k bulbs in stock.

Our Team

Join and Help us to introduce our revolutionary new technologies to the world...and explode into the world marketplace.

Pure-Light Technologies is a 12+ year old small startup company located in Rigby, Idaho that has invented and recently patented several new Breakthrough technologies and products. They are seeking up to $5 million in funding to expand production and the marketing of these products to a national and international level. The potential is huge.

Here are just two of them:

1. SOLAR BOOST... A Solar Panel Enhancement Treatment that increases the energy output of solar panels from 10% -30%+, lasts up to 20+ years, can be used on New and Installed Solar Panels, and costs around $3-5 per panel to apply. 

2. Pure-Light Air+Surface+Environment Cleansing and Purification Systems integrated into special LED lighting. Anti-Odor, Anti-Mold, Anti-Pollution, Anti-Deadly Bacterial, Anti-Deadly Viral and yet safe for humans, pets, and helps plants grow better/faster. Does not use UV light or Ozone. Uses natural technology. Has been called the Greatest Environmental Green Product the World has seen in 100 years... perhaps ever.


IMPORTANT NOTE: The Pure-Light Super-Oxygen technology is not intended to, nor does it treat or cure any disease.

BREAKTHROUGH Technology that could literally change the world.

  • Could Pure-Light Slow Or Possibly Even Stop The Spread Of Deadly Diseases Like Covid, Bird Flu, Swine Flu And Future Diseases/Plagues That We Haven’t Even Seen Yet?

We had an idea, which turned into a dream, which has become reality and is on the verge of making a huge difference in improving the lives of everyone on earth.

 Over the past almost 12+ years, Pure-Light® Scientists and partners have been working hard-- developing formulas, testing processes, raising funds, doing Independent Lab and field studies, overcoming problems, to finally create the Revolutionary Pure-Light® Super-Oxygen® Technology that is now with 4 patents. Several more patents and product applications are in the works.

 Our first product:  


 We took a $1,000,000+ technology that has been used in the International Space Station to clean the air and environment for over 26 years, greatly improved it, made it last 10xs longer, patented it, integrated it into specially prepared LED light bulbs and made it affordable for earth use in homes and businesses. Now, after a long hard road, overcoming many obstacles and basically doing the impossible, we have multiple independent lab tests, recommendations from world class doctors, multi-year field studies, and 10,000 users in medical facilities, schools, homes, businesses, assisted living facilities, daycare centers, and more...who all verify that it is true.



The Pure-Light technology when exposed to ordinary, natural light, produces Super-Oxygen molecules, the same molecules that Nature uses in our bodies and in nature to clean and purify the air and environment. The technology doesn't use or produce deadly UV light or produce Ozone, or use chemicals making it the safest air & surface & environment indoor/outdoor purification system available(See our website for details on the technology)



Independent lab tests indicate that by changing to our Pure-Light Super-Oxygen LED light bulbs you can help eliminate deadly diseases like Salmonella, E-Coli, and unstoppable MRSA in the air and surfaces surrounding the bulbs. Other tests indicate that the technology can also help eliminate up to 99% of other deadly diseases such as SARS (Covid), Swine Flu, Bird Flu, Ebola, Legionnaires Disease, even Anthrax.



Mold is possibly the greatest problem that affects breathing and health in the world, especially for people living in high humidity areas, which most people are. Pure-Light can help get rid of mold odor and then the mold itself.



Pure-Light helps eliminate VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) which include odor molecules. This includes Cat odors including the awful litter box smell, Dog Dander and odors, other pet odors, Human odors including bathroom/locker-room smells, dirty diaper and urine odors. Pure-Light can also help eliminate deadly gasses like Carbon Monoxide and Formaldehyde which are also VOCs.



Pure-Light helps eliminate smoke in general and in particular Cigarette & Cigar smoke and odor including deadly secondhand smoke.



Pure-Light helps eliminate harmful and sometimes deadly smog gasses such as Hydrocarbons, chemicals, poisons, and pesticides in the air and on surfaces both indoors and outdoors. Pure-Light literally helps clean and purify the environment both inside and outside of buildings.



Pure-Light helps plants grow faster and better. We didn't know this but in one of our independent lab studies it remarked on this effect. Subsequent in-house testing (see greenhouse growing video on website) shows this remarkable effect. More lab studies and research need to happen to help further understand this remarkable aspect of the Super-Oxygen technology.



Many of our customers report that their pets love the lights and love sleeping next to or underneath them. Pet owners love the fact that the Pure-Light lights help eliminate pet odors leaving their homes fresh and clean smelling.

We have many outstanding recommendations, including world leading doctors, independent lab and field tests and a daily growing list of testimonials attest to the effectiveness of Pure-Light Lights.

 The potential market is huge.  We believe that in the future, our technology could be used in 50%-70% of the $119 billion annual LED lighting market, and eventually several of our products could be in every home & business in the world. The potential is unbelievably huge and could literally change the way the entire world works, plays, and lives...for the better.


Now Product #2 that is ready to market:


Solar Boost Solar Panel Enhancement Coating was developed through a collaborative effort by Total Solar Technologies (TST) (a sister company to PLT) and Pure-Light Technologies (PLT). A previous proprietary version of the coating was marketed and sold by TST for several years, now the coating has been enhanced and patented by PLT. The Coating will be marketed by both Pure-Light and Total Solar and selected partners.

The coating improves the electrical output of solar panels from 10%-30% depending upon the location of the panels and the environmental situation, increasing profitability $$ for the Solar Panel operator.

Four Reasons Why the World Needs SOLAR BOOST™:

  1. First,  SOLAR BOOST™ increases the receptivity of the solar panel so that it absorbs more photons, increasing the electrical output of the panel from 5% to 15%.
  2. Second, at the same time SOLAR BOOST™ eliminates static electricity on the surface of the solar panel. Static Electricity is what attracts dirt, oil, and pollution particles to surfaces, holding them there, and over time reducing the light reaching the solar cells. With SOLAR BOOST™, the panels stay cleaner longer, resulting in as much as a 30% increase in electrical output. 
  3. Third, SOLAR BOOST™ helps reduce or eliminate the need for expensive washing and cleaning of the solar panels, again reducing time and maintenance costs associated with solar panel operation. Less washing also means less waste of precious water resources…in drought areas this could be critical. The SOLAR BOOST™ coating makes the panel a self-cleaning hydrophilic panel.  
  4. Fourth, SOLAR BOOST™ helps protect the surface of the solar panel, preventing degradation and increasing it's useful life span. 

An Independent Engineering field study completed in Southern California demonstrated a 18%+ increase in electrical output over a 5-month period of time. A longer period of time would indicate that the energy output would continue to increase compared to solar panels not coated and thereby accumulating more dirt and grime on them. 

For More information:


  1. The next step is to raise monies to finish our EPA testing and obtain our EPA registrations so that we can advertise the anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-mold aspects of our technology. Also, so that hospitals and military could use the technology. Right now we can only advertise the anti-odor and anti-smoke properties of the technology. Our consultants indicate that it could take up to $300,000 to finish the EPA registrations.
  2. We also need to raise monies to begin serious national marketing and begin operations/manufacturing on a larger scale. We have just started a small national advertising campaign with the Technology Guru Kim Komando (#19 on the top 100 national radio programs). We would like $500,000 to expand on this effort and make a larger/faster impact.
  3. We need monies to be able to fulfil large contracts. We have been approached by Walmart representatives to sell our light bulbs on their website and in their stores but backed away because we didn't have the monies to support such operations. We have other very large potential contracts that we need larger operations and support to handle. We need another $500,000 for this for operations and more inventory.
  4. To wrap it up, we are looking to raise an initial $1.25 million to get us moving forward to go from a small "skeleton crew" company to a larger national company with the staff and operations to make a difference. We believe that once word of our technology gets out there, and especially with EPA registrations, the company will have the potential to explode both nationally and internationally.


We have a list of over 20 more patents and 60 more products that we plan to file, develop and produce. We believe that in the future, our technology could be used in 50%-70% of the $119 billion annual LED lighting market, and eventually several of our products could be in every home & business in the world. The potential is unbelievably huge and could literally change the way the entire world works, plays, and lives...for the better.

Note: We have signed an agreement with an investor/loan group for a $12 million loan with the patents as security and pending multi-million contracts that they have for using the technology. The group is awaiting the release of their funds from Bank of America/NY. The terms are very favorable. However, we understand that this may not happen and so we are proceeding with Wefunder. If this does happen, we will stop the fundraising immediately and move forward.

Pure-Light Technologies mission is to introduce this new patented technology into homes and businesses that strive for superior environmental cleanliness.  We believe that this technology can literally change the world for the better, improving the way we work, play, and live. 

We also believe, and are working hard to make it happen, that in the near future, every home in the world could have 3-12 Pure-Light products helping to make their lives better. 

Pure-Light is an affordable and revolutionary product designed to eliminate a wide range of odors, from pet and human smells to smoke and harmful chemicals. It purifies the air, making it healthier to breathe, and even promotes faster, healthier plant growth.

With a lifespan of 5-10+ years, it’s non-toxic, doesn’t produce ozone, and requires no special installation. Portable, break-resistant, and priced under $100, Pure-Light is an innovative solution for a cleaner, fresher environment.

Pure-Light Technologies is poised to revolutionize home living. Within the next 10-20 years, Pure-Light products could become as commonplace as electricity in every home worldwide. Their cutting-edge technology not only eliminates odors and purifies air but also enhances overall health and well-being. With a focus on affordability, longevity, and ease of use, Pure-Light is on track to become an essential household staple, transforming the way we live and breathe in our homes.

Solar Boost is a groundbreaking treatment that enhances solar panel efficiency by 10-30%, lasting up to 20+ years. Priced at just $3-5 per panel, it’s perfect for both new and existing installations. Complementing this is the Pure-Light Air+Surface+Environment Purification System, integrated into LED lighting. It’s anti-odor, anti-mold, and anti-pollution, using natural, safe technology without UV light or ozone. Called the greatest environmental green product in a century, it’s revolutionizing clean living.

Pure-Light Technologies began in 2011 with the goal of developing a superior Titanium Dioxide (TiO₂) coating that enables photo-catalytic action in visible light, lasting up to 5+ years on light-emitting devices. After over a decade of research, including collaboration with a Senior NASA Research Scientist, Pure-Light Technologies secured four distinct patents for this groundbreaking formula, with more in progress. Originally named Total Solar Super Green, the company rebranded to Pure-Light Technologies in 2015 and evolved to Pure-Light Technologies Group in March 2024.

Pure-Light Scientists leveraged the concept behind NASA's multi-million-dollar Super-Advanced Air-Purification System, originally developed for the International Space Station. This system is based on Homogeneous Photocatalysis, a natural process that cleans and purifies Earth's air and environment. Discovered in 1967 and perfected by NASA over 30 years, this advanced technology has been used on the ISS for over 25 years. The Earthside version, however, is costly—$1000-$3000 per small-medium room, with annual maintenance costs of $200-$300. Pure-Light's innovation aims to bring this powerful, nature-inspired purification technology to everyday homes at a fraction of the cost.

Pure-Light Scientists have harnessed the advanced air-purification technology originally developed by NASA for the International Space Station. NASA's system, which is based on the natural process of Homogeneous Photocatalysis—a key method by which nature cleans the Earth's air—was discovered in 1967 and perfected over three decades. Since the late 1990s, this cutting-edge system has been safeguarding the air quality for astronauts aboard the ISS.

NASA's air purification technology was inspired by a natural process known as Homogeneous Photocatalysis. This process is one of the fundamental methods through which nature cleanses and purifies the Earth's air and environment. By studying and replicating this natural phenomenon, NASA developed a sophisticated air purification system, utilizing the same principles that nature has employed for millennia to maintain the planet's air quality. This innovative approach allowed NASA to create a highly effective system capable of purifying the air in the challenging environment of space, setting the foundation for advanced air purification technologies.

The Earth-based version of NASA’s advanced air purification system costs $1000-$3000 per small-medium room and requires annual maintenance, including component replacements and special wiring. Pure-Light® Technologies scientists spent over 12 years improving this technology, extending its lifespan to over 10 years, miniaturizing it, and integrating it into specialized LED lights. Their efforts resulted in four patents, making this advanced system more durable, accessible, and practical for everyday use, revolutionizing air purification for homes and businesses.

Pure-Light® Technologies scientists spent over 12 years enhancing NASA's air purification technology, extending its lifespan to over 10 years, miniaturizing it, and integrating it into advanced LED lights. They secured four patents for these innovations. To make it even more user-friendly, Pure-Light® incorporated this technology into specially designed LED bulbs, requiring no new wiring or plugs. Consumers simply replace their existing light bulbs with Pure-Light® Super-Oxygen® Technology bulbs for superior air purification.

Pure-Light has seamlessly integrated this advanced technology into specially designed LED lighting, eliminating the need for any new wiring or plugs. Consumers can effortlessly upgrade by simply replacing their old light bulbs with Pure-Light® Super-Oxygen® Technology bulbs, instantly benefiting from enhanced air purification and lighting in one easy step.

After just 45 minutes of being turned on, each patented Pure-Light LED bulb begins generating Super Oxygen®, which actively cleans and purifies the air, surfaces, and surrounding environment within a 6 to 20-foot radius. This innovative technology provides continuous purification, ensuring a healthier and cleaner space simply by illuminating your room.

Cleaner air leads to better health, and Pure-Light® provides a far superior and safer solution compared to other air purification systems. Unlike methods that rely on chemicals, sprays, smelly ozone (O3), or harmful high-intensity UV light, Pure-Light® effectively cleans the air without these risks. Additionally, the unique light frequency of Pure-Light® LED bulbs has been shown to enhance mood, making your environment not only healthier but also happier.

Homogeneous Photocatalysis is a natural, organic process that has been cleaning the Earth's atmosphere and removing organic VOCs for millions of years. Pure-Light’s patented LED bulbs replicate this process by creating Super-Oxygen molecules, the same molecules that nature uses to cleanse the environment. These Super-Oxygen molecules actively seek out and attach to VOCs, including odors, gases, harmful pollution, and smoke. Once attached, the VOCs chemically dissolve into harmless water vapor and chemicals, helping to renew and purify the atmosphere, ensuring a cleaner, healthier environment.

Pure-Light's patented LED bulbs harness the natural process of Homogeneous Photocatalysis, generating Super-Oxygen molecules that actively purify the air. These molecules target and attach to harmful VOCs—such as odors, gases, pollution, and smoke—causing them to chemically break down into harmless water vapor and simple compounds. This process effectively cleans and renews the air in your environment, providing a powerful, natural solution for healthier, fresher living spaces.

Pure-Light's advanced LED bulbs perform 7+ critical functions: they help eliminate a wide range of odors, including pet, human, cooking, and mold odors; promote faster, healthier plant growth; clean and purify indoor and outdoor environments from pollution, including smog and carbon monoxide; reduce cigarette and cigar smoke and odors; eliminate allergens and VOCs; and improve mood using natural daylight frequencies similar to those used in light therapy for S.A.D. Additional benefits are pending EPA/FDA approval.

Pure-Light® Technologies, based on NASA research, utilizes Homogeneous Photocatalytic Super-Oxygen® molecules that act as powerful germicides and fungicides. Hundreds of studies have shown these molecules eliminate harmful bacteria, viruses, and mold, including E-Coli, Salmonella, MRSA, SARS (a type of COVID), and more. Independent lab tests confirm that Pure-Light® LED bulbs can effectively eliminate these pathogens from air and surfaces. Pure-Light® is currently seeking EPA/FDA certification to officially announce this groundbreaking technology.

Pure-Light® harnesses NASA-inspired Homogeneous Photocatalysis to generate Super-Oxygen® molecules that effectively eliminate harmful bacteria, viruses, and mold from your environment. Independent lab tests confirm these LED bulbs purify air and surfaces, ensuring a healthier space for your family, pets, and plants. While awaiting EPA/FDA certification, Pure-Light® stands as a groundbreaking solution for cleaner, safer living.

Experience the transformative power of Pure-Light® bulbs in your home or business. These innovative bulbs, based on NASA technology, purify air, eliminate harmful pathogens, and improve overall well-being. We challenge you to see the difference for yourself with our 100% 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not absolutely amazed, return them for a full refund. Pure-Light® is the greatest breakthrough in lighting since Edison—worth every penny and more!

Pure-Light® is the most significant breakthrough in lighting since Edison, offering advanced air purification without producing harmful ozone, UV light, or using chemicals. These bulbs are safer for everyone, emitting low EMF levels and delivering powerful, natural air purification. Experience the benefits with a healthier, cleaner environment—truly worth every penny and more!

With over 10,000 satisfied users, Pure-Light® took a $1,000,000+ air purification system from the International Space Station and made it BETTER, LONGER-LASTING, EASIER TO USE, and AFFORDABLE. Our innovative technology is now trusted by businesses, homes, daycare centers, assisted living facilities, medical facilities, government buildings, and schools. Every day, more people discover the powerful benefits of Pure-Light®, revolutionizing air purification across diverse environments. Please visit our website to see more testimonials

With over 10,000 satisfied users, Pure-Light® took a $1,000,000+ air purification system from the International Space Station and made it BETTER, LONGER-LASTING, EASIER TO USE, and AFFORDABLE. Our innovative technology is now trusted by businesses, homes, daycare centers, assisted living facilities, medical facilities, government buildings, and schools. Every day, more people discover the powerful benefits of Pure-Light®, revolutionizing air purification across diverse environments. Please visit our website to see more testimonials

Studies reveal that indoor air pollution can be up to 10 times more concentrated than outdoor air pollution. Pure-Light® bulbs address this serious issue by actively purifying indoor air, reducing harmful pollutants, allergens, and VOCs. By transforming your home or business environment, these advanced bulbs ensure cleaner, healthier air for everyone, making a significant impact on your overall well-being.

Pure-Light Technologies has achieved $1.93 million in sales, selling 100,000 light bulbs to over 10,000 satisfied customers across North America. This innovative Super-Oxygen technology has impressed individuals, schools, medical facilities, government buildings, restaurants, daycare centers, assisted living facilities, universities, and businesses nationwide. With proven results in air purification and customer satisfaction, Pure-Light® is transforming environments, making them cleaner, healthier, and more vibrant through advanced, science-backed lighting technology.

Pure-Light Technologies began in 2011, focusing on developing a superior Titanium Dioxide (TiO₂) coating that activates photocatalytic action in visible light, lasting over 5 years on light-emitting devices. After a decade of research, including collaboration with a Senior NASA Research Scientist, Pure-Light secured four patents for this breakthrough formula, with more patents pending. Originally named Total Solar Super Green, the company rebranded to Pure-Light Technologies, Inc. in 2015, and in March 2024, it became Pure-Light Technologies Group.

