Invest in Prosperety Technologies Inc.

AI-enabled SaaS platform that turns everyday purchases into an interest-free cash advance



reserved of a $250,000 goal
Future Equity
 $5M  $4M valuation cap
Early Bird Bonus: The first $50K of investments will be in a SAFE with a $4M valuation cap
$100, $200, $300, $400, $500, $1K, $10K


$260,800.00 YTD 2024 revenue. $37,257.14 YTD 2024 MRR. 43% ARR and 46% MRR growth rate.
35,000 consumers - 30% monthly growth rate. 1,000 retail brands - 18% monthly growth rate.
$28.2T Global retail market (TAM) $7.43T U.S. retail market SAM) $2.0B of US market (Our Share)
Secured pilots with 4 Fortune 500 major retail brands. Signed 6 MOUs and 4 LOIs.

Featured Investor

Our Team

We chose this idea because we are currently experiencing the problem we're trying to solve and we care because millions of people globally also suffer with the same problem.

Prosperety Technologies Pitch Deck

The problem we are solving negatively affects 3M retail brands in the $7.43T US retail market.

We have a viable solution to a major problem that affects millions of consumers and retail brands.

We give investors the opportunity to access the annual Global $28.2T and US $7.43T retail market.

We can generate $2B in Annual Recurring Revenue by 2030.

The results of our private beta test as seen below, proves our hypothesis. that their is demand for our product.

We make mobile shopping more feasible for consumers with our cash advance and cash back.

Our team is very experienced in the finance, AI and digital advertising industry.

We are better than our competitors in so many distinctive ways that consumers appreciate.

Our marketing strategy encompasses our go-to-market and customer acquisition strategy.

We have a number financial and retail brand products in the works for release in 2025 and beyond.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to partner with us as we revolutionize the $28T retail market.

Join us on our journey to unicorn status.

