Invest in Open Secret

A film that goes beyond the screen to empower communities to protect children


of a $102,000 goal
Custom Contract
Return of Capital & then 10% of profits
$2.5K, $5K, $20K, $50K, $100K


Director/Producer has won 75 film awards, including Locarno, Palm Springs, Deauville, NY, Heartland.
Worked with Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, Stanley Kubrick, Drew Barrymore, Cole Hauser, Mira Sorvino.
Producers film & TV revenue to date exceeds $90M (excluding streaming)
Investment opportunity is: full return of Capital + 10% of profits for life of the film.

Featured Investors

Our Team

Opportunity - Fund A Film's Completion and Join A Movement Driving Change

Invest in a social impact documentary that could PROTECT CHILDREN FROM PREDATORS.

Global Release Plan

** AI renderings of Open Secret being shown on screens is by example, it hasn't happened yet.

Watch Our Open Secret's Trailer Below:

"This is just the tip of the iceberg...."


New Hanover County's School Board of Education Holds A Press Conference And Are Challenged By A Local Reporter about transparency.

Clip from Open Secret: "People Knew"

"If we don't stand up for children, then we don't stand up for much" - Marian Wright Edelman.

Clip from Open Secret:

The Reverend Dante Murphy explains how and why his line of questioning the school board of education ignited a State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) into the allegations.

We have a wealth of experts speaking up for children in our film, including Apogee Schools Founders, Tim Kennedy and Matt Beaudreau. Here's a message to our investors after being filmed:

Special Forces, Bronze Medal of Courage Recipient, Tim Kennedy and TEDx Speaker, Disruptor and Educator, Matt Beaudreau, Co-Founders of Apogee also support Open Secret.

Clip From Open Secret:

Journalist, Ben Schactman on the terror in the community to step forward and tell their stories.

Clip From Open Secret:

School Board Chair, holds a press conference about the child predators in her school district and is questioned by a reporter: "Why hold a press conference if you're not going to answer these questions that everyone in this county wants to know?" From the film, Open Secret.

What's Your Why? Tim Kennedy's "Why"

MMA/UFC fighter, Special Forces, Bronze Medal for Valor, Entrepreneur and Apogee Co-Founder, supports and contributes to our documentary, Open Secret - "What's Your Why?"

There is a global crisis and our children are under attack. We believe it demands our attention NOW! Lean in with us to take this film across the finish line and out into the world where it can raise awareness and provide tools for prevention.

"I have the greatest admiration and respect for the advocates we filmed, who dared greatly against all the odds to challenge the systemic corruption that traumatized so many children and their families. For me it's simple, their courageous efforts deserve to be witnessed." Filmmaker, Kerry David


Click here for Kerry's IMDB Page
