mEinstein AI - Use GPT & Monetize Data

Profit from your daily routine with GPT AI & a Web3 Marketplace

Last Funded June 2023




Backed by Energy Ventures Group, PE firm in clean energy and highly impactful technologies
Founder: former Global Head of IBM's Big Data, Analytics, and Cognitive. Co-founders: leaders in AI
CEO - 3X Entrepreneur, Founded Pioneer AI StartUp in LATAM. B2B Clients in TV, Tech, Insurance
2020 Market Size valued at $62.4B*. Forecast mE Revenue of $45M in Year 3

Our Team

For far too long businesses have used technologies to use and manipulate users in the guise of helping them. They have profited immensely while user's privacy, confidentiality and trust were compromised. We wanted to turn the table and return power back to the users. We wanted user's to have control, power and shape the conversation.

Power to The People: Welcome to our mission

Why mEinstein AI?

Wouldn't it be nice to have your universe of data in your control, create wealth off it and then use ChatGPT like AI on this data to help you with your daily lives!

mEinstein brings the collective power of AI, GPT and Web3 to exactly do this - give power and control back to the users over their data.

In the data-as currency world a.k.a “new oil”, generators of data i.e., users get practically nothing. Also, regulations are falling way short to address user ownership, privacy, trust, misuse and manipulation.

For the last 2 decades, large tech companies and data brokers have benefited from the use of mass technology by users, not only limiting at will the use of new life changing tech but also leveraging our data and privacy for their own profit.

Whether it's for marketing, market research, politics or other very unethical ways data brokers make billions of dollars by selling data but the users that generate it and put their privacy at risk are not given a single dollar for it. We are here to change that!

Empowering users to profit from their data

We envision a world where users own and monetize the valuable data that they generate and use AI on top of this data to help with their daily routine or life in general.

mEinstein AI is a data monetization platform that allows users to profit from all the data that they generate through a marketplace where companies buy data directly from users in an ethical and accessible way.

The platform not only consists of a Web3 DAO & Data marketplace where data sellers and buyers exchange data directly with no third parties involved but also a GPT3 based AI assistant to generate advice & recommendations.

  • All the data users generate is tokenized to generate ownership certificates to allow them to enter data contracts created by data buyers in the Data Marketplace.
  • If users' data certificates match what data buyers are looking for, the peer to peer system and our DAO smart contracts automatically take care of the exchange, sending users data to buyers, and tokens to sellers for their data.
  • Users ask for AI assistance on different topics (e.g. personal finance, family care, child education, home maintenance, vacations etc.) and get personalized recommendations and advice based on their personal data that they have created over time to sell in the marketplace.

mEinstein AI is decentralizing and disrupting the Data Brokerage industry.  Creating a transparent data industry!

The Data Marketplace & DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization).

The Data Marketplace is operated by DAO smart contracts that allow all data exchanges to happen in a decentralized and automatic way. All operated through our Web App with no need for Blockchain or Web3 knowledge.

  • Data Buyers: Are organizations that create Data Contracts to automatically exchange data based on what type of data they need.
  • Data Contracts: Data Contracts are smart contracts created by data buyers to determine exactly what type of data they need. This could include demographic, likes/trends/patterns (shopping needs, vacations, dining, entertainment), firmographic (company user is working for, career, etc.), chronographic (moves/relocation/real estate etc.) and more...
  • Data Sellers: Can tokenize and get ownership certificates for the data they generate using the AI Assistant. With these certificates sellers can join data contracts in the Web3 marketplace that match their profile and data they “own” to monetize it.

Using the Data Exchange Marketplace users not only have complete ownership rights over their data as Non-Fungible Tokens but they will also be able to track each data package they sell by Owner ID, Buyer ID, Transaction ID, and Data Contract ID to identify verified data buyers.

Creating a traceable & observable network of data exchange that empowers the community and creates a transparent data industry.

DAO Features - (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)

A DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization that through smart contracts (blockchain-based programs that validate conditions) allows us to create a transparent, incorruptible & decentralized organization. Our DAO is created to allow the community to empower itself through the vote of AI evolution and Data Ownership:

  • Voting for the Evolution of the AI Assistant
  • Collaborating with Data to train & evolve the AI in exchange for rewards
  • Data Exchange & Monetization platform
  • Gamified Data Generation features (Data Play-2-Earn)

The AI Assistant

The AI assistant is composed of a conversational AI based on GPT3 that users can ask assistance on different topics (e.g. personal finance, family care, child education, home maintenance, vacations etc.) and get personalized recommendations and advices based on their personal data that they have created over time to sell in the marketplace.

The AI assistant can also help users automate their daily or recurring routine e.g. weekly baby-sitting, monthly financial advice, yearly vacations etc. taking into consideration a user's specific circumstances or needs.

The Task automation agent can automate and provide alerts and recommendations for house & car maintenance, family chores, travel and activity planning, personal finances and spending alerts among others.

It will also automatically connect product and service providers who can meet users' needs (e.g. car mechanics for auto maintenance, financial advisors for personal finance etc.) in the next release.

Some of the examples that mE AI can do for you:

  • can engage in open conversation on any topic like ChatGPT does
  • can analyze your cash flow
  • can detect if your diet is adequate
  • can help you save money on your car or home maintenance
  • can create complete vacation plans taking your family profile, finances and likes/dislikes, activities etc. into account
  • can advice you when you can fulfill a wish or desire (e.g. buy a boat in 2 years)
  • and many more...

Watch the interview with our conversational agent in action:


We come from vastly different backgrounds, continents, cultures, and languages but with 3 elements in common: 1) Passion for the technologies that define our world and the way they can shape our future, 2) Exceptional skills, determination & leadership to build amazing companies, and 3) Share the same purpose - to improve the quality of life, opening knowledge and giving back control to the community all through the power of AI.

Our team is made up of innovators, visionaries, VCs, AI engineers, data scientists, data architects, dev ops, marketing strategy specialists, brand image specialists, filmmakers, motion designers, and highly creative minds, all united under the same mission.

Market Size:

Data Brokerage Market Size:

The data brokerage industry generates over $200 billion of revenue yearly and continues to grow annually.

AI Market Size:

The personal AI Market Size was valued at $62.4 Billion in 2020 by (McKinsey).

Additionally, we believe there is a huge opportunity in making AI a transformative, general-purpose technology for the masses, with research suggesting that GenZ and Millennials will adopt AI-based personalized support.

Additionally, we believe there is a huge opportunity in making AI a transformative, general-purpose technology for the masses, with research suggesting that GenZ and Millennials will adopt AI-based personalized support.

How big is mEinstein AI’s market size?

Of the $62.4B total AI market size, mE’s direct market size is approximately $17B
worldwide. There are 4B mobile users worldwide, of which 2B are smartphone users – our addressable target population. Each user spends approximately 6.2 hours each day and uses 28 apps every month to address their personal needs. If these users create 7 decision points every day,  that would translate into service or product opportunities totaling approximately $17B annually.

Evolution & Current Progress

Going to Market

APRIL 2023

Use of Funds

Wefunder fee

Launch Beta 2.0: Limited Access

 - Upgrade to New developed UI/UX 

- Integrate new generation of AI's we developed

- Launch Beta 2.0 to Market 

National Launch:

 - Infrastructure

 - Marketing & PR

 - Launch Community Framework Beta 1.0 

 - Launch Decentralized Service Marketplace Beta 1.0 (Blockchain - Web3)


Please download our Pitch Deck: mEinstein Business Plan 1.1 WF.pdf
