2022 Report hobbyDB

Filed on April 27, 2023

Dear investors,

2022 was an exciting year for the business. We're now more than 580,000 members strong, including more than 2,000 Volunteers and Advisory Board Members. The hobbyDB App continued to gain traction with more than 200,000 downloads! We improved our marketplace and introduced new ways for our community to make money on their collections. Database Items and Price Points grew tremendously this year (all part of our Museum of the World Vision). We ended the year with a massive 688,461 Database Items and 5.5M Prices in the Price Guide

Other Database Milestones Hit in 2022 included - 

100,000 Hard Rock Cafe Collectibles
200,000+ model cars documented
New Category: Autographed NFL, MLB and NASCAR Helmets
7,782 new Funko items including hundreds of autographed variants

We want you to know that we appreciate all that you do year round. Thank you to everyone who has helped make hobbyDB better in every way this year. 

We need your help!

We'd love for you to get more involved! Here are five ways - 

1. Have a database of collectibles or know someone that does? Let us know so we can help ensure that the data is preserved forever on hobbyDB. 

2. If you haven't already, join the powerful Volunteer Squad to help ensure the data is always clean and up to date.

3. Like us on all of our social channels and share our news with your followers when you are excited about an update.

4. Download the App and if you love it, make sure to let the world know by giving it a 5 star rating.

5. Tell your friends about hobbyDB and invite them to join!


Christian Braun

Collector of Collectors & CEO

Ted Huffman

Board Member

How did we do this year?

Report Card

☺ The Good

  • The hobbyDB App hit 200,000 downloads. Traffic from new App users grew by 225% year over year.

  • Registered Users hit 580,000, Database items grew to 688,461 and we now have 5.5M Prices in the Price Guide

  • We introduced multiple new revenue streams that we plan to optimize in 2023.

☹ The Bad

  • The migration of The Toy Peddler took longer than we expected. However it added more than 70,000 new listings to the marketplace.

  • Site performance struggled towards the end of Q4. However we've already optimized our servers to ensure better performance in 2023.

  • Organic traffic did not grow as quickly as we would like. We are releasing multiple SEO improvements to ensure 2023 traffic increases

2022 At a Glance

January 1 to December 31

cash register full of money

$469,148 +6%


money on fire


Net Loss

i owe you note

$204,585 +47%

Short Term Debt

whiteboard of nonsense


Raised in 2022

money in wallet


Cash on Hand
As of 04/ 4/23

  • Net Margin: -54%
  • Gross Margin: 78%
  • Return on Assets: -105%
  • Earnings per Share: -$0.02
  • Revenue per Employee: $156,383
  • Cash to Assets: 19%
  • Revenue to Receivables: 1,125
  • Debt Ratio: 110%

We Our 1,653 Investors

Thank You For Believing In Us

loading investors...

Thank You!

From the hobbyDB Team

Christian Braun

Christian Braun

Collector of Collectors & CEO

Ran the world's largest set of forums for collectors and founded the biggest eBay business in Europe. Financed his MBA by selling collectibles and worked for Bain & Company and GE Capital.

Alexandra Lindsay

Alexandra Lindsay

Connector of Collectors & Marketing

Built a large ancestry community/SAAS business, acquired by a top three genealogy site. Worked for Forrester.

Christopher Caruk

Christopher Caruk

Crafter for Collectors & Development

More than 40 years in technology, the last 25 years in executive positions.


The Board of Directors

Director Occupation Joined
Peter Reschke Retired @ N/A 2020
Christian Braun CEO @ hobbyDB 2013
Ted Huffman President @ Addion 2020


Officer Title Joined
Christian Braun CEO   2013
Voting Power
Holder Securities Held Voting Power
Christian Braun 4,896,309 Common and Preferred 30.0%

Past Equity & Loan Fundraises

Date Amount Security Exemption
09/2013 $75,000 Common Stock Regulation D, Rule 506(b)
09/2015 $18,000 Common Stock Regulation D, Rule 506(b)
05/2017 $2,868,406 Preferred Stock Regulation D, Rule 506(c)
10/2017 $325,000 Preferred Stock Regulation D, Rule 506(b)
04/2018 $500,000 Preferred Stock Regulation D, Rule 506(b)
12/2018 $240,000 Preferred Stock Regulation D, Rule 506(b)
09/2019 $260,000 Preferred Stock Regulation D, Rule 506(b)
01/2020 $209,709 Other
03/2020 $20,314 Other
04/2020 $273,629 4(a)(6)
05/2020 $10,000 Preferred Stock Regulation D, Rule 506(b)
12/2020 $139,294 4(a)(6)
04/2021 $127,131 Other
12/2021 $50,000 Preferred Stock Section 4(a)(2)
03/2022 $65,000 Other
04/2022 $155,067 4(a)(6)
12/2022 $49,383 Other
05/2023 $88,882 4(a)(6)
09/2023 $85,000 Other
06/2024 $118,807 4(a)(6)
The use of proceeds is to fund general operations.

Outstanding Debts

Lender Issued Amount Oustanding Interest Maturity Current?
01/07/2020 $209,709 $19,948
0.0% Yes
EIDL Federal Small Business Loan
03/01/2020 $20,314 $0
Payroll Protection Program
04/18/2021 $127,131 $0
1.0% 09/30/2024
03/09/2022 $65,000 $0
9.99% 09/09/2023 Yes
Christian Braun
12/03/2022 $49,383 $63,003
0.0% Yes
09/05/2023 $85,000 $75,782
16.0% 09/05/2025 Yes

Related Party Transactions


Capital Structure

Class of Security Securities
(or Amount)
(or Amount)
Common Stock 23,000,000 5,704,764 Yes
Preferred Stock 15,000,000 10,616,093 Yes
Securities Reserved for
Issuance upon Exercise or Conversion
Warrants: 56
Options: 555

Form C Risks:

Risks Relating to the Company and Its Business We have a limited operating history. We have only been in business since 2013. While in that time we have gone from concept to a few hundred thousand users, our operating history is limited and there can be no assurance that we will be able to undertake our business plan for the long term, or that we will be able to reach profitability, or that our results so far are indicative of the results that we may be able to achieve in the future.

Changes to Legislation and Taxes Various U.S. States had enacted marketplace facilitator laws and more states might do so. We will have to be compliant when relevant thresholds are met and are currently changing our business model so that we are not regulated by these marketplace facilitator laws.

Our future plans rely upon assumption and analyses prepared by our management.

Our management has prepared assumptions and analyses that are driving our business plan. If these assumptions prove to be incorrect, or the analyses are applied incorrectly, our financial results may be negatively impacted. Whether actual operating results and business developments will be consistent with our management’s assumptions and analyses depend on a number of factors, many of which are outside our control, including, but not limited to:

- Whether we can obtain sufficient capital to sustain and grow its business - Our ability to manage the company’s growth - Whether we can manage relationships with key vendors that are needed to provide our services - Competition - Our ability to retain existing key management, to integrate future hires and to attract, retain and motivate qualified personnel - The overall strength and stability of domestic and international economies - Consumer spending habits

You will not have significant influence on the management of the company.

The day to day management, as well as big-picture decisions, will be made exclusively by our executive officers and directors. You will have a very limited ability, if at all, to vote on issues of company management and will not have the right or power to take part in the management of the company and will not be represented on the board of directors of the company. Accordingly, no person should purchase our stock unless he or she is willing to entrust all aspects of management to our executive officers and directors.

Our future success depends on the efforts of a small management team. The loss of services of the members of the management team may have an adverse effect on the company. There can be no assurance that we will be successful in attracting and retaining other personnel we require to successfully grow our business.

An investment in our securities is speculative and there can be no assurance of any return on investment.

Investors will be subject to substantial risks involved in an investment in the company, including the risk of losing their entire investment. An investment in our securities is speculative and may not result in a positive return. Investors should only invest an amount that they are willing to lose entirely.

We have historically experienced net operating losses and may not be consistently profitable for the foreseeable future.

We have experienced past net operating losses since inception of hobbyDB and we may continue to see such losses as we undertake our business plan. While we anticipate that we will eventually get to consistent profitability, we cannot guarantee that result and we do not have the operational history to support any assumption about future profitability.

We operate in a highly competitive space and competition presents an ongoing threat to the success of our business. There have been many entrants trying to reach sub-segments of our target audience and provide similar services. Additionally, we recognize that the large ecommerce firms such as Amazon or eBay might move into our field, potentially disrupting the space. Those large platforms have access to greater financial, technical, and marketing resources, which we may not be able to contend with.

Our business depends on our ability to maintain and scale our technical infrastructure.

Our reputation and ability to attract, retain, and serve our users depend on the reliable performance of our site and its underlying technical infrastructure. Our systems may not be adequately designed with the necessary reliability and redundancy to avoid performance delays or outages that could be harmful to our business. If hobbyDB is unavailable when users attempt to access it, users may not continue using our services.

Computer malware, viruses, hacking, phishing attacks, and spamming could harm our business.

As social-network hosting information that may be used to identify users and their networks, we may be the subject of computer malware, viruses, hacking, phishing attacks, and spamming. Should we be unable to effectively manage these attacks and threats to user information, we may experience harm to our reputation and our ability to retain existing users and attract new users.

The SEC requires that we identify risks that are specific to our business and financial condition. We are still subject to all the same risks that all companies in our business, and all companies in the economy, are exposed to. These include risks relating to economic downturns, political and economic events and technological developments (such as hacking and the ability to prevent hacking). You should consider general risks as well as specific risks when deciding whether to invest.

Description of Securities for Prior Reg CF Raise

Additional issuances of securities. Following the Investor’s investment in the Company, the Company may sell interests to additional investors, which will dilute the percentage interest of the Investor in the Company. The Investor may have the opportunity to increase its investment in the Company in such a transaction, but such opportunity cannot be assured. The amount of additional financing needed by the Company, if any, will depend upon the maturity and objectives of the Company. The declining of an opportunity or the inability of the Investor to make a follow-on investment, or the lack of an opportunity to make such a follow-on investment, may result in substantial dilution of the Investor’s interest in the Company.

Issuer repurchases of securities. The Company may have authority to repurchase its securities from shareholders, which may serve to decrease any liquidity in the market for such securities, decrease the percentage interests held by other similarly situated investors to the Investor, and create pressure on the Investor to sell its securities to the Company concurrently.

A sale of the issuer or of assets of the issuer. As a minority owner of the Company, the Investor will have limited or no ability to influence a potential sale of the Company or a substantial portion of its assets. Thus, the Investor will rely upon the executive management of the Company and the Board of Directors of the Company to manage the Company so as to maximize value for shareholders. Accordingly, the success of the Investor’s investment in the Company will depend in large part upon the skill and expertise of the executive management of the Company and the Board of Directors of the Company. If the Board Of Directors of the Company authorizes a sale of all or a part of the Company, or a disposition of a substantial portion of the Company’s assets, there can be no guarantee that the value received by the Investor, together with the fair market estimate of the value remaining in the Company, will be equal to or exceed the value of the Investor’s initial investment in the Company.

Transactions with related parties. The Investor should be aware that there will be occasions when the Company may encounter potential conflicts of interest in its operations. On any issue involving conflicts of interest, the executive management and Board of Directors of the Company will be guided by their good faith judgement as to the Company’s best interests. The Company may engage in transactions with affiliates, subsidiaries or other related parties, which may be on terms which are not arm’s-length, but will be in all cases consistent with the duties of the management of the Company to its shareholders. By acquiring an interest in the Company, the Investor will be deemed to have acknowledged the existence of any such actual or potential conflicts of interest and to have waived any claim with respect to any liability arising from the existence of any such conflict of interest.

Minority Ownership

An Investor in the Company will likely hold a minority position in the Company, and thus be limited as to its ability to control or influence the governance and operations of the Company.

The marketability and value of the Investor’s interest in the Company will depend upon many factors outside the control of the Investor. The Company will be managed by its officers and be governed in accordance with the strategic direction and decision-making of its Board Of Directors, and the Investor will have no independent right to name or remove an officer or member of the Board Of Directors of the Company.

Following the Investor’s investment in the Company, the Company may sell interests to additional investors, which will dilute the percentage interest of the Investor in the Company. The Investor may have the opportunity to increase its investment in the Company in such a transaction, but such opportunity cannot be assured.

The amount of additional financing needed by the Company, if any, will depend upon the maturity and objectives of the Company. The declining of an opportunity or the inability of the Investor to make a follow-on investment, or the lack of an opportunity to make such a follow-on investment, may result in substantial dilution of the Investor’s interest in the Company.

Exercise of Rights Held by Principal Shareholders

As holders of a majority-in-interest of voting rights in the Company,  the shareholders  may make decisions with which the Investor disagrees, or that negatively affect the value of the Investor's securities in the Company, and the Investor will have no recourse to change these decisions. The Investor's interests may conflict with those of other investors, and there is no guarantee that the Company will develop in a way that is optimal for or advantageous to the Investor.

For example,  the shareholders  may change the terms of the Articles of Incorporation for the company, change the terms of securities issued by the Company, change the management of the Company, and even force out minority holders of securities.  The shareholders  may make changes that affect the tax treatment of the Company in ways that are unfavorable to you but favorable to them. They may also vote to engage in new offerings and/or to register certain of the Company's securities in a way that negatively affects the value of the securities the Investor owns. Other holders of securities of the Company may also have access to more information than the Investor, leaving the Investor at a disadvantage with respect to any decisions regarding the securities he or she owns. The shareholders  have the right to redeem their securities at any time.  Shareholders  could decide to force the Company to redeem their  securities  at a time that is not favorable to the Investor and is damaging to the Company. Investors' exit may affect the value of the Company and/or its viability. In cases where the rights of holders of convertible debt, SAFES, or other outstanding options or warrants are exercised, or if new awards are granted under our equity compensation plans, an Investor's interests in the Company may be diluted. This means that the pro-rata portion of the Company represented by the Investor's securities will decrease, which could also diminish the Investor's voting and/or economic rights. In addition, as discussed above, if a majority-in-interest of holders of securities with voting rights cause the Company to issue additional stock, an Investor's interest will typically also be diluted.

Based on the risks described above, the Investor could lose all or part of his or her investment in the securities in this offering, and may never see positive returns.

Restrictions on Transfer

The securities offered via Regulation Crowdfunding may not be transferred by any purchaser of such securities during the one year period beginning when the securities were issued, unless such securities are transferred:

  • to the issuer;
  • to an accredited investor
  • as part of an offering registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; or
  • to a member of the family of the purchaser or the equivalent, to a trust controlled by the purchaser, to a trust created for the benefit of a member of the family of the purchaser or the equivalent, or in connection with the death or divorce of the purchaser or other similar circumstance.

Valuation Methodology for Prior Reg CF Raise

The offering price for the securities offered pursuant to this Form C has been determined arbitrarily by the Company, and does not necessarily bear any relationship to the Company's book value, assets, earnings or other generally accepted valuation criteria. In determining the offering price, the Company did not employ investment banking firms or other outside organizations to make an independent appraisal or evaluation. Accordingly, the offering price should not be considered to be indicative of the actual value of the securities offered hereby.

In the future, we will perform valuations of our common stock that take into account factors such as the following:

  1. unrelated third party valuations of our common stock;
  2. the price at which we sell other securities, such as convertible debt or preferred Stock, in light of the rights, preferences and privileges of our those securities relative to those of our common stock;
  3. our results of operations, financial position and capital resources;
  4. current business conditions and projections;
  5. the lack of marketability of our common stock;
  6. the hiring of key personnel and the experience of our management;
  7. the introduction of new products;
  8. the risk inherent in the development and expansion of our products;
  9. our stage of development and material risks related to our business;
  10. the likelihood of achieving a liquidity event, such as an initial public offering or a sale of our company given the prevailing market conditions and the nature and history of our business;
  11. industry trends and competitive environment;
  12. trends in consumer spending, including consumer confidence;
  13. overall economic indicators, including gross domestic product, employment, inflation and interest rates; and
  14. the general economic outlook.

We will analyze factors such as those described above using a combination of financial and market-based methodologies to determine our business enterprise value. For example, we may use methodologies that assume that businesses operating in the same industry will share similar characteristics and that the Company's value will correlate to those characteristics, and/or methodologies that compare transactions in similar securities issued by us that were conducted in the market.


Hobbydb Corp
  • Delaware Corporation
  • Organized October 2013
  • 3 employees
1500 S Vona Ct
Superior CO 80027 https://www.hobbydb.com

Business Description

Refer to the hobbyDB profile.

EDGAR Filing

The Securities and Exchange Commission hosts the official version of this annual report on their EDGAR web site. It looks like it was built in 1989.

Compliance with Prior Annual Reports

hobbyDB is current with all reporting requirements under Rule 202 of Regulation Crowdfunding.

All prior investor updates

You can refer to the company's updates page to view all updates to date. Updates are for investors only and will require you to log in to the Wefunder account used to make the investment.

Say Hello!

Questions? Ideas? Love Letters?