Help Texts

Expert, evidence-based, grief and mental health support. Via text.

Last Funded October 2023


raised from 62 investors


1st in the world to publish data on text-based bereavement care. Data shows 95% acceptability rate.
High retention rate. 86% of subscribers choose to continue receiving texts for 12+ months.
Growing demand. 4x'd the number of text messages sent from 2022 to 2023.
Head of Product led Facebook's Memorialization team.

Our Team

Help Texts

The need for expert mental health support is overwhelming. Our mental health and health care infrastructure can’t meet the demand for quality, expert care.Our systems were struggling even before the pandemic. Now we have escalating mortality rates, a healthcare staffing crisis, and a healthcare infrastructure taxed and weakened at a time when demand for mental health support is the highest we’ve ever seen it. The data is clear. But we don't need data to tell us that people are struggling. We all have friends and family in need of support.Help Texts are a scalable, affordable way to meet the demand for quality, expert, grief, mental health and caregiver support.Every subscription includes a full year of personalized support, as well as tips and date reminders for people who want to help, but may not be sure how.Text support breaks through every barrier to equitable, accessible mental healthcare. From geography to technology, language, time, cost and cultural sensitivity, text messagingcuts through hurdles and gets impactful support straight into people's hands. All year long.Our platform is scalable and expandable. We have 2 new products launching this year, and many more on the horizon for 2024. 90% of our revenue comes from B2B sales.Subscribers get a full year of expert support for less than the cost of a single therapy session.Organizations benefit from volume discounts when they purchase packages of subscriptions.Help Texts has customers in 9 different markets, including healthcare and government. And we're just getting started. We have a strong sales pipeline in existing and new verticals.We're growing quickly, as more and more organizations purchase subscriptions for their patients, clients, bereaved family members, employees and more. Help Texts are available worldwide.Earlier this year we were the first in the world to publish data on grief-informed texting. We have a small but mighty team, all deeply passionate about supporting people when life gets hard.We work with world-leading experts in grief, caregiving, burnout and end-of-life.

Help Texts really work! Survey data consistently shows 95% acceptability and 86% full year retention rates. Our acceptability rates are even higher with men and people aged 65+, two populations that are traditionally hard to reach.Our sky high acceptability and retention rates are getting the attention of the world's leading bereavement researchers who recognize the potential for grief-informed texting to be the world's first public health intervention for bereavement, effectively supporting both low and moderate risk grievers.

And grief is just the beginning. With our global data set we can advance the study of grief and also the study of emotions and resilience more broadly, using AI. Subscribers share their gratitude and tell us - all day, every day - how much our support means to them. We're excited to offer our community of clients, subscribers, followers and supporters the opportunity to own a part of Help Texts. Thank you for considering an investment in Help Texts. We appreciate you!
