Invest in Example Profile (Remove Inc. / Co. etc)

What your company does – as simply put as possible



reserved of a $50,000 goal
Future Equity
$1M valuation cap
$250, $500, $1K, $10K


Each point here should elicit an "OH WOW!" reaction from anyone reading it. List best ones first
Metrics. "We have $-- in revenue, doubled since last year." is better than "We're growing fast."
More metrics! "# of customers, including X, Y, and Z. Growing 10% month-over-month."
Previously raised $ from # investors. Mention any notable investors.

Featured Investor

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This answer is important as it appears below your video. How did you come up with this idea? Are you solving a problem you experienced? If so, please do share!

A punchy hook. How, specifically, is your company changing lives? The world? 3 sentences — max.

Describe the problem your company is solving and how your product/service solves it. Use an example if you think most investors are viscerally unfamiliar with the problem. Summarize your solution in one sentence. Also include 2-3 of the strongest selling points about your business — ie. accelerator experience, most impressive metrics, amount raised last year. This opening paragraph should be, at most, 4 sentences 

Point #1 — The most important point in 1 sentence.

3 lines of text to supplement it TOPS.

Point #2 — The 2nd most important point in 1 sentence.

3 lines of text to supplement it TOPS.

Point #3 — The 3rd most important point in 1 sentence.

3 lines of text to supplement it TOPS.

Point #4 — The 4th most important point in 1 sentence.

3 lines of text to supplement it TOPS.

Point #5 — The 5th most important point in 1 sentence.

3 lines of text to supplement it TOPS.

Join us!

3 lines of text to supplement it TOPS. Talk about your mission.

