Invest in Dozen Diamonds

Putting automated investing in your hands, without the stress


reserved of a $50,000 goal
Future Equity
$25M valuation cap
$500, $1K, $2.5K, $10K


Completed MVP, launching this summer!
5 years of real money user data showing minimum 20% returns on investment.
Over 50 years of behind-the-scenes institutional investment and human psychology experience.
Patent-Pending Algorithm and Machine Learning Technology

Our Team

Discover financial wellness with the first automated trading strategy made for humans.

Markets fluctuate constantly, resulting in stress and anxiety for the retail trader. 

Volatility has been associated with risk by institutional investors, but now serves as an opportunity for retail investors. At it's most basic, our automated Stressless Trading Method sells stocks for a higher price than you bought them.

Users simply choose up to 12 stocks for their portfolio, and the Stressless Trading Method goes to work.

A PhD in Biomedical Engineering and decades in data science and finance, Dr. Aggarwal sought to understand how stress informs high impact decisions for common investors.

The result? A proven strategy that generates extra cash while protecting the initial investment, all in an easy to use app. No stress.
