DoorBox Corporation

Secure Delivery solution to Stop Porch Piracy. Automatic Locking, Live Videos, Patented Technologies

Last Funded March 2023


raised from 66 investors
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Fares interviewed DoorBox Corporation on December 9, 2021. Play Video
Fares Ksebati
CEO of MySwimPro
says, "The smart home market is growing and this business has proven demand and traction. 1.7 million packages are stolen every day! Big opportunity!"
says, "Find a balance between B2C and B2B markets based on profit margin, growth potential, and customer acquisition costs. Keep up the great work!"

What Investors Say

Invested $25,000 this round
Package thefts are rampant especially during the holiday season. Consumers get alerts about porch pirates via Nextdoor feeds. Security cameras record these package thefts but do not go one step further to stop them. About 2 years back, I had bought my DoorBox via the company's Kickstarter campaign. Since commissioning DoorBox at my front door, I have received 100+ packages. It gives me a great peace of mind and have never lost any package since I started using DoorBox. I am looking forward to their next version of Smart DoorBox. Truly excited about the following features in their next version: 1. Motion sensor triggered cameras - one outside and another inside the DoorBox. 2. Anti-theft alarm and alerts sent to my mobile phone. 3. Tethering DoorBox securely to wall-mount 4. Unlock/lock DoorBox remotely as needed. E-commerce is growing exponentially across the globe. Securing packages during home deliveries is a huge issue in several countries. DoorBox produces quality products with their innovative designs. They are able to integrate several useful features at a relatively low cost. This will definitely lead to huge profit and ROI. DoorBox is well positioned to take on this huge market opportunity. I am very confident that this venture will be very successful.
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