Invest in Umbrella

The "Glassdoor" for Diversity!



reserved of a $50,000 goal
Future Equity
$1M valuation cap
Early Bird Bonus: The first $50K of investments will be in a SAFE with a $1M valuation cap and 10% discount


We will be the ONLY platform in the world dedicated to collecting unsolicited DEI insights.
We will be providing content on Diversity & Inclusion, curated specifically for unique experiences.
The founding team has 50 years of combined start-up and big tech experience.

Our Team

Help us create the World's First Community-Driven DEI Platform

Why umbrella by Diversigroup?

The Short Story:

We ALL deserve to have an opportunity to engage with a community of unique experiences and similar backgrounds, within demographic groups. 

The Full Version:

We are a company born out of necessity. 

We are all unique. We all have value. We all want to feel included.  

But have we all experienced a time, at work, when we felt like we didn’t fit in?

Not everyone has the same experience in the workplace. 

We got TIRED of: 

-The current review sites don’t take into consideration my unique diverse perspective. 

-If I looked like them, I’d be looked at like a leader, as a visionary. 

-If Johnny said it, it would be a great perspective. From me it seems like I’m challenging them. 

-I thought I finally found the perfect workplace, and in reality, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze.

-The feedback and reviews online look great, but that’s not the experience I had.

Without transparency and actionable feedback, companies cannot EFFECTIVELY invest in diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

It’s no secret that we all wish to be included. Millions of people want to make an impact, but few know where to begin.

Mike is a founder and entrepreneur who is passionate about creating a more equitable and inclusive workplace. After being a part of 7 startups in 6 years, and constantly being told that in spite of stellar performance reviews and producing exemplary results, he was not a "cultural fit" within an organization, Mike decided to take matters into his own hands and create umbrella by Diversigroup.

O’Farrell is Co-Founder and CTO of Diversigroup. Success and results are two words that describe him. He has held various positions in data analytics, sales, management, and web development . His experience in the tech industry along with a positive outgoing attitude has allowed for many past and current successes. Personally, he is passionate about learning new technologies and methodologies and constantly strives to further sharpen his skillsets. 

Thank you for taking your time in reading about our start-up! 

I look different, think different and sound different. 

I was not a "cultural fit". 

And there are so many others, like us. 

As we enter 2023, and there is an increased focused in DEI, a platform like this is needed.

With your investment our team will build and create umbrella by Diversigroup, the World’s first Community-Driven DEI Platform . 

Join us in taking matters into our own hands by investing!  

Thank you for your interest in investing umbrella, the World’s first GLOBAL Community-Driven DEI Platform .
