Invest in eServSol Corporation - Contractor Superstar

Our open & smart all-in one platform, connects Contractors with end users and companies


reserved of a $130,000 goal
Future Equity
$8M valuation cap
$400, $700, $1.25K, $2.5K, $4K


Two of the largest parcel service providers are already customers.
Our app is ready for scaling in 22 countries. We have currently implemented 18 languages.
We already offer more useful features in our app than any of our competitors.
Currently: 24 job order groups with over 450 subgroups. And there are more every day.

Our Founder

Why we do it the way we do.

Our origin story is quickly told, but it has a formative background, which reflects the everyday problems.

In our professional career, we have repeatedly come to the point of commissioning external service partners in a wide variety of projects and processes. And surely you know this sentence among colleagues: “Do you know someone who……… and can you recommend them with a clear conscience?”.

But once you have received a contact from a colleague or the search on the Internet was successful at first glance, the challenge and uncertainty really start: contacting, matching the specifications, finding the next available appointment, the uncertainty whether the technician is the right one, waiting for the technician to arrive, etc.

We wanted to change this time-consuming and uncertain process, and so the cornerstone for our idea was then firmly planted in our minds in 2022. Driven by the insurmountable problem of finding quickly available service technicians for commissioning, maintenance and cleaning for parcel stations, our vision & mission for Contractor Superstar - eServSol was born.

Thus, we developed a universally open & smart platform with local and top qualified service partners. Equipped with an active and focused search function, for an unparalleled sense of convenience.

Never again long journeys, associated with long waiting times and high costs. Always know exactly where the contracted service partner is currently located with my project and all with centralized communication and documentation.


This is what Contractor Superstar - eServSol stands for – easy Service Solution

Contractors need digitalization.

Contractors need to push ahead with their internal digitalization. We support them in doing so without them needing 10 or more apps. 

The market is giant.

The market is huge and we have to make sure that we don't lose and overburden small and medium-sized companies. Help us to maintain diversity among contractors. This is an important contribution to the future and economic development. 

Founder Thomas Becker

Finance: What we need / What we expect

A very well-positioned mix of usages and a very fair and optimal business model of the service fee.

Uncomplicated, fast but accurate...the Contractor Superstar matching system.

For us, a simple, fast and

goal-oriented process for creating the customer's order is important!

Step 1: 

Do you have an urgent job or do you have a little more time? 

In the first step, decide whether you need .... a contractor in the next 24 hours or not. 

Step 2:

Then select the main group and the corresponding activities will be filtered and displayed to you.

Step 3:

Set the matching. If necessary, you can refine the search and edit all 4 modules. 

1: Task

2: Certicate training

3: Requirements

4: Experience with certain manufacturers

This is not always necessary. Often you just have to select the task with a "tick" and you're done. You want to add a text or problem, that is also possible.

Step 4:

Select contractors from the matching and have them notified directly and automatically.


Follow the progress of your order closely.

It takes less than 5 minutes and is really easy or what do you think?

A lot has already been done and even more is already prepared.

No one combines as many features as we do!

The possibilities are "almost" endless. Through our active dialog with contractors, we know which features are important for the target groups. It is not enough just to simplify the quotation and invoice processing. With us, the contractor can also quickly convert his quote into an order and forward it directly to a supplier connected to us (DIY store, wholesaler or specialist retailer). Of course, an expenses module, time recording and employee management are also included. Just to say a few. 

A contractor needs to rent a large truck or a special machine for a specific project? No problem, this will also be possible in the app with just a few clicks. 

Can you feel and see the incredible possibilities? 

It's right in front of you! Become a part of us and join us on this amazing journey!

Book a meeting with the CEO Thomas Becker

Here is an overview of our investment perks:
