AI Driven OKR and Talent Acquisition Platform Devoted to Achieving Team Cohesion

Last Funded May 2021


raised from 37 investors


AI platform that successfully integrates talent acquisition & OKR performance results
Strong team with 30+ years in cognitive science and multi-million dollar exits in the AI industry
Performance Management market size to reach $11.2B by 2023 from $6B in 2017, growing at a CAGR of 10%
US Market Size for Online Recruitment in 2020 is $10.3B with growth of 8.6%

Our Team

Our founders have always been fascinated about individuality, diversity and the value that each distinctive and realized person can bring to society. We believe in a world where individuals are fulfilled in their work and empowered to maximize their potential.

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Most organizations don’t know why their teams underperform. The current talent acquisition and performance management systems in place are heavily subjective and biased. This leads to unfulfilled employees, insufficient processes, and high turnover rates. helps organizations achieve workplace synergy through cognitive analysis, specialized performance support, and AI learning. While most talent acquisition tools are isolated from performance management systems, unifies pre-hiring and post-hiring data in order to optimize for team cohesion.

What Is Team Cohesion?

At, we define team cohesion as consistent events that happen when a team remains unified while working to achieve a common goal. Having a cohesive team means that everyone feels like they have contributed to the overall success of the group while meeting all goals. We know that individuals on a cohesive team tend to focus more on the entire group and are more motivated to work towards the overall team goal.

Our AI utilizes Holland Code, the Big Five Personality Test, and inputs taken from our OKR (Objectives and Key Results) system to help predict team cohesion. Like any AI, the more data we collect, the more accurate our system becomes. We currently have data points for over 600,000 individuals and that number is steadily increasing. Our goal is to have data from 2.5 million individuals by the end of 2021. has two fully functional platforms dedicated to achieving team cohesion: The Job Board and the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) tool.

 The Job Board matches candidates instantly and without inherent bias. It’s the perfect solution for organizations looking to fill new positions and for employees looking for their ideal role.

Our job board is different than most because it utilizes artificial intelligence to place candidates based on the proper team fit, not just the skills needed for the position. We accomplish this through a series of assessments that enable our AI to determine the personality, intelligence, and values of each candidate. Once assessed, the candidate is provided with a list of jobs that best fit their overall profile.

Hire Candidates Faster
The hiring process can be very time consuming for an in-house team. Our algorithm assesses every applicant against every job vacancy utilizing our revolutionary KITE assessment framework. Accomplishing in seconds, what would take an HR team many hours to complete.

Reduce Costs

Health care, 401k retirement plans, sick days, vacation pay, and employer taxes are just a few of the costs included with each additional member you have on your HR staff. Our system will give you the best candidates for the open positions, leaving your team with less work and allowing you to be successful with a smaller in-house HR team.

Hire Based On Skills & Team Cohesion

Our AI helps select the right candidates for the job, matching for not just the necessary skills but also the best personality and values to fit the team. This will ultimately lead to more cohesive teams and improve the overall success of the organization.

Save On Training & Reduce Hiring Risk

Training new employees requires a significant investment of both time and costs. Our algorithm finds the best candidates for every facet of the position, saving your management team many hours of training. Having the right person in the position, both in skills and cohesion, increases retention rates, reducing many of the risks associated with new hires.

These are just some of the many benefits of utilizing the Job Board. Our team is always working hard to improve our features and our AI is constantly learning.

The OKR (Objectives & Key Results) tool utilizes artificial intelligence learning to develop strategies and process objectives that align both the team and the organization. Our software is used to build out these strategies and track each objective involved.

Results are Concise & Consistent
Our AI helps you determine the right employees for hire, promotion, transfer, and many other actions through our proprietary KITE assessment framework. This ensures the internal move you are making is concise and consistent.

Tracked Results Motivate Employees

Success rate is tracked individually for each employee. This motivates employees to reach their goals at a much higher rate. Our OKR utilizes objective performance results to identify those who are outstanding, allowing management to properly reward these people with raises, bonuses, promotions, or whatever positive benefit they see fit. This sets the precedent that the organization rewards achievement, motivating employees to increase their performance.

Improved Morale & Retention Rates

Team cohesion leads to a more loyal workforce, improves morale, and increases retention rates. These improvements make for a more pleasant workplace and output per hour worked should increase, cutting labor costs.

Determines Gaps & Training Needs

Accurate evaluation can help even the best employees improve. Our AI can spot employees who need training. New hires and tenured employees can both benefit from this process. Our AI helps organizations fill the gaps where an employee may be struggling. Many times the gap causing a performance issue is unnoticed by the manager in charge but can easily be fixed with the proper training.

Eliminates Firing Risks

Employees who need to be let go can be spotted with more certainty through our OKR system. Management can use our system to identify the inadequacy and give proper reasons for dismissal. The organization and employee both benefit from an early end to a bad situation.

This is just the tip of the iceberg for the OKR tool. Our team is constantly improving upon our current system, adding additional features that benefit our users, and our AI is constantly learning.

Karl and Sathish. Two men, obsessed with enhancing people's core essence while contributing to a larger vision.

Their story starts in 2018. At the time, Karl was a consultant, helping Fortune 100 companies solve various problems. After over 25 years of doing this, he couldn't help but feel that he was not living according to his purpose.

"I wasn't leveraging my core talents and felt I was wasting time. I wasn't fulfilled," Karl said.

He desperately wanted to use his skills, interests and talents that he knew he was capable of thriving with. For Karl, these were Psychology, technology and entrepreneurial.

He knew he couldn't be the only one feeling this way. And he was right...

Sathish had been experiencing the same problem but from a different angle. As a lifelong meditation practitioner, Sathish was deeply fascinated about looking inside and analyzing his own cognitive processes. After years of doing this, he started to notice some repeated individualistic patterns in the decision process in himself and with others.

There were always some core attributes and innate abilities in a person which made up their essence, intelligence, talents, values, and personality traits. But there was no system in the world that objectively focused on enhancing these core attributes. The current education and corporate systems were all focussed on fitting people into boxes.

So when Karl and Sathish finally met, they decided to tackle this problem where it was most destructive in businesses who hire the wrong talent or aren't able to nurture their existing talent to thrive.

They decided to develop, a platform designed to help these businesses hire the right people, put them into the right teams and nurture them to thrive - in alignment with the larger vision of the company. 

At the time, companies designed for the recruitment side were all based around funneling people down and hiring the "closest match" - a game of chance... And the ones that measure performance, were designed to make it easier for managers to give feedback, but it was still very subjective and based on a very surface level understanding of the individuals' traits. In either of those scenarios, there was no way of pinpointing if and what was not working in the companies' hiring and team cohesion efforts. was born, the only platform that identifies the cognitive traits of an individual in detail and then uses that to pinpoint the right person for a role, to align their goals with the company vision or to give objective and relevant performance feedback.

That's why Bodha.AI is able to help companies build cohesive teams, every time!
