Invest in Asarasi Sparkling Tree Water

The Future of Water. Sourced From Trees.



reserved by 4 investors
Future Equity
$15M valuation cap
$250, $500, $1K, $5K, $10K, $50K, $100K


Distributed by BlueTriton (Formerly Nestle Waters) - as of August 2024
Produce Private-Label Probiotic Tree Water Seltzers for Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage
$1.8M Total Lifetime Revenues and growing
Raising up to $5 Million in New Reg CF Funding - $15 Million Valuation Cap With 10% Discount

Our Team

The World is Running Out Fresh Water Asarasi is a Fully Renewable & Sustainable Tree-Sourced Water Solution

The Aha! Moment

Looking for a warm, fun activity to do with his daughter in the middle of a Vermont winter, Asarasi Founder and CEO Adam Lazar decided to attend a maple farm open house. As the farmer went through the process of producing maple syrups and maple products, Adam witnessed thousands of gallons of maple water being discarded. After asking the farmer why he wasn't utilizing this pure, tree-filtered water and why his hard work was being unnecessarily thrown away, he learned that maple syrup producers use only 3% of the sap collected to make syrup and maple products; the remaining 97% is pure tree-drawn water that is not utilized.

The Opportunity

Tree Water is a new plant-source of incredibly pure, organic water that had never been tapped before until Asarasi was born. Each year, up to 1 billion gallons of pure, naturally filtered water is harmlessly extracted from living maple trees—an amount that could help replace the bottled water industry as it exists today. Asarasi has pioneered a way to carbonate, store and deliver delicious flavors of organic sparkling tree water to consumers around the globe. By sourcing our water from living trees, Asarasi has created the world’s only sustainable and renewable, bottled sparkling water.

Water Scarcity is Our Responsibility

Asarasi Sparkling Tree Water collects its water through maple tree taps, filters out the maple sugar and adds light carbonation and organic fruit essences and flavors to create an instantly memorable, one-of-a-kind sparkling water experience. With no sugar or sweeteners, nor chemicals, pollutants or radiological material that is present in all other bottled water, Asarasi offers the purest tasting and healthiest water in the world. Perhaps equally as important, Asarasi draws its water from trees, which means it does not take from scarce groundwater reserves—an issue for all other bottled water companies, which either take water from municipal taps or springs.

1 Billion Gallon | $20 Billion Market Potential

($20 Billion Possible at Wholesale Revenues Today)

Maple tree farms harvest 1 billion gallons of naturally pure, tree water annually. This new source of pure water could help replace the current bottled water industry with a fully sustainable, renewable and 100% organic water that does not draw from groundwater resources. Asarasi upcycles tree water that is normally discarded in the maple syrup production process and supports tree farmers as a result. Asarasi’s deliciously aromatic and refreshing sparkling tree water allows consumers to enjoy a no-sugar, organic, non-GMO and sustainable water that benefits both their individual health and our collective environment.

Tree Water Grows Maple Industry ~17,000%

By harvesting tree water, Asarasi has created a new value-added revenue stream for farmers that supports the future of our already fragile food system. For every ~50 gallons of maple sap harvested, ~49 gallons of tree water go to waste. By tapping into this novel ingredient, investors, consumers, farmers and the environment win!

Contracts on 100M+ Gallons of Tree Water

Asarasi intends to corner the market on the supply of tree water by the end of 2025. Approximately 600 maple farms in the USA and Canada produce 90% of the world’s maple syrup, harvesting 900 million gallons of maple sap, a sugar-rich ingredient that is processed into maple syrup. Asarasi currently represents 130+ of the largest farms under tree water contracts and intends to corner the market by representing 90% of the total maple industry by volume.

History, Traction and Revenue Pipelines

Asarasi launched its first product in late 2017 in the food service channel, and within a few short years was distributed in the USA, Japan (through Suntory), the United Arab Emirates within an estimated 1000+ retail locations. When the COVID-19 Pandemic arrived, Asarasi lost 100% of its customer base as the food service channel completely shut down during the first two years of the Pandemic. Not to be undone, Asarasi pivoted its business to the grocery channel and diversified its product offering from glass to aluminum cans and began offering private-label, tree-water beverages.

As of the announcement of this new Reg CF campaign, Asarasi is now distributed in the following accounts:

  • California by BlueTriton's ReadyRefresh (formerly Nestle Waters)
  • The Midwest throughout 197+ Walmart stores and within Northwestern Mutual office buildings
  • Nationally in ~170 Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage stores through out private label program
  • Asarasi is also and further offering our products through online channels through:,,, and other ecommerce platforms.

As of the announcement of this new Reg CF campaign, Asarasi is in conversations and working towards creating retail partnerships in the following accounts:

  • Asarasi is further working on expanding its retail presence and is currently presenting its products to the following retailers: Walmart, Kroger, Gelson's, Fresh Market, Tesco, Sysco & ShopRite

Asarasi Core Product Line

As groundwater reserves rapidly dwindle around the world, consumers are looking for new sources of water that they can trust that are healthy and environmentally sustainable. Asarasi is the world’s only USDA Organic water as it is sourced directly from maple trees. All other water brands that carry the USDA Organic label do so because their products include organic flavors or other ingredients at a proportion that allows them to receive that designation. Asarasi’s product portfolio includes: 1) Sparkling Tree Water and Mixers in both glass bottles and aluminum can containers; 2) Flat Tree Water in bulk sustainable packaging; and 3) Probiotic Seltzers and Tonics.

Asarasi's Sparkling Tree Water products utilize Organic Tree Water as the base ingredient and adds a light carbonation and organic flavors and extracts to create an incredibly delicious, one-of-a-kind sparkling water experience for consumers. Asarasi also offers unique functional beverages, such as our Probiotic Sparkling Seltzers, which provide consumers a gut-healthy sparkling water with 2.5B Colony Forming Units (CFU's) of probiotics per serving (a clinically proven "good-gut-health" bacteria strain called Bacillus Subtilis). Asarasi has innovated flat waters, kombucha, hard seltzer and has produced beers for Anheuser-Busch using tree water, proving that it serves as an excellent organic innovation platform for all water-based beverages!

By sourcing our water from living trees, Asarasi has created the world’s only sustainable and renewable, USDA organic, sparkling water, which not only helps family farmers become more profitable, but also helps alleviate the stress on the groundwater table from human overconsumption, climate change and drought.

Asarasi Private Label Product Offering

Asarasi began offering private label beverages to the market in March of 2023. By September 2023, Asarasi began delivering its first line of private label products to Natural Grocers Vitamin Cottage. Natural Grocers operates 169+ stores across the USA and has partnered with Asarasi to produce a highly successful line of probiotic waters--a first of its kind in the market. Sales of Natural Grocers' probiotic tree waters began in October of 2023 and have been successfully selling since that time to thousands of customers. The top-selling item is our Cherry Lime Probiotic Water, which has now become one of the top 50 selling sparkling water SKUs this year. Asarasi maintains a 50%+ gross profit margin on these products and the line is trending to deliver up to $500,000 in annual gross sales over the forward-looking 12 months.

Asarasi is currently in review with Kroger, Walmart and Gelson's and other retailers to provide private label tree water products to their customers. The private label channel of the Asarasi business is anticipated to generate 40-50% of the total gross revenue streams of the business ongoing. Asarasi intends to be the preeminent provider of tree-water-based beverages globally.

Purity & The World's Only Organic Certification

No other water can make the organic and purity claims that Asarasi can. Most of the bottled water that consumers buy contain both natural and man-caused contamination and pollution. Of all existing bottled water brands and available water sources, Asarasi is proven to be one of the purest in the world. Furthermore, as Asarasi is the only known source for plant-derived, tree-drawn water, Asarasi is the only source for water that meets the USDA Organic standard and the only unflavored pure bottled water product that is certified USDA Organic in the world!

Water: The Fastest Growing CPG Category

Packaged water as a category is the number one Consumer Packaged Goods category in terms of revenue volume globally, over any other consumer packaged food item. Packaged water is a $300 billion+ industry and growing rapidly. It is forecasted to become a $500 billion market over the next five years. Asarasi is creating a completely new Plant-Sourced Water category within the Packaged Water Category, with an estimated total potential wholesale value of $20 billion annually.

Packaged Water Competition

Of the hundreds of packaged water brands in the market globally, not one is certified USDA Organic, is plant-sourced or provides for positive environmental and agricultural impacts like Asarasi. Asarasi is a "blue ocean" opportunity uniquely positioned to be the leading disruptor in an antiquated industry, providing a sustainable alternative to traditional bottled water.

Targeted Consumer Demographics

Asarasi serves a high-growth demographic of eco-conscious and health-conscious consumers. Consumers are increasingly worried about water contamination and water scarcity, as well as environmental responsibility regarding bottled water consumption. Sustainability in beverages has become a platform for consumers to make better consumption choices for themselves, their families and the planet. This consumer trend, combined with the need for healthy, sugar-free/no-sugar drinks (due to an uptick in diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases), are leading the surge in demand for bottled and sparkling water. People drink bottled water for a tastier alternative to tap water, for convenience at home or on-the-go, for simple hydration, as an alternative to soda for weight loss and to focus on their personal health. Today's consumer is deterred by single-use, plastic bottled water, and the growth of the bottled water category is in premium water delivered in more environmentally-responsible packaging. Asarasi's water is the purest water in the world from a fully renewable and sustainable organic source, delivered in responsible packaging at price parity with other premium water brands.

Asarasi Collaboration with Anheuser-Busch

Asarasi produced two uniquely different beers with Anheuser-Busch, proving once again that the better the water used for producing beer, the better the quality beer that is produced. Asarasi provided its tree-water ingredient to create two unique beers with two of ABinBev's craft alliance breweries: Goose Island Beer Company and Wicked Weed Brewery. The result was two incredibly great tasting beers that were highly celebrated and lauded in their respective tap rooms. Producing the world's first and only "zero groundwater beer" with Asarasi tree water as an ingredient showed the versatility of tree water as an ingredient working with the largest beer makers in the world!

Asarasi: A Highly Awarded Company

Asarasi has been recognized for its work and products around the world. From winning $500,000 in venture funding from 43North to launch Asarasi's business, to winning a gold medal for the "Best Tasting Sparkling Water" at the Berkeley Springs International Bottled Water Awards in 2020, to winning the Anheuser-Busch 100+ Accelerator in 2021, we've had a lot to celebrate and plenty more to come in the future!

Invest in Asarasi's Growth

Asarasi is now raising its next round of Reg CF financing to fund its future growth, expand its team and market its products. Having grown 200%+ over the past 12 months from August 2023 to August 2024, Asarasi continues on an accelerated growth path. It is an exciting time to partner with Asarasi as we rapidly ramp up distribution working with BlueTriton's ReadyRefresh (formerly Nestle Waters) and other confidential strategic partners.

Asarasi is forecasting that the forward-looking 16 months will establish new growth milestones for the business, projecting 400% growth and a $2 million recurring annual revenue stream by December 2025. Asarasi intends to fill the forecasted pipeline with new branded and private label opportunities created working alongside our partners BlueTriton/ReadyRefresh, Natural Grocers etc. Asarasi has also been invited to meet with the Walmart Sustainability team and their private label buying team to discuss program opportunities with Walmart in October 2024!

BlueTriton's ReadyRefresh distribution makes an estimated 35,000 stops per day across a fleet of 500+ trucks to home and office customers in California. ReadyRefresh launched Asarasi's branded Sparkling Tree Water Seltzers in its California market in late August 2024 and we are excited about the new customer acquisition opportunities this partnership offers us. Asarasi is investing heavily in this partnership to ensure that Asarasi is front and center with their customers, capturing the large potential sales generated from this incredible distribution ecosystem.

Additionally, Asarasi's private label probiotic line for Natural Grocers rolled out in September of 2023 and has continued to perform very well over the last year. Natural Grocers is now selling approximately 1,000 monthly cases of Asarasi's private label probiotic seltzers and this number has been growing each quarter. Also in final review is a private label probiotic seltzer, aluminum-canned line for Gelson's, a well-known Los-Angeles-based chain of premium retail stores, which would also add significant revenues to Asarasi's existing volume in 2025. And finally, both Kroger and Walmart Private Label are now in the final stages of evaluating Asarasi's private-label product lines, which could potentially add millions of dollars to Asarasi's revenues annually.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

Below is a Frequently Asked Questions section as we commonly hear these questions from investors, customers, and fans of the brand. If you have any additional questions, we are happy to answer them and add them to the list.
