Ahead App

The Duolingo for emotional intelligence

Last Funded August 2023


raised from 77 investors


Fixing the broken $42bn self-improvement market, finally letting us become the person we want to be
Apple “App of the Day,” 4.8 rating (1000+ reviews)
Exploded to 75k users on minimal marketing budget (35x revenue boost), now doubling down on growth
Serial founders, raised $100mn, scaled to 400 people/$50mn revenue at e.g., Helpling, Casper

Our Team


We all hate when emotions get the best of us, when we...

  • 🤬 ... snap at our loved ones
  • 🥱 ... procrastinate instead of exercising
  • 😨... don't dare to ask out our crush
  • 🤯 etc.

But changing for the better seems impossible

Self-improvement products simply suck (insights from thousands of interviews)

Books, videos, and coachings only make us feel like we’re doing something for ourselves

But sadly they don’t help us become the person we want to be

Still, the $42bn self-improvement industry never needed to change - it makes tons of money: We still try (and buy) the next unhelpful product - because who wants to give up on themself?

But change is coming! The learning revolution has already begun…

Today, we learn new skills on our smartphones 📱

  • We always have them with us and look at them 90+ times per day
  • They can give us personalized, moment-specific, interactive, and fun learning experiences

They’re the perfect gateway to weave new skills into our lives!

Great apps already teach millions of people how to e.g., speak new languages, diet, or exercise

Now, Ahead finally lets us improve the most important life skill: Handling our emotions!

And people love their new pocket coach - these reviews don’t lie:

Today, Ahead already helps people overcome 3 common emotional issues:

🤬→😇 Turn anger into composure

🥱→🤓 Turn procrastination into productivity

😳→😎 Turn insecurity into confidence

With this WeFunder campaign, we’ll expand to all 10 major emotional issues

😨→🧘 Turn anxiety into tranquility

😞→🤗 Turn pessimism into positivity

🤐→😉 Turn reservedness into charm

😴→🧐 Turn inattentiveness into mindfulness


Revenue from app subscriptions also shot up to $65k (this happened organically without focus on growth/marketing)

With Ahead’s effectiveness proven, we’ll now bring it to everyone!

Each Ahead member already invites ca. 3 friends and family to the app

Members ask their loved ones for feedback during their 1st app interaction (we’re all curious what others think of us, Ahead gives us the excuse to ask!)

We’ll convert 60+% of referrals once we offer help for more emotional issues and an Android version (allowing everyone to start on their main topic will boost conversion)

We now double down on already profitable marketing channels and boost growth to >1500% in 2023, intensify work with parenting/relationships/career influencers and PR

How far will Ahead go? Well, who can benefit from higher emotional intelligence? Everyone? 🌎

Even today’s unhelpful self-improvement products generate billions per year 💰 (almost as much as Duolingo’s language learning market generates)

And demand is growing: As AI takes over analytical jobs, people skills become crucial ✈️ (especially Millennials and GenZs can’t hope for emotional intelligence to come with age)

With Ahead, no one will want to miss out on better emotion-handling skills! 🚀

Similar to Duolingo, which got half a billion to learn languages, or meditation apps, which quadrupled the number of meditators, Ahead will make everyone want to work on themselves!

Ahead reaches everyone with a smartphone: Apple’s and Google’s app stores form the largest consumer market in the world

After proving our effectiveness, we’ll now invest into growth

💡 Build more journeys to cover all areas of emotional intelligence

🚀 Further improve our behavior change engine (e.g., Android version, AI-based personalization)

🏭 Set up our B2B offering (coaches already use Ahead with clients, employers want it for upskilling - we’ll partner with coaching networks and perk/L&D providers)

Join us and our early investors - let’s make the world a kinder place!

We already have investments of $1.5mn from:

To set us up for future rounds, we’ve conservatively set our valuation at max $10.5mn (30% discount applied to the $15m valuation cap).

Speaking of exits: We'll bring emotional intelligence to the world - and won’t stop before we IPOed! 

Join us in making the world a kinder place!

Invest now!
