GHS Govans Construction Inc

Home Energy Grant Award $887,596

GHS Govans Construction Technology Solar Renewable Energy Advisor has been awarded to receive grant funding for weatherization/ renewable energy project we proposed for Grant Funding $673,855 Total project size $887,596

The Fresno Transformative Climate Communities $70 million dollar grant funding. 

The Community Steering Committee has chosen a final package of projects!

After much deliberation and discussion, the Community Steering Committee chose a final package of projects to send to the Mayor for the $70 million grant from the Strategic Growth Council to the City. The final package of projects was based on a fifth alternative created by 16 residents of West Fresno, who then sought and gained support from Chinatown and Downtown Fresno leaders. The details of the fifth and final package are listed below.

Final Package Chosen by Community Steering Committee on October 5th

Final Vote Meeting recording 125 of 126 voted on proposal #5


Project Developement

The TCC Process Team has carefully analyzed all of the selections from each of the 17 small groups that convened at Community Steering Committee Meeting #4 on September 27 in developing the four draft alternative packages for the CSC’s consideration and vote on Wednesday, October 4th.


The Fresno Transformative Climate Communities Collaborative includes a Community Steering Committee which will be meeting regularly from July through October of 2017. This committee is responsible for making decisions about the final package of projects that will be selected to be included in the City of Fresno’s proposal to the Strategic Growth Council for $70 million of funding.