BioClonetics Immunotherapeutics

Published on Jun 22, 2017

Getting Closer to Trials

We want to thank our many new investors as well are our initial investors and update you on our progress. Your investment is making this possible.

As you know, we are completing the final stages of development of our anti-HIV monoclonal antibody that has been shown in 5 international labs to neutralize the HIV virus in in vitro (in the test tube) tests against multiple HIV strains. We are now moving ahead to produce the antibody in the form that will be ultimately used in patients. To produce this form of the antibody (called the recombinant), we must identify the amino acid sequences of the antibody components – called the heavy chain sequence and the light chain sequence.

Our Clone 3 antibody is made up of over 1000 amino acids in sequence. Think of this amino acid sequence as the blueprint for constructing the equivalent antibody in the form for human application. From our completed research and analysis, we have confirmed the total amino acid sequence for all of the over 1000 amino acids except 18 – for these 18, we have a partial identification that is now being confirmed.

We have two labs conducting independent analyses using separate techniques to finalize the confirmation of the sequence. One method is called PCR sequence determination and the other is Mass Spec analysis. These tests are on schedule to be completed in the next few months confirming the full amino acid sequence of our antibody. Then, we will move to the conventional step of production of the recombinant - then to verification that the recombinant performs as the parent antibody, animal trials and then human trials.

As we have mentioned earlier, we have signed a Confidentiality Agreement with a world renowned biotech company interested in our technology. Under this Agreement, we are now discussing a cooperative effort toward conducting clinical trials subsequent to our current efforts.

Your investment is making this progress possible and we thank you for your confidence. We look forward to sharing our successes with you.

Liked by Micah Matson