Tradefox, Inc.

What is 600,000?

Published on May 24, 2017

It's the number of tickets Adele sold on her 2017 Australian live tour.
It's how much the 'King of Tuna' paid for a 212kg tuna in January, in Euros.
It's a murky, browny-red colour (#600000).
It's $8,422,046.51 today, if you'd held onto it since the year 1930.

It's also the number of dollars Scrap Connection has raised from 920 investors. $600,000. What a fantastic milestone!

A humble 'thank you' from the team here at Scrap Connection. Your belief in our vision for the scrap industry is incredibly motivating.

Our campaign is still open for investment, and we're looking forward to reaching our goal of $750K!