Two Patents Filed to Protect the Product

employee @ N1CE

Published on Jun 4, 2016

Last week, N1CE USA filed two major patents protecting our key intellectual property. These include both our methods of production and the way we package and present the N1CE Frozen Cocktail product. Together, these two patents provide the company with a strong barrier to entry against potential future competition in the frozen cocktails market. Additionally, the patents add considerably the company's potential future valuation.

"This is yet another a major step forward for N1CE, securing the company's future profits, growth and potential," said Thomas Van Hare, the company's CFO and Director of Investor Relations.

In technical terms, the two patents filed cover "methods" and "apparatus". Through detailed description of the innovations involved, these two patents protect the company's innovations from copycat firms and knock-off products. As well, the patents are broad enough to ensure that potential competitors, even the largest firms and big alcohol brands, will not be able to simply piggyback on the company's successful product innovations and attempt to steal market share.

Three other major innovations are outlined, though not yet announced. Together, these three other innovations will build on the company's flagship product, the N1CE Cocktail, and create three future revenue streams. This will diversify the company's business and provide enhanced future stability.

There's a lot more to come -- it is going to be an exciting year.