
Basic Phrases to Communicate with Latin American Customers

When you work in sales or customer service, creating a rapport with your customers is a high priority. Even simple touches like using a user’s native language can go a long way. Trust us, your customers will appreciate the effort. And we know what customer appreciation leads to: loyalty, word-of-mouth referrals and, most importantly, sales.

When your business can afford it, using a translation service like Unbabel is the easiest way to make your customers happy, but you can still use the tactic as a small business. As customers, we all like to feel like we’re appreciated small effort goes a long way. With that in mind, here are some basic terms for communicating with your Latin American customers.


Remember that when referring to someone as “you” in Spanish, there are two ways to do it: tu is the informal way, and usted is formal.

      1. Hello = Hola

        This is pretty standard! I think we all know how to say hi in Spanish, so let’s say it together: hola.

      2. Time-based greetings:

        • Good morning = Buenas dias
        • Good afternoon = Buenas tarde
        • Good evening = Buenas noches
      3. How are you = Como estas

        Como estas is pretty standard across all dialects of Spanish, and you can’t go wrong here.

      4. Apologizing:

          • Formal: Excuse us or forgive us = Desculpame
          • Informal: Sorry, or literally, excuse me = Desculpas

        Thank you = Gracias

        I’m sure we’ve all heard this once or twice, but just in case you need reminding 😉

      5. You’re welcome = De nada

        De nada literally means it’s nothing, and is another phrase that’s unchanged across Spanish dialects.

      6. Goodbyes:

        • Formal: Best regards = Saludos cordiales
        • Informal: Bye = Chau

Okay, now you’re all ready to make some small talk with your Latin American customers. And when you’re ready to commit to speaking their language, Unbabel is here for ya!

The post Basic Phrases to Communicate with Latin American Customers appeared first on Unbabel Blog.