Pit Liquor

How you make a difference

founder @ Pit Liquor

Published on Feb 26, 2021

Hello wonderful investors!

I wanted to take a moment to highlight a few things I want you to know about your new investment. We're so excited about the WeFunder model of investing and how it mobilizes a group of people around an idea. We're stoked to be in this with you and to see the ways we can grow Pit Liquor together.

If you are based in the USA, we want your help to get our Pit Liquor into more pits and we have some great programs in place for that. Any bottle of Pit Liquor that ends up in new hands is a great way to spend advertising dollars. 

You are brand ambassadors and we want to mobilize you to get this whole thing kicking up a notch. If each current investor gave away 5 free bottles of Pit Liquor each week to new people and then 2 of those people became customers with an order for our standard Average Order Value ($40), in a year, we'd show an extra $1.664M in sales. Not a bad plan. So here's how to help us move the needle and grow your investment with you!

1. Free Yoga Studio/Gym Pit Liquor

If you have a favorite place to get sweaty and that place has a bathroom, locker room, or freshen up station, we want to send them free spray deodorant for use by patrons. We will set them up with an account to reorder so they can continue to provide free deodorant to their patrons. We will also provide literature on ordering for patrons.

2. Give Your Friend a Free Bottle, Get $10

Did you know you can give a coupon for a free bottle of deodorant to anyone you want, as many times as you want, and every time a friend takes you up on a free bottle of Pit Liquor, we give you $10 in free Pit Liquor? Sounds too good to be true, but then, so does whiskey deodorant. You can use that $10 on yourself, or, as an investor, you could give that $10 to keep the chain rolling to see how many hands you can fill with Pit Liquor. We have spent so much time perfecting our product, we really think the best thing that could happen to it is for it to be given to new fans. 

Shoot, put a reminder in your phone to give a free bottle to someone every couple of days and then tell them to do the same. 

3. Wear a shirt

We sell shirts and love seeing the brand repped in pulic. The shirts started when we worked farmer's markets and bought shirts to explain the brand, then people bought the literal shirts off our backs...over...and...over. So now we sell shirts.

4. Write a review

We're a word-of-mouth brand. Order some Pit Liquor and give us a shout out. We love that. You can review us on Facebook, pitliquor.com  

5. Share, share, share.

Sharing is caring. And online, that's the gospel truth. We grow by sharing. So if you share us and get your network excited about Pit Liquor, we'll grow, and so will your investment. 

We are so excited to be in this with you! Look for a video update from me soon.

And, here's our March Limited Edition, launching Monday!