PopCultivator Comics

Sunday Sneak Peek Art! Also... We're Blowing Through Early Bird Pricing! And... Should We Have a Talent Search?

founder @ PopCultivator Comics

Published on Dec 7, 2020

Here's hoping everyone had a great weekend. As we continue to spread the word about PopCultivator, we're delighted to update you that we now have over fifty investors and are over 1/3 through our early bird pricing. Once we pass $100K, it jumps up. Even better, once we reach $50,000, that will get us into the circulation of WeFunder's email blasts and promos, which is estimated to jump us from $50K to that $100K target very quickly. 

A lot of people have been contacting us and asking about submitting their own art or concepts, and we're listening. We came into this with a lot of fantastic talent ready to roll on projects, but see no reason not to allow an opportunity for even more fresh talent in the door. 

Speaking of talent, our co-founding superstar artist Jose Garibaldi, who's almost certainly worked on at least one property your kids, or nieces and nephews have been obsessed with (like Dog Man), leaked this work-in-progress of the project he's working on for us right now. This is far from the finished piece, and shows all of the thought that goes into creating a brand new character's first issue. Tentatively titled Ruby D.I.Y (do-it-yourself), about a clever young "maker", Ruby Diaz, forced to relocate live with her Aunt (Tîa Rosa) in the new town of Santangelo. Look for a special spotlight on this project in the future. Click here to see a larger version 

Liked by Tim Johnson, Luke Gartner-Brereton, Alex Lebon, and 7 others