Fan Owned Club

Fan Owned Club Board Accepts Ciociola Resignation

invitee @ Fan Owned Club

Published on Nov 10, 2020

Co-Founders Steve Paris & Trey Fitz-Gerald to Lead Efforts on Interim Basis; Fellow Board Members Dave Crouch & Andy Williams Seek to Expand FOC Board; Series of Full Shareholder Meetings Planned for November.

Late last week, Fan Owned Club, accepted the resignation of CEO Mark Ciociola, one of the Club’s original founding trio.On behalf of all Fan Owned Club owners, volunteers, employees and FC Pinzgau players, fans and staff, both FOC and FCPS would like to thank Ciociola for the vision and efforts that led to the creation of Fan Owned Club over the last two years, and wish Ciociola and his family the best of luck in the future.

Co-Founders Steve Paris and Trey Fitz-Gerald remain on the FC Pinzgau community “Verein” with Saalfelden locals Herbert Bründlinger, Christian Herzog and Siegi Kainz, with the quintet discussing candidates for “Verein” expansion.In early October, the FOC entity seated its inaugural Board of Directors, where longtime advisor Dave Crouch and North American football legend Andy Williams join Paris and Fitz-Gerald, the duo leading Fan Owned Club on an interim basis.The quartet continues engagement regarding the future direction and growth for both Fan Owned Club and FC Pinzgau, looking to expand the Board and clearly define roles and responsibilities moving forward in both North America and Europe.

The Board expects to convene a full shareholder meeting during November to divulge details on numerous sporting and business topics. Specific date and time windows for meetings will follow under separate cover.