Ad Fontes Media

We just released a new UI upgrade to our educational SaaS product!

founder @ Ad Fontes Media

Published on Sep 17, 2020

We provide a news literacy software platform called CART (Content Analysis Rating Tool) that enables teachers and students to rate news articles and sources just like we do at Ad Fontes Media.  

We believe that solving the problems of our news ecosystem requires a multi-pronged approach, and one of the most important prongs is education. It's one thing for us to rate the news to help people, but lasting solutions will require more widespread media literacy skills.

We launched our MVP version of CART less than a year ago, and we've hit several important sales milestones since then, having sold dozens of month-to-month subscriptions at $40/month and several full-year subscriptions at our $400/year and $1500/year levels.

We’ve achieved this with no outbound marketing and sales spend.

Our team has been adding features and iterating this software based on customer feedback, and now we’ve upgraded the look: Here’s a “before” and “after:”



Our team is proud of our ability to do a lot with a little. We’ve bootstrapped all our growth and product development so far, and we have not only been able to create an educational product that educators find highly valuable, but we’ve been able to continuously improve our customer experience of that product.

As a quick update on our funding, we’re nearly up to $90K raised! We hope to hit the $100K mark here very shortly to keep our momentum going.

We’re looking forward to what we can create next!