Manna Cooking

Manna in the news!

founder @ Manna Cooking

Published on Sep 15, 2020


The Small Business Network recently did a spotlight on Manna as part of their show ConnectSBN. You can watch it here:

We were thrilled to get organically featured by an outlet dedicated to highlighting small businesses!

Manna Press Release:

Manna recently put out its first formal press release:

Ycan also find Manna on a variety of media platforms focused on crowdfunding, including: Kingscrowd, Crowdfunding Guide, Crowdfunding Finder and Pitchbook. We’re excited as Manna’s visibility to the outside world continues to grow. Stay tuned for more press updates. We have some big things coming!

Crowdfunding guide



We're so excited about building momentum and awareness – and we need your help to build more. Let's do this together. 

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